Sony RX100

Really liking the look of this camera for the wife. Basically she is after a really good compact with the following, great IQ, pocket size and good flash ability for indoor shots.

Now after reading through this the IQ looks amazing, it's obviously pocket size (I bought her a G11 and that was 'massive') so only thing now is the flash. I see it can be tilted for bounce, any good? Anyone got any indoor portraits sooc?


It's not sooc. Was shot using the bounce flash against a white wall.

Untitled by Brazo76, on Flickr
I've ordered one of these and am eagerly waiting for it to arrive. Anything I should do in preperation? So far I thought I'd download the manual! That grip thing looks interesting... I'm coming from a Fuji F31 (I know, it's been a while!).
So you cant drag the file from the camera onto the computer, that would be annoying.
Anyway im hoping there better than MP4, as i havent been overly impresed with them.

Ooops. I've been maligning it....

Although you can't drag and drop a .MTS file to FCPX it is very happy reading them off cards/cameras. I believe it's something to do with the database format. Anyway, stick card in computer, import clips via Final Cut and all is marvellous.
So, yeah, bokeh......

Mine will be getting some more abuse tomorrow, taking it up Helvellyn and Striding Edge.
You might manage to pick the camera up again in about 3 months. ;)
Sony RX100 does Brussels.


(With a little help from Fuji X-E1)
Couple of pics from today. The camera handled being dropped in the snow a few times, and being sub zero most of the time and soaked, so im happy.




And a HDR from a single RAW,

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Nice! I really like that last one :)

My RX100 arrived yesterday and I've been playing with it for simple indoor shots. I need to read through the manual and then spend some time with a photography book or two, no clue how to compose a shot or anything!
robj20 said:
Couple of pics from today. The camera handled being dropped in the snow a few times, and being sub zero most of the time and soaked, so im happy.

And a HDR from a single RAW,

Hole on the Wall looks good 😀
Would anyone mind sending me one or two large untouched jpegs or raw files to have a play around with please.Still got an urge to get one of these!:D
If you have any pm me and I will send you my email address,thanks.(y)
Stuart PM sent....just returned from Spain so have some sunny RAW images to share if you are still interested
Received my £50 (refund) payment card from Sony took just over 3 weeks.
I'm getting a page cannot be found error on the flickr link but am on my mobile so might be due to that.

Back to the point though, I'm really liking the photo you've posted above.
Am off to town this morning to (hopefully) pick one up - last day to qualify for the cash back is today

I went, I saw, I came away empty handed - looks like a great little camera, but my GX1 is only slightly bigger and I will see how I get on with that and only the 14/20mm primes.
Got around to having a play with mine today, couldn't get outside due to so poor weather
so snapped a few indoors of my 10 month daughter Millie

Must say i'm impressed so far. :)


Hard work this waiting for santa:cool:

Well after my S95 self destructed with a £140 repair bill I was a bit stuck for what to do next.

RX100 seemed like the natural replacement but couldn't quite bring myself to fork out £200 over the cost of a new S100.

Anyway the problem solved itself after getting an RX100 for Christmas from my wife!
Seems she managed to hack into my web history and found what model I'd been researching and got one in town.

Anyway I've been having a good play with it the last few days and am very impressed.

It's definitely slightly larger than the S95 but seems well built.

I'm still setting up custom functions etc. to get it as initiative as the S95 became, and there a a couple of things bugging me handling wise.

IQ is great even up to 6400 iso and video is fantastic with the ability to zoom and pull focus at f/1.8, should lead to some nice holiday vids.

Will post some pics soon!
spudey said:
Well after my S95 self destructed with a £140 repair bill I was a bit stuck for what to do next.

RX100 seemed like the natural replacement but couldn't quite bring myself to fork out £200 over the cost of a new S100.

Anyway the problem solved itself after getting an RX100 for Christmas from my wife!
Seems she managed to hack into my web history and found what model I'd been researching and got one in town.

Anyway I've been having a good play with it the last few days and am very impressed.

It's definitely slightly larger than the S95 but seems well built.

I'm still setting up custom functions etc. to get it as initiative as the S95 became, and there a a couple of things bugging me handling wise.

IQ is great even up to 6400 iso and video is fantastic with the ability to zoom and pull focus at f/1.8, should lead to some nice holiday vids.

Will post some pics soon!

Congratulations, it's a great camera. I'm still impressed with the image quality it produces and I no longer think I'm taking a poor substitute for my csc gear when I only have the RX100 with me. I had the S95 when it first came out, great little camera, but the RX100 is a real improvement over it.
Only thing i wish it had is a remote to allow longer exposures.
bl0at3r said:
Congrats - I purchased one today (for the same price as it was before Xmas with the cashback).

I am down to just an RX100 now - no M43 kit left:D


Interesting you have done this. The only thing stopping me selling my OM-D is DOF on portrait shots.
I'm totally gutted! I have no idea how but managed to put a scratch on the screen :-(

That'll teach me to use it before my screen protector turned up.

Any tips on polishing it out ?
bl0at3r said:
Congrats - I purchased one today (for the same price as it was before Xmas with the cashback).

I am down to just an RX100 now - no M43 kit left:D

All your other gear gone then and now only the RX100, I reckon your working your way towards a phone camera next ;)

Interesting you have done this. The only thing stopping me selling my OM-D is DOF on portrait shots.

From what I have seen there is still some bokeh/background blur on the RX100 - not as shallow as on the M43 kit though.

I have wound myself up so much with different cameras, lenses and buying/selling that I just wanted a break from it all - the RX100 will allow me to just take some snaps and create memories - rather than striving for the impossible the whole time. It will also fit in my pocket nicely (y)

And hey, if I don't pick it up for a few weeks or months I won't mind one bit :)
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Aside from the £80 official Sony case, has anyone found a tiny, small, discrete pouch - the smallest possible to house the camera and keep it from damage whilst still allowing it to slip into a pocket?
bl0at3r said:
Aside from the £80 official Sony case, has anyone found a tiny, small, discrete pouch - the smallest possible to house the camera and keep it from damage whilst still allowing it to slip into a pocket?

The Sony leather case was a ripoff for £50+, so I got a cheap version on eBay for about £12, not the best fitting case on close inspection, but still looks decent for the money.