The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

I never got round to trying an a7s the a7sii however is an absolute low light monster wow seriously impressive!!!!
I haven't done a decent test yet against a7rii I can see why people would buy the sii tho cant lie those 12mp are high quality 12mp lol
yeah agreed It is the wifes cam for video just grabbed it and was impressed I think I had a pre conceived idea that it wouldn't be for some reason lol
yeah agreed It is the wifes cam for video just grabbed it and was impressed I think I had a pre conceived idea that it wouldn't be for some reason lol

lol, its basically the same camera, besides the sensor. I liked output from the A7s but for stills hardly ever got up to those ridiculous ISOs (noise just gets to much anyway) and never saw enough of a difference even at both native MPs, the only benefit over the D750 was video, thats where it shines tbf.
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I haven't done a decent test yet against a7rii I can see why people would buy the sii tho cant lie those 12mp are high quality 12mp lol

8mp is enough for A3 prints for me. We only have to go back a few years and no DSLR offered more than 12mp and we managed. I don't know how we survived back then.
@twist pretty much how we cant survive with dual slot cards hehe

For some 8mp is enough, or having to work out backup routines between shoots every hour with 6 different cards and buy extra gear and insurance policies and to carry more stuff, why when I have 2 card slots! I know which option pretty much every working pro would go for given the choice. Only people who dont have the choice would choose the more complicated option.

Perhaps people should go back to film and manual focus lenses or living in a cave, because clearly technology has done nothing to improve things. Just because its good enough for them.... and then some people go on to talk about dinosaur technology. Hilarious.
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For some 8mp is enough, or having to work out backup routines between shoots every hour with 6 different cards and buy extra gear and insurance policies and to carry more stuff, why when I have 2 card slots! I know which option pretty much every working pro would go for given the choice. Only people who dont have the choice would choose the more complicated option.

Perhaps people should go back to film and manual focus lenses or living in a cave, because clearly technology has done nothing to improve things. Just because its good enough for them.... and then some people go on to talk about dinosaur technology. Hilarious.
mate if i could shoot 20fps an 50mp on two xdblah type cards with a 100% AF coverage id be super happy.

Make my life easier !!!
Perhaps people should go back to film and manual focus lenses or living in a cave, because clearly technology has done nothing to improve things. Just because its good enough for them.... and then some people go on to talk about dinosaur technology. Hilarious.

No, you're being ridiculous now. What I've always advised is that people think about their needs and actually I don't think that people do this enough.

Some people may truly need 100mb and the ability to focus track a nats gonads at 70mph at 5 miles distance and to save the file to 4 cards and if those are your needs then you need kit to match.

Others only need to be able to shoot the relatively less taxing stuff we shot years ago and still continue to shoot and maybe only view and share electronically or print occasionally to a max of A3. That's me and I'm quite honest about my needs... they're pretty basic and almost any modern camera from MFT and upwards will be good enough for me and even I suspect for the majority of people. What has changed for me image quality wise is that I can shoot at ISO's that were impossible a few years ago. Apart from that the advances for me are probably mostly in usability of manual lenses and the reduction in bulk.

Have to be honest and say that most of my files are shared 2000 pixels wide and viewed electronically. I occasionally supply a full sized file and I occasionally print and my most recent efforts print wise have been a big success with friends and family and people are rushing out and buying frames as we speak so I feel pretty good at the moment :D but I wont kid myself that I need fancy gear. I don't :D If you do, fine :D
I don't need fancy gear too...... but I have GAS so I couldn't resist :D lol.
What I've always advised is that people think about their needs and actually I don't think that people do this enough.

Exactly, some need the additional advantages and speed of a certain type of camera and the added security of dual slots etc. Un/fortunately, I am one of those people and all those things add up, but I also understand how nice it is to have a smaller camera with a single prime or two just for the other times and thats why I also have my A7. But this can create problems for my bank account.

Parp, sorry. GAS.
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I don't need fancy gear too...... but I have GAS so I couldn't resist :D lol.
We all have GAS that's why we are here lol

I don't know if it's age or I'm mellowing... but I don't seem to crave the hardware now. The cameras I have are good enough (the GX7 and A7 are but the G1 does lag a bit in low light) and the A7 probably exceeds my needs and although I do like looking at the lovely files I'm not sure I crave more gear any more.
Exactly, some need the additional advantages and speed of a certain type of camera and the added security of dual slots etc. Un/fortunately, I am one of those people and all those things add up, but I also understand how nice it is to have a smaller camera with a single prime or two just for the other times and thats why I also have my A7. But this can create problems for my bank account.

Parp, sorry. GAS.
I wish I mellowed out.... but GAS has got me hard...... and as soon as the new Sony G Master lenses come out... the bank manager will end up calling me to protest! lol :D

Sony FE 12-24mm f2.8 G Master
Sony FE 24-70mm f2.8 G Master
Sony FE 70-200mm f2.8 G Master
Sony 1.4x or 2.0x TC G Master
Zeiss Batis 135mm f2.0
Zeiss Batis 35mm f1.8
Sony A7RIII with DUAL SD slots, a gazillion AF ponts with 5 billion ISO, 50fps and 100mp :D:rolleyes:

Did I miss anything? :exit:
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Did I miss anything? :exit:

I could possibly be tempted by the 28mm f2 and by the rumoured 85mm f1.8 and definitely by a compact 35mm f1.8. Other than that a 135mm f2.8 and a longish macro and I suppose I could get wide and longish zooms to sit unused with my 28-70mm. But I'm not craving anything... I have 9-18, 14-42 and 45-200mm in MFT so they're not essential for A7 and I hardly use zooms anyway.

I might buy more but I might just stick with my manual lenses. Actually I think that a compact 35mm f1.8 would be the most tempting thing :D

I still like reading about the kit though and it's good to see the system getting bigger even if I might not buy more.
I wish the r2 had dual cars slots. Let's be honest, 64gb gets used very quickly with those monster files.

In other news I've done really well not to buy a Nikon today. I wonder how long I can hold out..
I wish I mellowed out.... but GAS has got me hard...... and as soon as the new Sony G Master lenses come out... the bank manager will end up calling me to protest! lol :D

Sony FE 12-24mm f2.8 G Master
Sony FE 24-70mm f2.8 G Master
Sony FE 70-200mm f2.8 G Master
Sony 1.4x or 2.0x TC G Master
Zeiss Batis 135mm f2.0
Zeiss Batis 35mm f1.8
Sony A7RIII with DUAL SD slots, a gazillion AF ponts with 5 billion ISO, 50fps and 100mp :D:rolleyes:

Did I miss anything? :exit:

85mm 1.4 obviously
I wish the r2 had dual cars slots. Let's be honest, 64gb gets used very quickly with those monster files.

In other news I've done really well not to buy a Nikon today. I wonder how long I can hold out..

I'm sure the next generation A7 series might get dual SD slots along with other great features, and it'll be a welcomed edition but it hasn't put me off investing in Sony now rather than holding out, I got a nice deal so just had to pull the trigger. :)
I'm going to just swap out my SD cards every hour or so as I have 10x 64Gb and 4x 32Gb SD cards at my disposal. Use a Western Digital drive to backup SD cards in the background.

How many full size uncompressed RAW images can you get on one 64GB SD? :)
I'm sure the next generation A7 series might get dual SD slots along with other great features, and it'll be a welcomed edition but it hasn't put me off investing in Sony now rather than holding out, I got a nice deal so just had to pull the trigger. :)
I'm going to just swap out my SD cards every hour or so as I have 10x 64Gb and 4x 32Gb SD cards at my disposal. Use a Western Digital drive to backup SD cards in the background.

How many full size uncompressed RAW images can you get on one 64GB SD? :)

739. More than I thought actually.
I'm sure the next generation A7 series might get dual SD slots along with other great features, and it'll be a welcomed edition but it hasn't put me off investing in Sony now rather than holding out, I got a nice deal so just had to pull the trigger. :)
I'm going to just swap out my SD cards every hour or so as I have 10x 64Gb and 4x 32Gb SD cards at my disposal. Use a Western Digital drive to backup SD cards in the background.

How many full size uncompressed RAW images can you get on one 64GB SD? :)
You mean you use your laptop to backup your stuff?
You mean you use your laptop to backup your stuff?
Nope, was thinking of using a western digital portable HDD unit which has a built in SD card slot.
So just swap SD cards and let it backup in the background etc.
I can pickup a 1TB version for £116 so a relatively cheap option. It also has built in wifi and is USB3. :)
If you're filling an SD card just swap it out for another one. The point of dual slots that people complain about is that there is no 'live' redundancy. However, the issue isn't a deal breaker by any means seeing as many photographers manage with a single slot just fine.

I do think this thread has the most amount of 'if only' type posts rather than people just getting out and appreciating the quality of the kit they actually have in their hands. It feels like Sony's short period between new bodies is fuelling the sometimes ridiculous amount of GAS leading to people agonising over the smallest of details instead of just shooting. That's not aimed at anyone in particular, just an observation.
and those main 2 faults they pick on are Card slots and battrey, there just jealous as they feel at risk, of Betamax syndrome :)
If you're filling an SD card just swap it out for another one. The point of dual slots that people complain about is that there is no 'live' redundancy. However, the issue isn't a deal breaker by any means seeing as many photographers manage with a single slot just fine.

I do think this thread has the most amount of 'if only' type posts rather than people just getting out and appreciating the quality of the kit they actually have in their hands. It feels like Sony's short period between new bodies is fuelling the sometimes ridiculous amount of GAS leading to people agonising over the smallest of details instead of just shooting. That's not aimed at anyone in particular, just an observation.

Of course its not a deal breaker but it depends if you want that built in insurance or if you want to faff with other methods or possibly even lose clients because of failure, its not just backup, a 2nd slot can act as a jpg slot, overflow or video. Youre not just covering yourself with 2 cards but also have 2 slots if the one failed. I really wouldnt say its a small detail but perhaps some arent concerned. I always back my computer up, why wouldnt I 'back my camera up'.
Nope, was thinking of using a western digital portable HDD unit which has a built in SD card slot.
So just swap SD cards and let it backup in the background etc.
I can pickup a 1TB version for £116 so a relatively cheap option. It also has built in wifi and is USB3. :)
O nice. Got a link.