Tattoos - discussion.....

Where I come from, we call them tramp stamps.

...not to their faces though I bet.

I have two tats....both music related....both designed by myself.

Everyone personalises themselves everyday in the choices of clothes, perfume or aftershave and bigger things such as cars. Tattoos have become much more acceptable and generally better quality in the past few years.

I think you'll find that you either get it and like them or you don't and won't and if you do get it you won't care if others get it or don't....get it?
I treated myself to my first tattoo for my 50th - it was something I'd always fancied altho after the best part of 3 hours in the chair it was starting to sting a bit.
More like trolling IMO.
In my case I'd say the answer is no because mine are all hidden and are personal to me. I don't flash them nor do I think people should find me interesting.

Overall I'd say no too although there are folk that have them done to show off but the majority of people have their ink done because they like it.
Tattoos are more of a personal thing than one trying to get noticed!
Are Tattoos things that boring people get to try and make themselves more interesting?

I'll say no as I have a tattoo that I got 5 years ago that even some of my family haven't seen, and this is not due to it being placed in a dodgy area :LOL:
I got the tattoo for me after about a year spent designing it.
I work with teenagers though and I do think that a lot of them get them now as a result of peer pressure.
Those of you who say boring people get the, can I ask how come you have come to this conclusion and what you mean by it?

Because I'm boring and I've got a couple of tattoos. I did say 'in my case', though. I have met some interesting people in the tattoo shop, though.
Like most aspects of human nature i.e. music and and tattoos, some keep the pleasure to themselves and others, usually desperate for any attention they can get due to their boring nature, insist on driving round with their windows open and music full blast. Likewise, shorts and vest to display their latest/largest tattoo. They think everyone's fascinated by their choice. I, like many, am not . . .
I have dozens. My brother's a tattoo artist and mine were done for my pleasure, no-one elses. :)
Like most aspects of human nature i.e. music and and tattoos, some keep the pleasure to themselves and others, usually desperate for any attention they can get due to their boring nature, insist on driving round with their windows open and music full blast. Likewise, shorts and vest to display their latest/largest tattoo. They think everyone's fascinated by their choice. I, like many, am not . . .
I have dozens. My brother's a tattoo artist and mine were done for my pleasure, no-one elses. :)

I don't mind someone showing off their tattoos, as I'm always rather interested. The 'windows-open-bass-rumble' I can do without. Mostly because it's complete ***** that's being played.
Well the reason I asked is just because I see more and more people with Tattoos, you can hardly walk round town without a woman bening down to get something out of her pram without her showing you the top of her knickers and the tattoo at the base of her spine. And I am not tarring all young mums with the same bruch, I know plenty without a tattoo in that place, it is just something that sticks in my head.

My town has 22,000 people and at least 3 tattoo shops. Just seems to be a very high number of places to the level of population. I know they are more socially acceptable these days, but I My Limited Opinion they just seem to be something that many (not all) people get to say they have one, and to feel part of a group, rather than wanting one for more personal reasons.

And as I said, I like a good debate, and this is a subject that people have a passion for.

I am a juggler, and the only reason I learnt to juggle is to show off a little - when your throwing Fire around, all you are doing is saying "look at me" and I see tattoos as being a bit like that. I learnt to juggle to make myself more interesting (I was 8 at the time), so wondered if there is a comparison.
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That won't happen Jon. Not while it's not costing or making the government anything. There will always be people who want to experiment with these things. I have a few tattoos and you didn't even know after meeting me a few times so they're not all 'look at me' tramp stamps'. Some of them are works of art! Maybe you should come to my shoot in two weeks and see some really good ones being done? :)
Just wait until tattoos are as out of favour as smoking is now. Me thinks giving up smoking will be a breeze compared to getting rid of your tattoos...

Tats will never be out of favour.
I hide the other four well...:LOL: The one on my wrist is the only one that is noticeable.
I'll be sure to post the pictures up so you can take a closer look Jon ;-)
That won't happen Jon. Not while it's not costing or making the government anything. There will always be people who want to experiment with these things. I have a few tattoos and you didn't even know after meeting me a few times so they're not all 'look at me' tramp stamps'. Some of them are works of art! Maybe you should come to my shoot in two weeks and see some really good ones being done? :)

Sorry for the hijack, but are you organising some sort of tattoo convention shoot? I missed out on the London one, much to my chagrin.
Mr Pants...No, I'm taking photographs for a tattoo studio that's owned by my friend. Just some stuff for their website and any interesting tattoo's that are being done at the time :)
Mr Pants...No, I'm taking photographs for a tattoo studio that's owned by my friend. Just some stuff for their website and any interesting tattoo's that are being done at the time :)

I am a juggler, and the only reason I learnt to juggle is to show off a little - when your throwing Fire around, all you are doing is saying "look at me" and I see tattoos as being a bit like that. I learnt to juggle to make myself more interesting (I was 8 at the time), so wondered if there is a comparison.

No comparison at all. Juggling is a skill and a talent. Having a tattoo . . . isn't.
The X factor has a lot to answer for. Far too many unskilled, untalented people think they're gonna be the star attraction just because they've applied.
I don't have any tattoos, and don't want any. The same goes for piercings. FWIW, I don't like football, don't drink alcohol and I don't wear jeans. So what? None of this impacts anyone else. Why do people get wound up about tattoos?
I don't have tattoos and don't want them. I wouldn't dream of stopping anyone else having one, or as many as they wanted.

However, I don't think everyone considers the full implications of tatoos and piercings. If someone came to me looking for a job and they've got a dragon coming out of their shirt collar, two full sleeves, some kind of bone in their nose and a couple of soup plates hanging off their ears they're not going to be taken seriously.

Rightly or wrongly that level of "enhancement" suggests to me someone who doesn't care what others think about them and who doesn't take well to authority. It also wouldn't be a look appreciated by most of my customers. As I say, I could be wrong, but I'm not going to take the chance to find out.
I don't have tattoos and don't want them. I wouldn't dream of stopping anyone else having one, or as many as they wanted.

However, I don't think everyone considers the full implications of tatoos and piercings. If someone came to me looking for a job and they've got a dragon coming out of their shirt collar, two full sleeves, some kind of bone in their nose and a couple of soup plates hanging off their ears they're not going to be taken seriously.

Rightly or wrongly that level of "enhancement" suggests to me someone who doesn't care what others think about them and who doesn't take well to authority. It also wouldn't be a look appreciated by most of my customers. As I say, I could be wrong, but I'm not going to take the chance to find out.

This is something that I've always considered when I've got tattoos done, and all of mine can be completely covered for interviews and the like. Same goes for the wife, all of hers can be covered up as well :)