Star trails stacking app on iOS - Need beta testers before its released.

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Hi... I hope its ok to post this...

I've built an app to create star trail images and videos using an iPad or an iPhone and i'm really struggling to find beta testers. The app is almost finished but I need some kind of feedback on performance as well as suggestions before I release on the App Store.

After weeks of emailing and messaging people on YouTube, instagram and reddit, I've had just two people download it, neither of which have given any feedback.

Is anyone interested in trying it out before it is released?

If so, I don't need any email addresses or personal info at all, it's all handled through Apple's Testflight system.
Hi, could be interested. Please tell us more about the app
Hi, I would be interested too I will PM my email address, I already use TestFlight for another app I beta test
Getting link in here or in messages is tough but for anyone interested in trying it out, just google search starstackerforios. You will see some of the posts ive been making on reddit etc and they have the link to the beta through TestFlight.
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Getting link in here or in messages is tough but for anyone interested in trying it out, just google search starstackerforios. You will see some of the posts ive been making on reddit etc and they have the link to the beta through TestFlight.

that'll be because you're falling foul of one of our forum rules...

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  • "Vote for me" requests.
  • Anything else that could be deemed as socially unacceptable, or not within the spirit of our community.

Now, we're realists here, and actually this does as a beta-test seem like it could be of benefit to our members as well as you, but it WOULD have been nice had you thought to contact the management after reading the rules when you signed up (you did read those rules didn't you... as a software developer/publisher , you obviously know how important terms and conditions can be... ) and just ask if it was OK to post...

I'll approve your earlier post on the basis that you just didn't think that asking people to sign up to beta-testing was akin to market research.... :cautious: