The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Just unpacking my new toy, freshly arrived from the Fuji refurb shop today....
It looms a good walkabout lens. I'm looking forward to reading some reports and seeing images with it. No doubt the unboxing and reviews will start appearing in YouTube very shortly.
Have they given launch prices for the UK market??
$899 so with todays exchange rate and the UK's hiked prices that will probably mean its about £899 over here....just guessing of course :)
FR mentions EUR799, and the GBP:EUR exchange rate is looking quite good at the moment.
Just received an email from Fuji saying that they will be emailing me the £250 voucher soon and this will be only valid till the end of August
Yes I got one too. Happy Days :) at this stage though I'm not convinced I need this lens having the focal lengths covered. The only added bonus is that it's weather sealed. Put it thus way if there is enough rain to get on the lens and spoil the picture then it's best off in the bag anyway !
Got my email. But it'll need to be pretty special to give up my 18-55 for it.
Still using mainly auto settings but second outing with the X-T1 today. Annoyingly, found when I checked the photos when I got home I found a smudge on the top right. Wasn't there yesterday. Have used the sensor cleaning on switch on/off and whatever it is has moved towards the edge. Don't have a blower yet, does anyone recommend that?

Anyway, my first attempts:

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Still using mainly auto settings but second outing with the X-T1 today. Annoyingly, found when I checked the photos when I got home I found a smudge on the top right. Wasn't there yesterday. Have used the sensor cleaning on switch on/off and whatever it is has moved towards the edge. Don't have a blower yet, does anyone recommend that?

Anyway, my first attempts:

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Can't view them. Seems it's set to private.
Sorry. Just changed the settings now. First time posting photos so bit of trial and error.

That's better, next time just copy the BB code and paste it into your post.
Quite a few people won't click through to view.
The VR on this 18-135mm is amazing. The Fuji Guys just posted a video showing the lens used hand held with the VR on.

Fuijfilm - FUJINON LENS XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM O…:
Weighing up a move to EM1 or XT-1 form a 70D DSLR, mainly to reduce size and weight but maintain image quality.

Impressed with the XT-1 but unsure on lens selection. Any advice on where to look.

1. Landscape/travel - I am interested in the 12-40 F2.8 olympus, whats the best offering here from Fuji?
2. portraits - I presume it has to be the 56? Expensive though
3. Macro lens for dental photography, will also need a ring flash, any issues, which lens flash would you recommend?
The VR on this 18-135mm is amazing. The Fuji Guys just posted a video showing the lens used hand held with the VR on.

Fuijfilm - FUJINON LENS XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM O…:

That's some impressive stabilisation. I still don't want the lens, though.
Weighing up a move to EM1 or XT-1 form a 70D DSLR, mainly to reduce size and weight but maintain image quality.

Impressed with the XT-1 but unsure on lens selection. Any advice on where to look.

1. Landscape/travel - I am interested in the 12-40 F2.8 olympus, whats the best offering here from Fuji?
If you look at the Fuji Lens roadmap theres a 16-55mm F2.8 which gives same overall focal length and F2.8 fixed aperture

2. portraits - I presume it has to be the 56? Expensive though
The 56 is ideal or you can get the cheaper 35mm f1.4 which gives you a 53mm focal length so also okay for portrait or the 60mm f2.4 Macro lens ?

3. Macro lens for dental photography, will also need a ring flash, any issues, which lens flash would you recommend?
There is no ring flash that i know off so can't answer that im afraid
Given that you want to do portraits and macro photography; the ( X Mount ) Zeiss Touit 50mm f/1.2 is ideal. As a portrait lens it's very sharp and when wide open gives a very nice shallow depth of field. Any illumination in the background is defused nicely with a very soft creamy bokeh effect. Close the aperture up and it's pin sharp at f/16 - f/22. It is also a true macro lens giving 1:1 ratio unlike the Fuji 60mm which is not a true macro, In comparison it out performs the 60mm which has to hunt around and struggles to lock on / focus on shiny objects such as keys.
After lusting for an X100 for years and resisting the X-Pro1 for another year or two, the X-T1 finally has me convinced... I'm all but certain I'll make the switch from 600D to X-T1... seeing as how selling my DSLR gear will allow me to spend at least some cash, I'm curious what the verdict on the ideal starter lens setup is? I've always been a sucker for fast primes but judging from the reviews I've read, the 18-55 seems decent enough to spend the few extra hundred and get the practical kit lens. Now as for tele, there's only one option and the 55-200 is zoom anyways. Which leaves me thinking...

a) should I get the complete "trinity" zoom package (10-24, 18-55, 55-200) to start with? This would set me back about 3.200€ which is roughly what I'm looking/able to spend.
b) should I go with primes and get the body, the 14mm, 35mm and 56mm? This would cost around 3.600€ which is a bit more and seems very limited?

Of course, it all depends on what I'm planning to do with it. For starters, I'm hiking through Norway later this summer so the 10-24 and the 55-200 would probably be very good lenses to bring along... and I'm travelling with a group (one other tog, two girls) so working fast is definitely an advantage... On the other hand, just reading "56mm F1.2" gets me all weak in the knees... Or, of course, the 50mm Zeiss, Blank_Canvas mentioned. But I mostly do travel photography, landscapes, cities, streets, some portraits, some macro... So I'm thinking a) and just get that sexy 56mm lens whenever I find some cash under the couch later?

Oh, and: Any more information about the drop date for the 16-55 at all? I just keep reading "later this summer" but I'd really like to take the X-T1 to Norway with me...