The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Can Fuji do Auto Fill Flash?

I have a Godox tt350 on my x-t30, and with TTL it always picks 1/60 in any mode except P ( in P is does not go above 1/60 but will go faster if needed)
Do I have to use manual if I want to use the ambient exposure and add the smalled fill to lift the shadows

Is this what the mysterious Slow Sync option is?

I only bought my X-T4 in April so definitely not looking to move that on yet. 40MP is a bit of a turn off for my style of photography to be honest, I don't need or really want that resolution. I'd guess this has the improved processor and AF capabilities from the X-H2 which would be nice. Price seems reasonable for the specs. The flippy screen on the X-T4 has never bothered me (I took the camera out of the box, flipped it over so the screen was visible and that's where it will permanently stay) but I know lots of people wanted the X-T3 screen back.

Quoted battery life is better, and it's a hair smaller than the X-T4 in width. Seems a decent upgrade
I am reassured that they have moved it back to a stills camera, and not messed with the layout from the X-T2/3. I'm not too fussed about the headline features, 40MP and IBIS, but want one mainly for the improved AF.
I am reassured that they have moved it back to a stills camera, and not messed with the layout from the X-T2/3. I'm not too fussed about the headline features, 40MP and IBIS, but want one mainly for the improved AF.
I don't think the AF will be an upgrade on the XT-4 as a Fuji rep told me the XH-2 was pretty much the same as the XT-4 but it will be a bit better than the XT-3.

One thing of concern that dpreview mention, the drive dial gets knocked easily when using the ISO dial, ergonomics have always been a strong point, that would be a real PITA.
I don't think the AF will be an upgrade on the XT-4 as a Fuji rep told me the XH-2 was pretty much the same as the XT-4 but it will be a bit better than the XT-3.

One thing of concern that dpreview mention, the drive dial gets knocked easily when using the ISO dial, ergonomics have always been a strong point, that would be a real PITA.
I thought the new processor made the AF much better? Doesn't it do person / animal / bird / car / plane auto recognition and tracking now? The X-T4 can't do that.
I thought the new processor made the AF much better? Doesn't it do person / animal / bird / car / plane auto recognition and tracking now? The X-T4 can't do that.
I meant in terms of speed and low light. Must admit I was surprised by the comment. So maybe it's just the tracking and subject recognition that's the advantage.

@trevorbray How's the low light AF on the XH-2 mate ? Better than a T4 ?
I meant in terms of speed and low light. Must admit I was surprised by the comment. So maybe it's just the tracking and subject recognition that's the advantage.

@trevorbray How's the low light AF on the XH-2 mate ? Better than a T4 ?
Apparently it has more phase detect AF pixels coupled with a much more powerful processor. I'd think we're splitting hairs on AF at this point, no camera has bad AF anymore despite what Youtubers and reviewers say. It's just varying degrees of good. Always makes me laugh when people say Fuji cameras can't shoot sport because of their "poor" AF. My first two Canon DSLRs had a grand total of 9 (nine!) AF points in a diamond in the middle of the frame, and I managed just fine
Can Fuji do Auto Fill Flash?

I have a Godox tt350 on my x-t30, and with TTL it always picks 1/60 in any mode except P ( in P is does not go above 1/60 but will go faster if needed)
Do I have to use manual if I want to use the ambient exposure and add the smalled fill to lift the shadows

Is this what the mysterious Slow Sync option is?

On my t3 and t4 I set shutter speed to the sync speed 250 sec or slower and iso to 200 to 400 at 5.6 then let ttl do it's thing. Increasing or decreasing exposure by the aperture or flash compensation. Basically using the camera in manual mode. If the viewfinder is to dark you might have to turn off the exposure preview in settings.
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Ah. I noticed this when I was out with my X100s and have just checked again... and I'm sure the EVF gives a wider and taller capture than the OVF. I take it this is normal?

The final images are the same though.
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Ah. I noticed this when I was out with my X100s and have just checked again... and I'm sure the EVF gives a wider and taller capture than the OVF. I take it this is normal?

The final images are the same though.
Perfectly normal. OVF has the advantage that you can see anything entering/leaving the frame.
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Perfectly normal. OVF has the advantage that you can see anything entering/leaving the frame.

I know about the out of frame view as I had film era RF's so I'm familiar with framelines but what I'm seeing here is that the area within the OVF framelines gives a narrower and less tall FoV than the EVF although the final picture is exactly the same.
Had to visit the big smoke yesterday for a work thing. Took the V and got an earlier train to wander about beforehand. Felt abit intimidated waving my camera around with all the commuters bustling here and there but managed to find a few quieter spots.

Fenchurch Street by iam_BLOATER, on Flickr

Sky Garden by iam_BLOATER, on Flickr

Tower Bridge by iam_BLOATER, on Flickr

Sanger Textiles by iam_BLOATER, on Flickr

Arches by iam_BLOATER, on Flickr

Leadenhall by iam_BLOATER, on Flickr

Really great set of London captures Alan, liking all of these very much and all with a good punchy mono presentation. "Great Stuff".
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"Heads Up"

I do notice that there are some of you "FUJI-X" snappers on this thread that are still not members of the "Fuji-X United" group that I run on Flickr. If any of you that are still not members would like to join then you'd sure be very welcome.

On a slightly lesser note, it maybe necessary to make the above group "Subject To Approval" as there have been quite a few members attempting to post work that was not snapped on a "FUJI-X" camera (no one from TP I'm pleased to say). All of those responsible I have written to personally and asked them not to do so.

I'll leave the group as is at the moment in the hopes that this does not continue, but if I do have to bring in such a restriction it is purely for that reason only and in no way am I approving the quality of any work. It's just that I cannot set up one rule for one and not for another it has to be a blanket restriction, so please keep posting your work and I have no doubts it will meet the few requirements of the group.

Many thanks for your understanding.
Another two very nice captures Nick, the old Ford bus dates back a bit but looks to be in pretty good condition, and the horse carriage driver looks as if he might be a bit of a character.
Thanks George, yes he was a character and happy for me to take his photo more importantly :)

For you Dave I just don't see the point. You had really nice Sony kit but I think you moved away from it at least party due to bulk and weight reasons so going deeper into an APS-C changeable lens set up needs thinking about if it approaches the bulk and weight of kit you've already ditched for bulk and weight reasons.
For you Dave I just don't see the point. You had really nice Sony kit but I think you moved away from it at least party due to bulk and weight reasons so going deeper into an APS-C changeable lens set up needs thinking about if it approaches the bulk and weight of kit you've already ditched for bulk and weight reasons.

Yes it was because of the bulk I sadly left Sony as really loved my A7 III, it was great while it lasted though. I know it is hard to believe but I'm done with buying cameras now, as for me in APS-C I have the best in the X-S10 + X-T3.
Yes it was because of the bulk I sadly left Sony as really loved my A7 III, it was great while it lasted though. I know it is hard to believe but I'm done with buying cameras now, as for me in APS-C I have the best in the X-S10 + X-T3.

There you go then. Be happy with what you have :D

If I had to stick to one it'd be the A7 and a 35mm because it isn't significantly bigger or heavier than an APS-C setup and IMO gives the advantages of control of depth and IQ. But. Thankfully I don't limit myself to one camera! :D

X100s, enjoying a chrysanthemum water whilst watching the Man City match :D


I'm still undecided on the X100s. The issue for me is the shutter speed limitations. I know there's the ND. I'm hoping to be able to get out again pretty soon to give it another real world road test but the X100f and v do tempt me because of their increased mechanical shutter speeds at wider apertures and the inclusion of the electronic shutter which would cure any static shot shutter speed issues.
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