Tattoos - discussion.....

However, I don't think everyone considers the full implications of tatoos and piercings. If someone came to me looking for a job and they've got a dragon coming out of their shirt collar, two full sleeves, some kind of bone in their nose and a couple of soup plates hanging off their ears they're not going to be taken seriously.

Rightly or wrongly that level of "enhancement" suggests to me someone who doesn't care what others think about them and who doesn't take well to authority. It also wouldn't be a look appreciated by most of my customers. As I say, I could be wrong, but I'm not going to take the chance to find out.

I suppose we all tend to judge by appearances, which is unfortunate, but it's a reality. OTOH, it can be misleading. I probably look quite conservative (57, short hair, clean shaven etc) but I really don't give a damn what other people think about me and I'm not comfortable with authority, which is why I work for myself. I have no problem with your employment criteria, but then I still believe that he who pays the piper calls the tune. An old fashioned view I suppose, and at odds with current employment law..........
I suppose we all tend to judge by appearances, which is unfortunate, but it's a reality. OTOH, it can be misleading. I probably look quite conservative (57, short hair, clean shaven etc) but I really don't give a damn what other people think about me and I'm not comfortable with authority, which is why I work for myself. I have no problem with your employment criteria, but then I still believe that he who pays the piper calls the tune. An old fashioned view I suppose, and at odds with current employment law..........

It's just the situation we're in. Dealing with businesspeople/white collar, we meet them in our office or on their site.

Faced with two candidates of equal ability and personality I'll go for the one who I think will relate to more people. I know far more people who aren't covered in tattoos and piercings so it's an easy decision. If it was for a non-customer facing job then it may be different, who knows.

It's a judgement yes, but it's based on making my business as attractive to as many potential customers as I can.
I personally believe tattoos simbolise something to everyone as there is always a reason for getting a tattoo

I have 5 tattoos

Im also getting a Mum, Nanna, Grandad, Buster and Casper tattoos all simbolise something special in my life as my nanna and grandad have both passed and buster was the most special bunny in the world and sadly missed i want his name and face tattooed but want to find a really good tattooist to do it

and mum is obvious and Casper is my bugger bichon who is loved far too much lol i also want his face but again i want an excellent tattooist to do it
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I personally believe tattoos simbolise something to everyone as there is always a reason for getting a tattoo

I have 5 tattoos

Im also getting a Mum, Nanna, Grandad, Buster and Casper tattoos all simbolise something special in my life as my nanna and grandad have both passed and buster was the most special bunny in the world and sadly missed i want his name and face tattooed but want to find a really good tattooist to do it

and mum is obvious and Casper is my bugger bichon who is loved far too much lol i also want his face but again i want an excellent tattooist to do it

But will they mean more to you because they are in ink on your body? Are you likely to forget about them if they are not on your skin? (I know the answer to both, before you jump on me)
But will they mean more to you because they are in ink on your body? Are you likely to forget about them if they are not on your skin? (I know the answer to both, before you jump on me)

I can have so much going on in my head, catch a glance at my tattoo and it reminds me of things that my mind sometimes forget
Being a house husband it doesnt bother me as my tats go down to my wrists!
I did my pictures for my local tattoo studio today.

Did I get some good shots...? Possibly...

Did I come out with a new tattoo....:LOL: Maybe.....
I have two tattoos on each forearm and one on my left upper arm. I had mine back in the early 60s when with a bunch of mates it seemed a good idea on a Saturday morning to go and have another tattoo. They were never thought of as a good idea by most people back then, and for a good period later on they seemed to drop right out of fashion and were generally I think frowned on. Whether I'd have had them done if I was older is a good question. I can't say I have any regrets - I'm just glad I don't have any silly ones on fingers, neck etc - and that mine can be covered up - but generally speaking, I never give them a thought.

Tattoos have certainly enjoyed a huge revival in popularity in recent years, and are now a real fashion statement. I'd have to say that there are a lot more thoughtful and artistic designs available now than when mine were done - some of the Celtic scroll designs are very attractive and would probably attract me if I were younger today.

Something to bear in mind is that they become a lot less attractive over time as the design can becomes a little blurry, and some ink colours can fade. I don't like to see tattoos on women I'm afraid - they're blessed with bodies which just don't need that sort of adornment IMHO.
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No one would ever know I had tattoos unless I chose to show them. None are obvious.
Are Tattoos things that boring people get to try and make themselves more interesting?

Sometimes I suppose.....

I know people who have just wanted to pep their lives up and getting a tattoo seemed like a good idea for them to do. Other I know have wanted to affirm their identity, so to speak, by having lots of tattoos. Like anything where you 'wear the statement', be it a haircut, a piercing, an implant or a tattoo, it seems to be a very personal thing as to how it's done and displayed, but not always with any deep meaning....
anyone care to upload pics of their prized tattoos?
personally i like them............some are true works of art!
I guess this affirms my identity :LOL: They're my initials! Well, they were there already. i just fancied something a bit flouncy with them. Whether it 'peps my life up' remains to be seen. I'll let you know!! :LOL:

Can't stand tattoos. I consider them to be disfigurements.

My wife has two - one under her armpit (which has now worn off) and one in the middle of her chest (which she wishes would wear off because it looks like a blackhead!). They are there as reference marks from when she had radiotherapy for breast cancer. They are the only tattoos that I'm prepared to accept.
All mine are covered by T shirt and shorts. If I want to flash them, I can but I got them for ME, not for anyone else. None are great works of art but equally, none are hideous monstrosities that should never be seen.
At some point, I will be getting more but need to catch a couple of things in camera first...
Carl, I may post them up in general when i've finished editing, but there's nothing really outstanding I'm afraid!
ok well seeing as I requested to see other peoples tattoos, I suppose it's only fair that I show my own.....

My eyes are not so great. Does it have something rude in it's hand?
not so much rude although perhaps I could have done to put it under nude & glamour lol...Basically it is a monster of a man with a naked lady in his hands whom he is going to eat!......her skull will most likely join the other skulls hung around his neck!
My better half informs me that it portrays my personality ...not that I would eat her !!! lol
I don't like tattoos, they are ugly.
I would never choose a tattooed model for any shoot unless the shoot lent itself particularly to that kind of look.
Tattoos just look rough, and that's the top middle and bottom of it, peeps form an opinion instantly, whether that opinion is anything like close or not is irrelevant, the impression has already been made.
Its not like clothing or hair colour/style, it is not a fashion statement, its a permanent physical alteration.
If you choose to have a sleeve of tatts, you obviously accept the consequences in that some peeps are not going to want to do business with you, whatever that business is.
Do you judge people who have skin heads/long hair/ride motorbikes too?
Its human nature to form an opinion in 5 tenths of a nano second.
Wether one likes tattoos or not, is it not apparent that the tattoo artist is extremely talented?....look at the piece I have on my thigh....very personal to me obviously but from an artistic point of view, it is a fantastic piece of art imprinted on my skin....Is this not the same artistic talent that photographers offer onto paper or painters onto canvas.
Different styles, colours and mediums but all art forms...or perhaps not depending upon your opinion.
Yes it is human nature to judge, but opinions change when you know someone surely? It sounds like you write them off as 'rough'. I'd hardly describe myself as rough. I'm a teacher, from a nice family, with a decent education. I'm a pianist by trade and this is how I want to express myself, that's my choice. Each to their own I say!

If I had love and hate on my knuckles and swallows on my hands maybe I'd agree but I don't so I won't.

I know a man who's covered in tattoos. On his face, everywhere. He's a plumber and a really decent bloke. Admittedly he looks a wee bit scary, and it's not my bag, but it doesn't make him 'rough'. Just 'different'.
OMG ...I look scary without trying!!!! peraps the tattoo and piercings I av soften my luks.....there agen my *** lady likes me just the way I am ..ruff, tuff and dirty!! lol
I cant spel eeva! lol lol
Live forever tattoos, piercings and anything else anarchist!! lol
Tattoos are beautiful, the tattoo on your leg is beautiful, and nothing but a hugely talented artist could have created it, but just because it is on your leg does not make your leg beautiful, in fact the fact that it is on your leg makes your leg ugly, in my opinion...:shrug:
Not necessarily correct though, is it...

I don't like tattoos, they are ugly.
I would never choose a tattooed model for any shoot unless the shoot lent itself particularly to that kind of look.
Tattoos just look rough, and that's the top middle and bottom of it, peeps form an opinion instantly, whether that opinion is anything like close or not is irrelevant, the impression has already been made.
Its not like clothing or hair colour/style, it is not a fashion statement, its a permanent physical alteration.
If you choose to have a sleeve of tatts, you obviously accept the consequences in that some peeps are not going to want to do business with you, whatever that business is.
Tattoos are beautiful, the tattoo on your leg is beautiful, and nothing but a hugely talented artist could have created it, but just because it is on your leg does not make your leg beautiful, in fact the fact that it is on your leg makes your leg ugly, in my opinion...

Thank you ...I'm sure the tattoo artist would thank you too for your compliment.
I expect he wasn't after making my leg look beautiful....He was just after a canvas for his work!! lol
I wasn't after the tattoo to make my leg beautiful either....It was the image that I wished for and my leg was the most appropriate place for me.
TBH my leg was no more beautiful before the tattoo!
I am considering balancing my other thigh but with the reverse image...a gorgeous lady eating a monster!...not sure what she wll have hanging around her neck though...
Why would it? :shrug: It would make you easier to identify though as you said before!
Tattoos just look rough, and that's the top middle and bottom of it, peeps form an opinion instantly, whether that opinion is anything like close or not is irrelevant, the impression has already been made..

And do you ever go further than that "impression"? Surely you get to know a person? If you chose everything in your life on that then you would have IMHO missed out on a lot of things.

To quote Minor Threat "Sometimes good guys don't wear white."
Just a little off topic, but you know when you are cremated (if you are) does being tattooed speed up the incineration?

Hope so ...get to heaven quicker!! lol
I doubt it makes a difference. A few of my pics are up in general :)