Sonial's 52. Quality added

Catchup catchup catchup.... :(

I prefer your edit of play. Much better.

I really like the blue pills for Chemistry - simple and clean photo that works well.

I think I'm going against the general run of comments when I say I like Candid #1 better. The chap's smile is really genuine and it doesn't look posed at all. What a friendly looking chap. True, it does look like a posed portrait, but it isn't, and that's what's important. Your second candid looks "hurried" with the bar tap (?) taking up a big chunk of the scene and the glass at his elbow also distracting. it also looks a little soft to me :)

As to produce... It's an OK photo, but there's nothing special about it that grabs me. I'm sure that's just a personal thing though :)

Nice shot of the lambs Sonia and a different take on 'product'. Good focus on the eyes of the little one at the front.
As to produce... It's an OK photo, but there's nothing special about it that grabs me. I'm sure that's just a personal thing though :)

Sorry, Ian, I disagree. This cute little thing has such a wistful look - almost as if he knows he is "produce".

I am not vegetarian, but have a lot of trouble eating meat when I see photos like this.

Well done with this one, Sonia. I really like it.

I think it's a good crisp, clean shot Sonia.
The expression on the little lamb's face is just adorable and I want to say what a lovely, cute photograph . . . then the context of "produce" puts another spin on it, and I actually feel quite mean.

Not mean enough to go veggie though :LOL:
I really like your 'candid' shot as it seems to tell a story.
Your 'produce' shot is a nice clean image.
That's a lovely clear image of the lamb.. it looks sort of wistful... which if it only knew it was produce would probably be about right... Well done (y)
Lovely shot of the lamb - really cute. (I won't comment on its suitability for the theme....)
Catchup catchup catchup.... :(

I prefer your edit of play. Much better.

I really like the blue pills for Chemistry - simple and clean photo that works well.

I think I'm going against the general run of comments when I say I like Candid #1 better. The chap's smile is really genuine and it doesn't look posed at all. What a friendly looking chap. True, it does look like a posed portrait, but it isn't, and that's what's important. Your second candid looks "hurried" with the bar tap (?) taking up a big chunk of the scene and the glass at his elbow also distracting. it also looks a little soft to me :)

As to produce... It's an OK photo, but there's nothing special about it that grabs me. I'm sure that's just a personal thing though :)


Thanks for your input Ian....I always love how different people see different things in different shots...:LOL: would be boring if we all liked the same things!

Nice shot of the lambs Sonia and a different take on 'product'. Good focus on the eyes of the little one at the front.

Thanks very much Lizbeth :)

Sorry, Ian, I disagree. This cute little thing has such a wistful look - almost as if he knows he is "produce".

I am not vegetarian, but have a lot of trouble eating meat when I see photos like this.

Well done with this one, Sonia. I really like it.


Hehe thanks very much Jenny....I am alergic to food not on the hoof so I could do this shot guilt free ;)

I think it's a good crisp, clean shot Sonia.
The expression on the little lamb's face is just adorable and I want to say what a lovely, cute photograph . . . then the context of "produce" puts another spin on it, and I actually feel quite mean.

Not mean enough to go veggie though :LOL:

Thanks so much Sarah....I like the idea of going veggie but never seem to quite manage it....I do buy free range though and we have our own chickens.

I really like your 'candid' shot as it seems to tell a story.
Your 'produce' shot is a nice clean image.

Thank you :)

That's a lovely clear image of the lamb.. it looks sort of wistful... which if it only knew it was produce would probably be about right... Well done :

Thanks...hopefully of course this little one is a girl in which case she may not be produce for a good while yet!

Lovely shot of the lamb - really cute. (I won't comment on its suitability for the theme....)

Thanks Tracer :LOL:
I apologise for being rubbish once again this week.....MIL has been to stay(looking for houses nearby :eek: ) anyway 2 images for this week which together make-up Quad and a Reshoot of People. May try and do something else at a later date as this is a bit of a cobble!


Love these two images - the top one is lovely and sharp and they eyes are beautiful.:)
The second one is amazing - I love the crossed eyes :LOL: and how on earth did you get someone to put up with a moth on their face?:eek:

Oh I like, lots.
Who was the brave soul with the moth on their face !!

It's a clever take on the theme, both images are pin sharp & the processing is really nice.
Nowt to be disappointed with there :)
Well they're definitely NOT rubbish, so don't apologise :nono:

I'm not sure that they work side by side as a pair, but individually they're both good shots.

In fact, I think that the second one with the moth is superb.
I really, really like that - and what a moment to capture!
The PP is spot on, the crop that you've chosen works brilliantly and it's sharp in all the right places.
Love these two images - the top one is lovely and sharp and they eyes are beautiful.:)
The second one is amazing - I love the crossed eyes and how on earth did you get someone to put up with a moth on their face?

Thanks very much Lizbeth :) The one with moth is my daughter and I'm just a mean mummy :LOL: she didn't mind really. Gotta love her for going cross eyed though :)


Oh I like, lots.
Who was the brave soul with the moth on their face !!

It's a clever take on the theme, both images are pin sharp & the processing is really nice.
Nowt to be disappointed with there :)

Thank you very much Rob :) my daughter will probably kill me if she finds out I put this on here :LOL:

Well they're definitely NOT rubbish, so don't apologise :nono:

I'm not sure that they work side by side as a pair, but individually they're both good shots.

In fact, I think that the second one with the moth is superb.
I really, really like that - and what a moment to capture!
The PP is spot on, the crop that you've chosen works brilliantly and it's sharp in all the right places.

Much appreciated are right...they don't really work as a being lazy again......glad you like them individually though :)
Two really nice images this week, Sonia. I especially like the one with the moth. How did you manage to find a hawk moth at this time of year?

I must admit, I would not want one on my face, so well done to your daughter.


Hi Jenny Thanks very much :) I actually meant to say when I posted that the second shot isn't from this week which is one of the reasons I wanted to reshoot :nuts: The moth is actually an beautiful. I have seen a few moths this year but this rubbish weather isn't encouraging much to come out of hibernation :(
That last one is very, very odd. Like an un angry Incredible Hulk with an odd nose.

Of the options you've posted my favourite is the the 4 in post 97. Might have wanted the full eye on the left but the processing works well.
That last one is very, very odd. Like an un angry Incredible Hulk with an odd nose.

Of the options you've posted my favourite is the the 4 in post 97. Might have wanted the full eye on the left but the processing works well.

:LOL: Thanks Neil.......yes this was a purely for fun quick edit!

Thanks for you comment on the other could be right about the eye, problem was the 'getting' bored model kept trying to climb on my lap :D I liked the expression in this shot though...more than the others that were perhaps framed better.
I think the proper quad shot works well for the theme... I'm not sure it matters to me too much that your 2 year old is up against the edge of the frame here... There's something about it as is... I can't put my finger on it though..

Not sure on the edit... ;)... it all looks rather odd
Really like the baby in bath shot, great fun expression in the eyes. I you look closely you could also call it a candid as I can see you in the eye reflection!

I also like the second quad. I agree that the left eye looks a bit wrong cut off but, as you say, a boerd model tends not to do what you want...

my 2 year old grandson is near impossible to photograph so know what you mean there.. love the four shots together on post 97, lovely expression and nice tones on them all..

the last one looks a bit shrek like :)
OK I have been completly rubbish AGAIN this week and didn't manage to do what I had planned at I am putting in an OLD shot as a stand in untill I can try what I had hoped to do. The original image I took last year and have since played with it in GIMP.

EEuurgh - scary stuff! I need warning for this one!

It works really well, and you have done a great job on the PP.
I could look at that for ages (from behind a cushion) It's really VERY good. Loads going on.

As already said, great job on the PP ;)
Just thought i'd stick my head in to say that 'Shoot' is amazing. I really have nothing more to add... (y)
EEuurgh - scary stuff! I need warning for this one!

It works really well, and you have done a great job on the PP.

:LOL: Sorry Tracey! Thanks though!

I could look at that for ages (from behind a cushion) It's really VERY good. Loads going on.

As already said, great job on the PP ;)

Many thanks Rob both the people in this image are my other half so it's a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde image :)

That's really very, very clever :clap:

Your fun shot for quad is brilliantly done too.

Many thanks again Sarah!

Just thought i'd stick my head in to say that 'Shoot' is amazing. I really have nothing more to add... (y)

Thanks Rich :) nice to see you!
Hi Sonia, apologies for late comments... A few technical issues of late...


Quad: I'm afraid quadtych's don't do much for me, but #98 with the double nostrils is brilliant. Excellent PP skills there, and an amusing take on the subject.

Shoot: Wow again. Some serious PP skills at work. Do you do all your stuff in GIMP? I'm looking to get rid of Windows and move to Linux, but the Photography side of things is holding me back. Not too worried about the learning curve, just want it to do what CS3 does at the moment. love the B&W treatment and the gritty image. Very nicely done.

Single: I like both of these. I think the flier takes the edge though. It has more impact as a photo. Nice ciomposition on both shots. I quite like the empty spaces allowing focus on the subject. The fliying bird though is better in this regard because there is more to see. Wing texture, shadows... All good stuff.

Both of these fit the theme but I think the first is better - I like the way you have caught the shadow on the water, and overall it is sharper and better exposed. (y)
Another vote for #1 here Sonia. Its a more balanced image, with the reflection of the bird on the water. Well done. Iain
Hi Sonia. Some cracking shots since I lost popped in. Particularly your quad shot, really quite a haunting image which might have suited this coming week's stare theme. But I do like the processing and composition you've used.

And shoot. Scary and very impressive. Like it a lot (y)
The heron(?) shot gets my vote too.
You've done really well to get such a sharp shot of him in flight - there's some brilliant detail in his plumage. Nice shadow / reflection on the water too.
In fact I like everything about it!
Fantastic shot and definitely one to be proud of. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I'm not so keen on the goose though. Although there are some beautiful colours, it's just a little too small in the frame to have enough impact for me.

p.s. While I was here, I looked back at your shoot shot again.
Although it's an old one I'm still amazed at how clever this is. (y)