Stephen Ramsay's 52 Challenge 2010 **WEEK 20 - STOP**

Interesting shot - nice and simple. I'd have preferred slightly more dof, but good nevertheless!

I get what everyone else has to say about this, but I quite like it as it stands.


Steven, I really like that, the DOF works for me , and the curve, being half like this is spot on.

As Sarah said, the 52 is a great learning experience... I learnt a huge amount last year, taking on board the comments and improving as the year went on, well I think I did anyway :D
Clever choice of subject for the theme and a good execution in my eyes. The DOF doesn't really what leapt out at me as a fault on this one. To be honest the only thing I would have changed would have been to have all of the spanners the same type so it was more uniform\patterned.
I get what everyone else has to say about this, but I quite like it as it stands.



Thanks Ian (y)

Steven, I really like that, the DOF works for me , and the curve, being half like this is spot on.

As Sarah said, the 52 is a great learning experience... I learnt a huge amount last year, taking on board the comments and improving as the year went on, well I think I did anyway :D

Thanks for your comment...the DOF really is having mixed opinions this week :LOL:

This 52 is a great way to quickly advance your photography if you take on board the criticism. I would highly recommend this to anyone now that I have settled in to it :D

Clever choice of subject for the theme and a good execution in my eyes. The DOF doesn't really what leapt out at me as a fault on this one. To be honest the only thing I would have changed would have been to have all of the spanners the same type so it was more uniform\patterned.

Thanks for your comment cham :)

Totally agree on you with the spanners being the same..And going down in size...may give that a go just to see what it would look like.

cheers for the tip (y)
Week 9 - PLAY

I had this image in mind at the beginning of the week, but I was supposed to be going to Santapod for a DWYB day.....and that would have fallen under 'play' for the big kids :p Unfortunately plans fell through last minute so I had to rely on my first thought.

Now, I said on week 7 I wanted to show that I can improve my candid/portrait shots so this week I made sure of it.

My star of a brother was yet again willing to jump in front of the camera and much of a tart he is....I cant live without him :D

He has helped so much this year in my 52....and we are only just reaching week 10. I need to think of something to surprise him with at the end of the year to say thank you for it all :p

So this week the theme was PLAY, so I opted for the army soldier look and got my brother to dress up...and obviously he wasn't complaining, he loves it all!! Everyone in their life as pretended to shoot a gun, be it with your fingers, a bottle or a toy weapon so it was time to introduce this factor into my 52.

Hopefully you can all relate to this image from when you were younger (y)

You've caught that well Stephen. I feel like I'm on my knees in front of him fearing for my life. The light is great and I like that the weapon is mostly shrouded in darkness. Certainly one of the top 10 for this week :clap:
Bit of a catch up for me. :)

Mechanical: I like it as it is! What works for me is that the sharpest (tool in the box? :D) is also the brightest and both the sharpness and the brightness reduce sequentially to the right hand side. In a way, it's a similar prinicple to the one Sarah's employed with her Play shot this week (the distanct chess pieces being sharper and more strongly lit than the nearer ones), and, like Sarah, you've pulled it off a treat.

Play: I read your words, imagining your brother to be looking more like a pretend soldier than he does! So I was quite surprised when I actually looked at the photo - it was grittier and more serious than I had imagined. So when I'd crept out from behind the sofa (only kidding!) I had a more considered look at it and I like what I see. The gun is very subtle and your bro is looking straight into the camera - both very effective. The colours and the darkness work well together and your could imagine he's just appeared out of the darkness to confront the evil camera. :) The only very small niggle is the shoulder protection is a bit distracting - but I think yur brother deserves a campaign medal already. :)

You've caught that well Stephen. I feel like I'm on my knees in front of him fearing for my life. The light is great and I like that the weapon is mostly shrouded in darkness. Certainly one of the top 10 for this week :clap:

I fear him at the best of times too :D Thanks for your comment really appreciate it....but top 10? Pushing the boat out there a little dont you think....over 100 52ers this year!!

Bit of a catch up for me. :)

Mechanical: I like it as it is! What works for me is that the sharpest (tool in the box? :D) is also the brightest and both the sharpness and the brightness reduce sequentially to the right hand side. In a way, it's a similar prinicple to the one Sarah's employed with her Play shot this week (the distanct chess pieces being sharper and more strongly lit than the nearer ones), and, like Sarah, you've pulled it off a treat.

Play: I read your words, imagining your brother to be looking more like a pretend soldier than he does! So I was quite surprised when I actually looked at the photo - it was grittier and more serious than I had imagined. So when I'd crept out from behind the sofa (only kidding!) I had a more considered look at it and I like what I see. The gun is very subtle and your bro is looking straight into the camera - both very effective. The colours and the darkness work well together and your could imagine he's just appeared out of the darkness to confront the evil camera. :) The only very small niggle is the shoulder protection is a bit distracting - but I think yur brother deserves a campaign medal already. :)


Thanks Jean, Very useful and comical as usual (y)

Ive not actually seen Sarahs week 9 now so that was a great give away :bang: But im now intrigued to finish writing this and have a look :D

This is the sort of picture, that if it was going to be would have to be done properly and in my eyes I've captured it very well. My bro is such a poser he can pull the pose I want within just two or three attempts:shrug: certainly wont be the last time you see him work his way into my 52.....:help:

Shoulder Protection is distracting I admit, but I think the image just wouldnt be the same without them, its another feature that adds to the theme.
:wave: Hi,

I really like this image really nice lighting and good composition and interaction with the subject. Only slight thing I would like to see is a little more Dof just so his face is a little sharper...not a big thing though as could been seen as to add to the feel. (y)
:wave: Hi,

I really like this image really nice lighting and good composition and interaction with the subject. Only slight thing I would like to see is a little more Dof just so his face is a little sharper...not a big thing though as could been seen as to add to the feel. (y)

Couldnt agree more, thankyou for your comment, really appreciate it (y)
Some excellent shots there Stephen (y)

It may be my monitor at work but I can't see the hands in the shot. I have to make the assumption that he is pretending to have a gun hence the play element.

On my screen it looks like a brilliant portrait and I would be proud to take one like it but doesn't shout "play" at me. As I've said though, it may be my monitor. I'll have to have a look at home and see if it looks different.
Some excellent shots there Stephen (y)

It may be my monitor at work but I can't see the hands in the shot. I have to make the assumption that he is pretending to have a gun hence the play element.

On my screen it looks like a brilliant portrait and I would be proud to take one like it but doesn't shout "play" at me. As I've said though, it may be my monitor. I'll have to have a look at home and see if it looks different.

I always grew up to 'play' army so this is where it fitted into 'my' 52. (y)

He is wearing black gloves and the gun is actually blue with a home made cardboard silencer, so it was key to make sure that was not shown. I tried to make the tip of the gun slightly visible so that it did look like a weapon was in place.

Thanks for your comment :)
Cool, could have been a bit harsher on the processing maybe, cut down the tonal range to toughen it up but I guess when you get down to it we *are* talking about Play here!

Heh. As Arthur said, it works more for a "Scared Witless" topic than Play, but the sentiment is there, and you can see the youth in his eyes.

Speaking of which, on my monitor it looks like the eyes are a little soft, but that's not too much of a problem, just a minor thing. What were you shooting at?

Composition and lighting are spot on, and it looks like a real silencer to me.


Please don't shoot !!! :D...

Blimey Stephen... that's come out great. I'm not sure who's enjoying this challenge more.. you or your brother ;)...
:clap: :clap: :clap:
That's just amazing Stephen.

Not only is it my favourite from your 52, but it's one of my favourites from the week.
You've controlled the shadows and highlights perfectly - I particularly like the darkness around the gun and hint of light at the end of the barrel. It really adds to the feeling of menace.

I agree that you could have got away with just a bit more DoF to get his face sharper, but I don't know if that would necessarily have been better. It works brilliantly as it is - and you've got some great eye contact there, which is plenty enough to draw attention to his face.

I'm not sure that the finished image really says play to me, but the theme led you down that path of thinking and the end result is superb. IMO that's all that really matters.

Once you're done with the 52, why don't you let your brother pick his favourite portrait and get it printed for him?
Cool, could have been a bit harsher on the processing maybe, cut down the tonal range to toughen it up but I guess when you get down to it we *are* talking about Play here!


I did try going for the more sutle approach with lighter colours if thats what you mean, but I prefered the strong camouflage contrasting with the black :)

Heh. As Arthur said, it works more for a "Scared Witless" topic than Play, but the sentiment is there, and you can see the youth in his eyes.

Speaking of which, on my monitor it looks like the eyes are a little soft, but that's not too much of a problem, just a minor thing. What were you shooting at?

Composition and lighting are spot on, and it looks like a real silencer to me.



Thanks, as long as it can relate to the theme I'm happy

1/30 iso 200 f2.8

Well then, my craftsmanship skills are up to scratch still (y)

what a scarey brother you have - lol. Good image though.

lol Thanks (y)

Please don't shoot !!! :D...

Blimey Stephen... that's come out great. I'm not sure who's enjoying this challenge more.. you or your brother ;)...

Im not sure either to be honest. When we try these shots we always end up taking an hour just playing about with silly type shots just for the giggles :D

Thanks for your comment (y)

:clap: :clap: That's just amazing Stephen.

Not only is it my favourite from your 52, but it's one of my favourites from the week.
You've controlled the shadows and highlights perfectly - I particularly like the darkness around the gun and hint of light at the end of the barrel. It really adds to the feeling of menace.

I agree that you could have got away with just a bit more DoF to get his face sharper, but I don't know if that would necessarily have been better. It works brilliantly as it is - and you've got some great eye contact there, which is plenty enough to draw attention to his face.

I'm not sure that the finished image really says play to me, but the theme led you down that path of thinking and the end result is superb. IMO that's all that really matters.

Once you're done with the 52, why don't you let your brother pick his favourite portrait and get it printed for him?

Another one who is pushing the boat out a bit far.:LOL:

As soon as the theme came up I knew what I wanted, I've been brought up in and and around Soldiers all my life and my brother loves to play war. So it was a no brainer it was going in.

Thats a brilliant idea, would love that printed quite large and I'm sure he would love that particular image framed in his room. (y)
Week 10 - Chemistry

Well this weeks pretty easy. Wouldn't be surprised if everyone chose tablets as chemistry too. But I've got an image in time!! :)

Left it very late this week to take an image, had a few in mind but never got the opportunity to put them into action so settled for this on this fine Sunday Night :LOL:

I thought I would leave the external flash and diffuser in the bag and challenge myself to use the on camera flash and learn how to use it properly. So first shot was very washed out, they then became a lot better as I Fiddled with the settings and then I knew roughly how to use it.

I have yet to see what week 11s theme is, but I WILL take a colourful pic as all of mine are dark so far, unless of course the theme is dull or black and white etc :LOL:

Week 10 - Chemistry

Well this weeks pretty easy. Wouldn't be surprised if everyone chose tablets as chemistry too. But I've got an image in time!! :)

:bang: I never thought of that. Honestly! :bang::bang::bang:

I like this. At first I thought perhaps you could have cropped in to reduce the amount of background (good solid black, btw (y)) but on reflection, I think it's better as it is. The pile of tablets (I've no idea what they are) with no context leaves the viewer wondering - kill or cure. Very effective, Steve. :clap:

I like the stark contrast of the white against black. The reflection is a good one too. It looks as if there's a bit of shadow cast at the bottom centre where the lens has blocked the onboard flash. Not a great problem here, but something to watch out for. Looks like it needs some sharpening as well. But a nice clean and well thought out image (y)
This works really well.

I'm trying to work out whether you've converted it to B&W or if the tablets really were that white against the black background.

Good use of the onboard flash . . . in fact it doesn't look like you've used flash at all. I also like the composition and the mix of crushed tablets against whole ones.

Although I normally love reflections against black backgrounds, I'm not 100% convinced by it in this one. I like it and I'm 99% there . . . I just can't help wondering whether you needed it. I think this might have worked just as well on a matt background :shrug:

Emotionally, it's an interesting image too. As Jean said - kill or cure???
:bang: I never thought of that. Honestly! :bang::bang::bang:

I like this. At first I thought perhaps you could have cropped in to reduce the amount of background (good solid black, btw (y)) but on reflection, I think it's better as it is. The pile of tablets (I've no idea what they are) with no context leaves the viewer wondering - kill or cure. Very effective, Steve. :clap:


Thanks Jean (y)

I purposely Left a lot of black at the top so I'm glad you like it. Yes they were tablets....just random pain killers I found in the cupboard :D Kill or Cure....I like it......didnt see it that way (y)(y)(y)
I like the stark contrast of the white against black. The reflection is a good one too. It looks as if there's a bit of shadow cast at the bottom centre where the lens has blocked the onboard flash. Not a great problem here, but something to watch out for. Looks like it needs some sharpening as well. But a nice clean and well thought out image (y)

Thanks :)

Yes I realised this problem so took the lens hood off, but yet was still defeated by the lens....thanks for the heads up on that too

Lovely chemistry shot, have to admit my first thought was medication, but yu have conveyed it very well. Well done

Thank you MagicMynx ( love the username btw!! ) I originally didn't want to use medication but the clock was ticking so it was my last resource :LOL:

This works really well.

I'm trying to work out whether you've converted it to B&W or if the tablets really were that white against the black background.

Good use of the onboard flash . . . in fact it doesn't look like you've used flash at all. I also like the composition and the mix of crushed tablets against whole ones.

Although I normally love reflections against black backgrounds, I'm not 100% convinced by it in this one. I like it and I'm 99% there . . . I just can't help wondering whether you needed it. I think this might have worked just as well on a matt background :shrug:

Emotionally, it's an interesting image too. As Jean said - kill or cure???

Thanks Sarah, very keyboard happy as usual which I like :D

The Tablets were very white but the onboard flash made them stand out more. Crushed tablets were a must for me...I didn't like the thought of just chucking some tablets on a mirror and snapping away, makes me feel they have been used.

Funny you should say that as I had a black backing from a frame I used to control the light and after playing with the mirror I tried it on there, but I felt it just didnt have the same edge as the mirror :p
I like it Stephen, the reflections work well, the feel is good dark and gloomy... and the combination of crushed and whole works well... I'm wondering what the arrows on the tablet signify... This way up ... swallow this way :LOL: (sorry)...
I like it Stephen, the reflections work well, the feel is good dark and gloomy... and the combination of crushed and whole works well... I'm wondering what the arrows on the tablet signify... This way up ... swallow this way :LOL: (sorry)...

Oh dear we have a comedian :LOL:
Must admit I did wonder why the arrows were there, But I got bored of wondering and ignored it....thanks for bringing it back to attention :razz:

Thanks for your comment (y)
Week 11 - Candid

This week I had a photoshoot organised with two friends for a bit of fun so I thought I'd add them into my 52 as I would like the 52 to be as memorable as possible with the events that happen/happened this year.

We trecked down to Bournemouth beach where the sky was dull, just complete white cloud, the wind was howling and the sun.....was well, very hidden at the best of times.

So with natural light and some use of the external flash I present these two images....I think I am going to stick with the duo as I have yet to put 2 people together in my 52.

For people I went into town and shot the candid look so I am trying not to repeat myself, which is why I have opted for these :)

For the first image of the two girls I wanted a washed out look with just the features showing and I think I achieved this quite well....with major PP work I must admit​
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Great photo's Stephen, the 2nd image is a cracker really natural pose and i love the de saturated look.
I like your chemistry shot too, the crushed pills work well with the whole ones on a black background.

Thanks Chris really appreciate it (y)

Im still undecided between the two so il be leaving it down to your comments me thinks :shrug:
Chemistry - this has worked very well and I'm impressed at how you have managed to control the onboard flash. I like the way you have composed this, and also how the arrows point in different directions, no doubt carefully placed by you.

Candid - these look too posed to count as candid for me. However they are both lovely portraits with great processing - I can't make up my mind which I prefer.
Definitely the 2nd shot for candid - what a great PP and just the right amount of de-saturation. First one is a bit too washed out for my liking. However, I would have to question if either of the shots are candid? In the first shot, both subjects are looking in to your camera, so for me, that is not candid and the 2nd shot is posed too........candid is where the subjects aren't aware that they are being photographed but in the case of these 2 images, I think the subjects were?
Both really good shots Stephen.

First one doesn't say candid to me though. Excellent portrait but obviously posed and not candid.

The second on the other hand does say candid. Lost in thought, oblivious to the camera (y)
Definitely the 2nd shot for candid - what a great PP and just the right amount of de-saturation. First one is a bit too washed out for my liking. However, I would have to question if either of the shots are candid? In the first shot, both subjects are looking in to your camera, so for me, that is not candid and the 2nd shot is posed too........candid is where the subjects aren't aware that they are being photographed but in the case of these 2 images, I think the subjects were?

Thanks very much, I will be using the 2nd image for sure...My previous weeks have seen me venture out for the 'candid' look so I wanted to bend the rules slighlty and fit these in instead. :D

Both really good shots Stephen.

First one doesn't say candid to me though. Excellent portrait but obviously posed and not candid.

The second on the other hand does say candid. Lost in thought, oblivious to the camera (y)

Thanks very much :) that was the intention...although again, I wanted to steer away from candid just slightly for these :LOL:

Lovely portraits, have to agree that the second fits the theme.

Thanks, 2nd Image it is (y)
OK I can only see one image . . . is that because you decided on this and took the other one down?

I guessed we'd get something good from you this week and I haven't been disappointed. :clap:
I don't know how you've managed it, but you've got a real arty looking shot that says candid to me at the same time.
The PP is spot on. I love that desaturated look and it really works with the model / feel of the shot.

I'm quite drawn to her nails. At first I was going to say that the messy nail polish detracted from it a bit, but after looking at it again I think it adds something to the shot. It just looks more "real" and less contrived.
Combined with her thoughtful / sad expression and the dark eye make-up which could look she'd been crying, it draws me into the shot and makes m wonder what's been going on.

Phew . . . I never thought I'd write that much about a "person" shot :LOL:
I'm sorry I missed the other shot you posted - that's what comes of not looking soon enough, but I try not to look at anybody else's shot until I've done my own - and that's usually Sunday! :eek:

You've captured a nice, dreamy expression - relaxed but poised at the same time. (Wasn't it freezing cold, lying on the beach!) Her eyes are only partly visible and normally I'd think that was a no-no, but it works here. Just shows, it pays to break the rules! :D

At first I thought it wasn't really Candid (because it was posed) but I've changed my mind because it looks as though she's totally unaware of the camera. Very nice shot indeed - I bet whe was thrilled with it. :clap::clap:

that's a lovely shot this week Stephen, a wonderfully relaxed image and whilst it's posed, it looks (as Jean said) as if it's a candid... so on theme I reckon.

I seem to have missed the other shot also...