The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Your thoughts on this please. Just had my XT2 after switching from Nikon. Bought it with 18-55 plus I got the 35mm f2. I want to build my lens collection now, thinking my next buy should be between the 16mm f1.4 or the 10-24 f4. I know there's a huge debate about prime v zoom but I heard and read so many good things about both these lenses. So, with all the experience here I thought I would ask your opinions? Would it be the 16mm for its f1.4 and sudo macro ability or the 10-24mm f4 for it's wider view and versatility over a larger range?
Many thanks.
I have both the 14mm and the 10-24. I can't see a great deal of difference in the sharpness or otherwise between the two lenses.
If I'm out on a togging day I'll take the 14mm because it is faster and I have time to get myself set up for the shot.
If I'm out with SWMBO on a tripping day I take the 10-24 simply because she won't wait for me to pfaff around changing lenses and composing the shot. There are a load of posts somewhere ^^^^complaining that the 10-24 gives massive distortion at the 10 end. Never been a problem for me.
My X-T2 tip for today !! which I dare say most of you already know.

"If when you should need to turn the on/off switch to "Off" and then "On" again fairly quickly, sometimes it will appear that the camera has not switched back on again when in fact it has. No need to switch it off again and repeat the process, just hold down the shutter release button half way for a second or to and the camera will burst into life in all its glory"(y)

That's my useless bit of info for today. "Enjoy".:D:D

X-t10 does this too
There are a load of posts somewhere ^^^^complaining that the 10-24 gives massive distortion at the 10 end. Never been a problem for me.
Agreed. The "distortion " is the fact it's a very wide-angle lens. Those who don't understand the difference shouldn't be using one.
My X-T2 tip for today !! which I dare say most of you already know.

"If when you should need to turn the on/off switch to "Off" and then "On" again fairly quickly, sometimes it will appear that the camera has not switched back on again when in fact it has. No need to switch it off again and repeat the process, just hold down the shutter release button half way for a second or to and the camera will burst into life in all its glory"(y)

That's my useless bit of info for today. "Enjoy".:D:D


Yup, I discovered this through trial and error on the XT-1
Your thoughts on this please. Just had my XT2 after switching from Nikon. Bought it with 18-55 plus I got the 35mm f2. I want to build my lens collection now, thinking my next buy should be between the 16mm f1.4 or the 10-24 f4. I know there's a huge debate about prime v zoom but I heard and read so many good things about both these lenses. So, with all the experience here I thought I would ask your opinions? Would it be the 16mm for its f1.4 and sudo macro ability or the 10-24mm f4 for it's wider view and versatility over a larger range?
Many thanks.
If it was me, i'd go for the 10-24mm its a fantastic lens, yes primes are marginally sharper, but unless you're printing out huge sizes the difference is marginal. for me it's a real faff to change lenses (lazy git lol) I do have 4 primes, 18mm,23mm f2, 35mm f2 and 60mm but my most used lens would be the 18-135mm then 10-24mm followed by the 16-55mm. The 23mm F2 has been on my X Pro 2 pretty much 100% of the time since I bought it a few weeks back though. I think the X Pro 2 is better suited to primes.
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I have both the 14mm and the 10-24. I can't see a great deal of difference in the sharpness or otherwise between the two lenses.
If I'm out on a togging day I'll take the 14mm because it is faster and I have time to get myself set up for the shot.
If I'm out with SWMBO on a tripping day I take the 10-24 simply because she won't wait for me to pfaff around changing lenses and composing the shot. There are a load of posts somewhere ^^^^complaining that the 10-24 gives massive distortion at the 10 end. Never been a problem for me.
Nor for me, I've never experienced massive distortion at 10mm. The 10-24mm is the fastest but the OIS is excellent and makes up for the F4. my most used FL is 18mm so it covers my shooting style a lot of the time.
Agreed. The "distortion " is the fact it's a very wide-angle lens. Those who don't understand the difference shouldn't be using one.

No issues here either, shot an entire property with one and all the lines were ruler straight right out to the edges when composed correctly.
Thanks George. I didn't know that. Thought there might be some software problem and I was putting off doing anything about it.

It happens to a few cameras I've had so nah not software
Yup... I have done it folks...... getting a XT & Grip next week...... just deciding on what lenses to get!
I am keeping my Sony gear for the time being to see how I get on with the Fuji. :D

Where did you buy it from pal. Harrisons?? What lens u think u fancy
Where did you buy it from pal. Harrisons?? What lens u think u fancy

I traded two of my Sony lenses for it on the classified on here. :D
I think I am going to look out for nice example of the 18-55mm f2.8-4 for now and see how I get on.
Would love the 16-55mm f2.8 but it doesn't have OIS.
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Any good bag suggestions for Fuji gear? My old Kata bag isn't very well suited, it's meant more for a dslr + large lens attached plus a flash/lens or 2 more lenses. Great bag, but for the fuji I want something neater.

This is what i have currently:

I also have a Think tank roller bag and another Think tank case type over shoulder bag that's also way too big.
Another option, if you're prepared to wait until they are back in stock, is to buy the X-E2 kit from the Fuji refurb store for £499 less the Paypal12 discount (on the body only) You'd get £250 for the X-E2 and one very cheap 18-55mm !
Agreed. The "distortion " is the fact it's a very wide-angle lens. Those who don't understand the difference shouldn't be using one.
Isn't that a little harsh? I don't fully understand my X-T2, maybe I shouldn't be using it.(n)
Isn't that a little harsh? I don't fully understand my X-T2, maybe I shouldn't be using it.(n)
Not harsh. I don't fully/mostly understand my X-T2 either :)

But for someone to deliberately criticise a wide-angle lens for having distortions shouldn't do so unless they understand also that wide-angle lenses, by their very nature, can bend lines when not angled correctly. You should only criticise something if you understand it. As my father was fond of saying "if in doubt, say nowt".
Our brains do funny things to us at times, even with stuff we think we understand. I went outside earlier with the 55-200, took some shots of trees and plants, nothing exciting, just testing. Came back to the PC and went to process, and started cursing the lens. "BLUR?? SHAKE!? WTF? so much for OIS" ... took me a minute, then remembered ... Oh aye, it's windy ... :D
Not harsh. I don't fully/mostly understand my X-T2 either :)

But for someone to deliberately criticise a wide-angle lens for having distortions shouldn't do so unless they understand also that wide-angle lenses, by their very nature, can bend lines when not angled correctly. You should only criticise something if you understand it. As my father was fond of saying "if in doubt, say nowt".
Fair point. :coat:
Not harsh. I don't fully/mostly understand my X-T2 either :)

But for someone to deliberately criticise a wide-angle lens for having distortions shouldn't do so unless they understand also that wide-angle lenses, by their very nature, can bend lines when not angled correctly. You should only criticise something if you understand it. As my father was fond of saying "if in doubt, say nowt".
They can also bend lines when angled correctly, such as barrel distortion. Also you will tend to see distortion in the corners.
Your thoughts on this please. Just had my XT2 after switching from Nikon. Bought it with 18-55 plus I got the 35mm f2. I want to build my lens collection now, thinking my next buy should be between the 16mm f1.4 or the 10-24 f4. I know there's a huge debate about prime v zoom but I heard and read so many good things about both these lenses. So, with all the experience here I thought I would ask your opinions? Would it be the 16mm for its f1.4 and sudo macro ability or the 10-24mm f4 for it's wider view and versatility over a larger range?
Many thanks.

I thought I would chip in here too since I feel Fuji will be in my life at some point in the future. However my POV is purely on speed and coverage.

You are already going to get the 35 f/2 and while f/1.4 is a stop faster, I think you'll find that the ultra wide zoom, despite only being f/4.0 will expand your shooting possibilities. If in a confined space or simply should you want to fit in as much as is possible in a scene, then an ultra wide is indispensable ( Beware distortion of close subjects at the wide end ). If however you find the extra low light capability of the 16 f/1.4 tough to turn away and will not need an ultra-wide then perhaps the 16mm may be your first port of call. 24mm is nice but it is not very wide if you are trying to cover most of say, a hall. While IS helps you with hand-holding, f/4.0 will not freeze movement. This was a downside for me in the current Fuji lineup, attractive as it is since f/4.0 is just too slow for the things I shoot.

Hope this helps but please feel free to bin if it doesn't :)
"DON'T READ THIS" I bet that's got your attention.:D:D

As most of you won't be of the slightest bit interested in the following notes so my advice would be to fast forward to another bit of this thread and miss this post out altogether.

But in case you are interested then read on.

Just a bit of nonsense about my experiences so far with regards to the X-T2 & Battery Grips. Two weeks ago I was staying in Dallas TX for a couple of nights before headin' across to Austin TX for the USA F1. I was downtown Dallas with a buddy of mine who lives in Dallas and we clapped our eyes on a really well stocked camera store, so in we went for a browse. Low & behold they had several (yes several) X-T2 cameras for sale right there on the shelf along with Battery Grips and any Fuji lens you could want. Yes you've guessed it, I bought an X-T2 & Battery Grip and a 100-400mm lens right there and then. The guy in the store recognized my buddy from the hotel that he works at and also that I had a fair bit of an English flavor to my American accent, so we all got chatting and it ended up that he gave me a really good discount on the equipment.

When I got to the Austin F1 on qualifying day I started to use the X-T2 gear together with the 100-400mm lens and some of my other Fuji zoom lenses for a bit of practice alongside my main DSLRs. Everything seemed to be OK so I did exactly the same thing on race day. I had used one of these units before at a couple of F1 events but only for a short time as the belonged to another tog.

Back in Dallas that evening for a bit of R&R and then I thought, I was so impressed with this Fuji setup that I'd try my luck and see if I could just pick up a second X-T2 & Battery Grip from the same store the following morning. Success a second unit at the same discount price.

Fast forward now to last weekend, and we are in Mexico City for the F1, a place I have never been to before. The traffic is on the next level and its absolute chaos trying to get anywhere by road. But such a fascinating place to be in and see, I only wish I'd had more time to explore. At the qualifying I just used the X-T2 setups but had my DSLRs to hand should I need them. And then on race day I took with me which for me is a very bold step (being a safety net kinda guy) just the Fuji gear and left all of my DSLRs at the hotel and just used the Fuji units. They didn't miss a beat, they were absolutely "CRACKING" units to use and "EASILY" able to offer a performance when in boost mode that was virtually on par with my DSLRs.

Back in the UK again late last Monday I had been so impressed with working with the Fujis that I started to compile an order ready to be made on Tuesday morning for all the X-T2 & Battery Grips and 100-400mm lenses that we as a company will need to replace all of our DSLR bodys. Other lenses we already have so no extra outlay there. Our DSLR lenses we'll be keeping at least for the time being. As you can imagine it is a huge financial out lay initially but when we get to sell on our DSLR gear we'll probably end up a bit in pocket. So in my book a "RESULT".

I did warn you that this post might not be of the slightest bit of interest to you, but I'm absolutely bubbling over with how good these X-T2 & Battery Grip units are, and as we all know the Fuji lenses are up there with the very best.(y):D

Would it be the 16mm for its f1.4 and sudo macro ability or the 10-24mm f4 for it's wider view and versatility over a larger range?

All depends on whether you prefer primes or zooms and/or want/need the WR. My choice is the 10-24 zoom since it completes the coverage from 10mm to 800mm in 3 lenses (and a teleconverter or 2!) Other than Milky Way shots, I've never really felt the need for a wide aperture UWA and I'm hoping that the X-T2's better high ISO capability along with its better EVF/live view screen will allow me to get decent MW shots.

There are a load of posts somewhere ^^^^complaining that the 10-24 gives massive distortion at the 10 end. Never been a problem for me.

Agreed. The "distortion " is the fact it's a very wide-angle lens. Those who don't understand the difference shouldn't be using one.

The 10-24 is pretty well corrected for actual distortions but the perspective is as exaggerated as you'll ever want!

Any good bag suggestions for Fuji gear?

My old LowePro MiniTrekker holds the X-T2 with the 100-400 and a converter, the X-T1 with the 18-135 and the X-Pro1 with the 10-24 fitted as well as having space for a compact, spare batteries and other stuff. Makes it a bit heavy for some airlines but sling the body and 100-400 around your neck and you'll usually get away with it!
I don't have many framed images of my work displayed at home, so here's a photo of a recent image I shot of our border collie, had it printed 24"x16" and recently collected it from a local Art Gallery from being mounted/framed. I personally signed + dated the mount and it's now hung proudly on a spare wall at home, love it!

framed print by Macvisual Photography, on Flickr

X-T1 - XF55-200mm
I don't have many framed images of my work displayed at home, so here's a photo of a recent image I shot of our border collie, had it printed 24"x16" and recently collected it from a local Art Gallery from being mounted/framed. I personally signed + dated the mount and it's now hung proudly on a spare wall at home, love it!

framed print by Macvisual Photography, on Flickr

X-T1 - XF55-200mm
nice pic but i have to ask why on earth would you sign your own picture? ive a crap memory but even i remember what pics i took:D
Hi Nik,

I sign all prints like this to show I'm the photographer, it personalises the image, like a fine art print.
it was doing it on pics on your own wall ive never seen, isnt the photo personal anyway and you know your the tog. just curious really, never seen anyone do it for "personal use" before