Takes on Contrast - June Challenge


The other Chris
Edit My Images
This is a monthly challenge and is open to all. I will post a new theme drawn at random from a list of themes (Takes-on 2019 theme suggestions) at the start of each month. The challenge is to take up to 6 photos to the theme "Contrast" in the month of June 2019 and post them in this thread. Constructive comments are encouraged and should also be posted in this thread. There is a discussion thread for general chat, ideas, etc. The first post in the discussion thread also includes links to this year's previous themes.

Just to reiterate, photos should be shot and posted this month, June 2019, feel free to jump in whenever you like. Happy shooting :)

@Cobra, please sticky this thread and unsticky May when you get chance
Both done Chris (y)
Can't get more contrasty than a white bird against a dark background, the bird being a Little Egret

The Cloud.

I saw this at Rawtenstall today whilst photographing steam trains. I was struck by the contrast of the single cloud against it's background and the angular/man-made pylons against the trees...

Red Gate on Pendle Hill, I liked the contrast between the straight lines and colour of the gate against the green and natural shapes of the trees and hill.

Good take on the theme, unusual for rural gates to be red

Thanks Chris, yes I thought it unusual too, I remembered about it at the beginning of the week, but the weather had been lousy, I just missed the mist/clouds rolling over the tops of Pendle Hill.
It stopped raining for five minutes and I was able to grab this. An in-camera HDR so colourful if not sharp.

It stopped raining for five minutes and I was able to grab this. An in-camera HDR so colourful if not sharp.


Oooo, really liking that David, very well seen and the warm stone against the cold blue-grey glass really emphasises the contrast
There's been some interesting takes on 'Contrast' so far.....
Oooo, really liking that David, very well seen and the warm stone against the cold blue-grey glass really emphasises the contrast
Thanks Chris .... as I say, it's an HDR .... and a lot of tweaking in post. I wasn't sure at first, but I like it more now.
Following my visit to Bank Junction on Thurs, I was back there again yesterday with a longer lens to get some more contrasting architecture.
