Takes on Elements - May challenge


The other Chris
Edit My Images
This is a monthly challenge and is open to all. I will post a new theme drawn at random from a list of themes (Takes-on 2019 theme suggestions) at the start of each month. The challenge is to take up to 6 photos to the theme "Elements" in the month of May 2019 and post them in this thread. Constructive comments are encouraged and should also be posted in this thread. There is a discussion thread for general chat, ideas, etc. The first post in the discussion thread also includes links to this year's previous themes.

Just to reiterate, photos should be shot and posted this month, May 2019, feel free to jump in whenever you like. Happy shooting :)

@Cobra, please sticky this thread and unsticky April when you get chance
Air, Water and Earth .... I was just missing the fire element...

Quick off the mark there Geoff, loads of drama in that sky but please don't start any moorland fires just to get all the elements :)
Thanks Chris, I'd been to Haworth for the KWVR Gala - alas there were no steam trains running that day - I'd stopped to photograph The Atom panopticon and the vaccry stones above Wycoller when I saw this and thought it would be good for the latest theme.

Thanks Bebop, surprisingly there wasn't, nor rain - at least not while I was there.
Nice one Geoff .... you bring out the colour, texture and shininess beautifully.

BTW .... I've got an idea for this theme requiring more shoehorning than this. ;)
Had a trip out to Woodhead Reservoir at the weekend and took a few pictures. Bit less crow-barring for this one to fit the theme
That's a nice reflection Leigh, perhaps a little bit dark on my monitor but I guess you might be protecting the highlights in the sky.
That's a nice reflection Leigh, perhaps a little bit dark on my monitor but I guess you might be protecting the highlights in the sky.
Thanks for the feedback Chris. This is still all new to me so appreciate constructive criticism. I transferred the photos last night in a dark room with the laptop screen on full brightness so it probably looked a bit lighter to me than it does seeing it back now.

I've added a slightly brightened image underneath. Feel like I might have gone too far the other way now lol
Thank you Leigh @Crafoo ... all a bit experimental here are the Elements ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
That's really creative. I have pretty much zero creativity when it comes to something like that. It amazes me that people can see that to be able to put it totgether.
For me the edit's a lot better, good job
The edit looked a lot lighter on the laptop. When I viewed it on a bigger screen I was happier with it and I think you were right, the original was a little too dark.
Sorry not been around much, so I thought I'd share this 'elemental' image from my Sunny Spring holiday. Hand held in a gale wasn't easy while waiting for the right wave... 1/25th sec at f2.0

This month got off to a slow start ... but well done all for your input.

Special thanks to Bebop ... I absolutely love your helter skelter, fab colour under that moody sky. (y)
Thank you @d00d - we did have to run for cover just after this!

I hoped to include fire before the month was out, so here is fire and also water. The fountain is rather unremarkable, but I handheld my Canon R at 1/20s which was an achievement for me. The fire one includes some photoshop work to remove a green ribbon across his face. The bunny on the left was a step too far :)

your image 'fire' also shows amazing timing!

Thanks Bebop, I've been to events like this before, so it's just a matter of setting the camera to continuous shooting and trying to guess when they will fire their guns.
The second image is a clear and salutary lesson in why you should never have a naked flame around when undergoing alternative treatment for extreme flatulence.

Thank you @d00d - we did have to run for cover just after this!

I hoped to include fire before the month was out, so here is fire and also water. The fountain is rather unremarkable, but I handheld my Canon R at 1/20s which was an achievement for me. The fire one includes some photoshop work to remove a green ribbon across his face. The bunny on the left was a step too far :)

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