Beginner Technological convergence

Fair enough, I'll fill in the blanks a little.

You'll have gathered I'm not really interested in a lot of modern technology. I regard a telephone as a device that does no more than the name implies, "distant voice" allowing talking over a long distance. Not accessing the internet, sending text messages or taking photos. I also prefer very basic photographic apparatus - look up Canham MQC to see my current favorite camera. Not a pixel, let alone megapixel, in sight.

Definitely on paper a Luddite. Except...

My career was spent programming computers, from the mainframes I started on through to PCs with a mini in there as well. Mainly in low level languages even on mainframes, and at a bit level. Prior to that, I took a BSc in chemistry.

And you might have picked up from my dissection of "telephone" that there's Latin and classical Greek in my past (and present).

You sound a lot like me Stephen. I got sick of the sight of most technology and now I tend to actively avoid a lot of it. I'm interested in the gear associated with photography but I'd rather stick pins in my eyes that talk about phones or computers.
It's for referencing an assignment. I'd be glad if you all can state atleast the careers and some details that can help when referencing.
We know very little about you & the course you are doing & your aspirations for when you qualify with what the course will give you ~ perhaps you could start by telling us a bit about that aspect and how you are doing? Knowing a bit more about the course might inform others as to what sort of help you might need with your photographic journey in ways that are not immediately obvious :thinking:

Have you got any photographs of your wonderful country to share here at TP. You may have noticed that TP is all about "photography" and all things associated with the subject and many members post pictures for both pleasure of sharing what they enjoyed photographing as well as for constructive criticism?
Fair enough, I'll fill in the blanks a little.

You'll have gathered I'm not really interested in a lot of modern technology. I regard a telephone as a device that does no more than the name implies, "distant voice" allowing talking over a long distance. Not accessing the internet, sending text messages or taking photos. I also prefer very basic photographic apparatus - look up Canham MQC to see my current favorite camera. Not a pixel, let alone megapixel, in sight.

Definitely on paper a Luddite. Except...

My career was spent programming computers, from the mainframes I started on through to PCs with a mini in there as well. Mainly in low level languages even on mainframes, and at a bit level. Prior to that, I took a BSc in chemistry.

And you might have picked up from my dissection of "telephone" that there's Latin and classical Greek in my past (and present).
Thank you so much
What is it that you people do as a career?
we live in the age of portfolio careers, it doesn't have to be one career. At the moment I have photography with a photo partner, filming and live streaming with a larger team, two other things unrelated to photos or filming and another in the works.
then I've been retired for years!

There was a time when work was all I lived for but that feeling slowly ebbed away and now when I pass work places I think of the people inside and wonder how many are feeling like I did. I came to resent having to spend time with and deal with people who were just playing power games or who just didn't care or actively set out to be uncooperative or disruptive.
Career? None. Means of earning money? Loads of different ones. Now? Retired.
My career is idleness (or retired, if you prefer to call it that) :D
I wish I knew how you manage that. I retired about eight years ago and yet still end up rushing around... :wideyed:
I wish I knew how you manage that. I retired about eight years ago and yet still end up rushing around... :wideyed:

Simple. First, use a large format camera. That stops rushing.

The second method to promote actual idleness involves three things. A pint mug of tea, a chair and TP.

What is technological convergence?
My guess might be that phones are taking the place of compact cameras.... but it's just a guess. Cameras are becoming more like phones with wifi and connectivity, and phones are becoming more like cameras - with the quality of images improving all the time and more ability to control the image taking.