The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

I haven't seen the post, and wonder if it's someone I've put on ignore.

Treat the forum like you were seated at a dinner party - how would you speak to and interact with the other guests. Obviously what one could say would depend on the strength of relationship with the others round the table, but it should be expected that conversation would be polite and respectful rather than trying to push them into a shouting match or storming off.
Could you pass the gravy please? (y) :D
I've not seen the thread either. Feel like I'm missing out.

I think at least on the whole we get on well in this thread.
I didn't see the cause of the poster leaving but I recognised the name.

I used to go to a car forum where things were often a multiple times worse than what goes on here. I remember telling one of the guys at the thick of it he needed help but it was quite a while until he actually got any. Still, he eventually did :D
I didn't see the cause of the poster leaving but I recognised the name.

I must have them on ignore then, because I can't find anything about them.

I used to go to a car forum where things were often a multiple times worse than what goes on here.

We've probably all seen worse at times, especially when the internet was the wild frontier instead a slumming ground for the everyday hoi poloi general public. Things can be very bad when a group of individuals work together to bring someone down, as happens occasionally.
I’ve not got anyone on ignore but I’ve no idea which thread it is.

It's in help with the site. No idea who it was and not from my ignore list. I have just 4 or 5 - individuals who take far more away from the conversation than they add *for me*.
It's in help with the site. No idea who it was and not from my ignore list. I have just 4 or 5 - individuals who take far more away from the conversation than they add *for me*.
I think it's a very crass person who would think their posts haven't annoyed others.

I'm sure I'm on a lot of people's ignore list and there's a few on mine. Every so often I take them off and see whether they still annoy me. Often they don't - either they've changed or I've changed or, more likely we've both changed. That's life. ;)
I'm waiting for a VIP invite to the grand opening of Trevor Bray Cameras, surely he's got enough stock to satisfy the whole of Surrey

Sorry we both forgot to tell you, Trev is going to cover Surrey with his shop, while I will be covering Sussex lol
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I see Sony released a new firmware update today for the A7IV, instructions said that you MUST update to v1.05 first then the new 1.10, few hours later they've suspended downloads because it's bricking some cameras, idiots !!!!

Glad i've stuck to my policy of not doing firmware updates on release day.
I see Sony released a new firmware update today for the A7IV, instructions said that you MUST update to v1.05 first then the new 1.10, few hours later they've suspended downloads because it's bricking some cameras, idiots !!!!

Glad i've stuck to my policy of not doing firmware updates on release day.
Don't forget you need to do the special ritualistic Sony fw update dance while it's happening.

Some manufacturers allow you to simply copy the firmware file to the SD card and update from it. That'd be too user friendly for Sony i guess.

Having worked in software and released patches and updates to users what I'd normally do in case a certain version was necessary was to ship the patch with the necessary previous releases. I'd apply them behind the scenes if needed after checking users current version.
It does make your patches larger but at least you don't have this kinda headache. Always assume that users will break things if there is a way to do so.
Don't forget you need to do the special ritualistic Sony fw update dance while it's happening.

Some manufacturers allow you to simply copy the firmware file to the SD card and update from it. That'd be too user friendly for Sony i guess.

Having worked in software and released patches and updates to users what I'd normally do in case a certain version was necessary was to ship the patch with the necessary previous releases. I'd apply them behind the scenes if needed after checking users current version.
It does make your patches larger but at least you don't have this kinda headache. Always assume that users will break things if there is a way to do so.
It is an SD card update this time and not user error from what i've read, hence why Sony have pulled it.
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
I'm very sorry for your loss Terry. She was a beautiful dog.

Maybe try and concentrate on the fact that you gave her a good home and love and not all of Gods creatures are so fortunate. I hope and believe we all meet again.
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
Sorry to hear your sad news.
What a beautiful dog she was!!

When we lost our Working Cocker, it was truly heartbreaking.
This was at the beginning of January a few years ago.
We had unopened First Footing gifts left by our neighbours.
One of gifts was a Tea Towel with "A House Is Not A Home Without A Dog"
That spurred us on to get our Springer, Bracken
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]

Very sorry for your loss.

That’s an absolute beautiful shot btw I hope it’s printed large.
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]

Sorry to hear this, heart breaking when they go. But so nice to hear she's had a good life for 13 years. Lovely photograph.
Sorry to hear that Terry. Really touching story though, rescues are such wonderful dogs and always deserving of that second chance.

And an amazing picture as well, definitely worth printing large as Jonathan said!
I assume you mean the DDSSM of the 200-600mm? TBH I don't know which are faster, the new 70-200mm f2.8 GM2 uses linear motors but has 4 of them, I'd have thought if the SSM are faster they'd have used them but that's only an assumption as I don't know they difference.

It's the Sony FE 70-200mm f4 G OSS I was meaning. I'm sure someone has told me in the past that it has dual motors. It's a little aging now though.
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
So sorry to read this. Take comfort in the fact that you have done the best for her - it’s the hardest decision but also the bravest.
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
Very sorry to hear this, my sincere condolences. Dogs are part of the family and leave a huge hole when they’re gone, my thoughts are with you and your family.
Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.

13 years ago, almost to the day, we collected an ex-stray GSD X Collie called Rosie from a rescue centre. She was on the last chance register and as soon as we met her we knew she was the dog for us.

She used to drink out of every puddle on a walk as, we believe, she didn't know where the next drink was coming from.
She settled in really quickly and soon learned that food and drink and cuddles would always be available. She learned to play with various toys including tennis balls and footballs (her favourite).

For 13 years we took her everywhere we went on holidays and days out. We didn't want for her to ever go into kennels again.

We called her calendar dog as she always knew Wednesdays and Saturdays were Jumbone treat night. I kid you not!

Our hearts are breaking as we have had to say goodbye to the sweetest, gentlest and most loving dog ever.

This house is empty without her at my feet.

So sleep well my darling Rosie. You can run free now without that pesky arthritis making each step so painful.

Until we meet again my beautiful baby bear.

Goodnight beautiful girl xxx

[url=]Rosie at 13 by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
Sorry to hear your sad news Terry

I'm lost for words, that bought a lump to my throat.
Like many here I know the pain of losing a best friend .

So Sorry...
It's the Sony FE 70-200mm f4 G OSS I was meaning. I'm sure someone has told me in the past that it has dual motors. It's a little aging now though.
Yep, dual linear (y)