The G1.. finally getting appreciated?

Hi Daniel, :wave: Theres quite a few local people on this forum!! Do you live in bournemouth or outside of? Whats your favourite spot to photograph in?? im really looking for new places to go and take portraits :D

Bear Cross (ish).

Lots of nice places to take shots... Throop has the old mill, a weir, and lots of ducks, swans etc

The water works at Longham are also quite interesting.
By the way, I handles a 1D mk4 today. Lovely camera, but too big and too heavy for enjoyable hobbyist togging. I have no need for anything other than a good central focus point, AE lock on a half shutter, and a decent final image quality.

As I see it, I've embraced the digital age with the G1... lens correction, CA removal and MTF augmentation in camera. Add that to a Lightroom/Tiffen postprocessing, and it's far more than capable of pulling up the shots I envisage.

I'm agreeing more and more with Ken Rockwell these days. Minimal gear, maximal idea. If I was to repurchase an SLR [and I'm not, not for the moment], it'd be a D5000 with a 35mm prime.

Out of curiosity Dan how would you rate the g1 against the d5000?;)
Hopefully better than Photoradar compared the GF1 to the D5000. Difficult to see how it's a subjective review when there are several NIKON adverts in the same issue.

(cynic mode off)

A colleague has just bought a D5000 kit, he is taking it in to work next week so I can have a look. HD video is the obvious first difference over the G1.
Hopefully better than Photoradar compared the GF1 to the D5000. Difficult to see how it's a subjective review when there are several NIKON adverts in the same issue.

(cynic mode off)

A colleague has just bought a D5000 kit, he is taking it in to work next week so I can have a look. HD video is the obvious first difference over the G1.

I use a D5000 as a ready 24/7 camera, and have just bought a G1 for my partner Hazel, the plan is, when I'm out on my own, I can choose between the D5000 or the G1, the G1 being a little lighter. When we go out together, Hazel will obviously favour the G1. Its early days . . . not taken a single shot with the G1:thinking: just been to busy this week:shrug:

The D5000 is a real wolf in sheeps clothing . . . D90 inside, D60 outside! Had a look at the Photoradar review . . . the comparison IMHO has been triggered by the 'bigger than the sum of its parts' claims by GF1 owners???

If the pictures are that bad, my G1 (GF1 is a shoehorned G1) will be in the 'for sale' section double quick:shrug:

Have a look at DPReview sample gallery for the GF1 :

They look OK to me, the review itself was also good. Looks to me like the D5000 is set at a fairly punchy level on the various colour options in the menu, and the GF1 is set to very bland levels, assuming this is possible, must get my head around these G1 menus? Although the need for using RAW for best results on the GF1 is picked up in both reviews. As one shoots RAW/JPG out of choice with the D5000, it does not present a problem to me?

I have been impressed by members/owners pictures on site, and sample pictures in various reviews, hence the purchase my self . . .

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A good nights sleep . . . 10am Sunday, finally getting my head around the G1. It is far more intuitive than I first thought, however there are a few problem/issues that are caused because of the strange way Panasonic have of describing a function in one or two words? The issues are further muddied due to the lack of an alphabetic index, and therefore the inability to 'quick reference', what were Panasonic thinking about:shrug:

Be that as it may, its functioning OK, Hazel cant keep her hand off it, "its bright and light" says she :love: . . . original concept achieved (y)

Now the slow process of wadding through the destruction book, trying to marry up description and camera function, thats not easy when you are dyslexic . . . :thinking:

Pay £400+ for a camera that does not come with a decent instruction manual . . . :bonk:

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Pay £400+ for a camera that does not come with a decent instruction manual . . . :bonk:


IMHO there are many an expensive camera that come with a poor instruction manual Cliff.:shrug:

I some times find it better to just use your own knowledge to sort the camera out. Not that I have a great deal of knowledge though. Still it helps to keep the little grey cells in working order.:LOL:
IMHO there are many an expensive camera that come with a poor instruction manual Cliff.:shrug:

I some times find it better to just use your own knowledge to sort the camera out. Not that I have a great deal of knowledge though. Still it helps to keep the little grey cells in working order.:LOL:

Yes Del, Nikon destructions can be a bit vague on occasions, but Panasonic . . . they need a kicking for some of their 'so called descriptions'. I have had another hour with the camera now. For Hazel, I think the 'preset functions' + 'custom colour' will do well for the time being . . . We will see how she progresses, and if she asks the right question?

Personally I'm liking the G1 . . . it functions in a similar way to the D5000, part button pushing and part menu driven. But, and its a big . . . 'BUT' . . . if I have the choice, no restrictions etc., I still have the preference for a 'small' DSLR;) In 12 months time we will see . . . ?

Went to Warehouse Express again yesterday, got another small KATA bag, next size down from the one I use for the D5000. So the CJS 'man bag, module system' is complete. Swap in/out whichever body/main lens, ad a long lens, 45-200 or 70-300, (both have dedicated protective pouches) if appropriate.

Back to basics, as Ken Rockwell says . . . perhaps Ken is the only one in step . . . :naughty:

Waiting for the Robin to sit on the post.....fed up waiting so here's a pic of the post taken with G1 and 45-200mm lens.

Put all my camera gear away and started cooking dinner glanced out of back door and yes you've guessed, the Robin sitting on the the post taking the **** out of me :LOL:
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A good nights sleep . . . 10am Sunday, finally getting my head around the G1. It is far more intuitive than I first thought, however there are a few problem/issues that are caused because of the strange way Panasonic have of describing a function in one or two words? The issues are further muddied due to the lack of an alphabetic index, and therefore the inability to 'quick reference', what were Panasonic thinking about:shrug:

Be that as it may, its functioning OK, Hazel cant keep her hand off it, "its bright and light" says she :love: . . . original concept achieved (y)

Now the slow process of wadding through the destruction book, trying to marry up description and camera function, thats not easy when you are dyslexic . . . :thinking:

Pay £400+ for a camera that does not come with a decent instruction manual . . . :bonk:


I have found the information in the G1 review at to be much more useful than the instructions... explains everything in simple terms, and includes pictures.
I have found the information in the G1 review at to be much more useful than the instructions... explains everything in simple terms, and includes pictures.

I have done the same in the past with DPReview, an excellent review site, it was going to be my back stop on the G1 . . . However, having sat quietly in short sessions through the day, I have generally managed to get my head around the G1, even the instruction book has become helpful:bonk:

Its going to take a bit more time, dyslexic concentration spans are short:thinking: I would now say, the 'meat' of the instruction book is actually not so bad. It's Really the lack of a quick index reference that lets it down.

The only problem I have now . . . might be posting pictures on the forum? . . . tried it a few days ago and got in a right old muddle:thinking: Use Photobucket as a host. Dont have any problems posting on another sit I use.

My choice from the first batch of pictures taken with the G1 in the confines of my back garden. I suppose they ain't inspiring as such, but I'm fairly happy with these simple results. No messing about 'Auto P', using the screen, shot in JPG, simply as Hazel would have taken them. I have tweaked and cropped but nothing more than I would do with a DSLR.




IMHO, a good start for 'Hazels' :thinking: G1/14-45mm . . . (y)

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Nice one CJS - like the first one.

Took a pic of my GF1 with the G1 - don't think I'll be bothering to take any pics of the G1 as it's not very pretty. :)

If you watch the TV Adverts over the Bank Holiday weekend you will see the new Panasonic G2 which is being launched at that time, one of the new features on this camera is a fold out touch screen.

I work for a Panasonic dealer and we had notification today of the launch of this new model over the bank holiday weekend, need to visit their digital pulse website to get all the specs for this. Will post them when I get them tomorrow.

Cheers folks :)

The flying vulture was with the 14-45 and the Kestrel was with the 45-200. Struggled to get any good action pics with the 45-200 - auto focus seemed a bit slow. Interestingly though I realised I'd had the OIS turned off on the 45-200mm the whole day, and some of the pics are pretty sharp I think.
Cheers folks :)

The flying vulture was with the 14-45 and the Kestrel was with the 45-200. Struggled to get any good action pics with the 45-200 - auto focus seemed a bit slow. Interestingly though I realised I'd had the OIS turned off on the 45-200mm the whole day, and some of the pics are pretty sharp I think.

That is interesting and agree the shots look a lot sharper. What shutter speed were you using?
Excellent shots Grum makes me think i should've kept my G1 now :D
I sold it and a Nikon D90 i had to put towards a 5D MkII :) though i still rate them both even though i got rid of them just to try and commit to one DSLR that id not want too upgrade and get a decent lens collection sorted out at some point :LOL:
Thanks StuartH and Throttle.

TBH trying to get shots of the fast moving birds in flight I was starting to think, hmm would I be better with a DSLR with faster AF and burst speed/no blackout in the viewfinder when taking a shot. Still think I did ok though :)
Graham how are you getting on focussing your Canon 50mm 1.4 I am not sure.....
Just picked up a FD50mm f1.4 from the 'Bay' but no adaptor to fit my G1 yet, the ones on net just too expensive, so planning to buy one in HK when I am over there in the summer! Well unless I can find one in the UK at a resonable price. Graham, where did you get your FD adaptor from?
Nice one CJS - like the first one.

Took a pic of my GF1 with the G1 - don't think I'll be bothering to take any pics of the G1 as it's not very pretty. :)


Just too beautiful:love: how do you like the 40mm f1.8 Graham - compared to the FD50mm f1.4? As well as the FD I also have this Hexanon 40mm f1.8 coming to me very soon:)
Cheers - the GF1 is indeed a sexy beast. :)

The 40mm 1.8 is really very nice - not amazingly sharp and contrasty wide open - but get's very good indeed from 2.8 onwards. It really is very sharp - sharper than the canon FD 50mm 1.4.

The FD one is better wide open and has nicer (and more) bokeh imo.

The 40mm is nice and compact though, even with the adapter attached - I got one off ebay from hong kong for about £20 - I've seen one for £17.50 or so - doesn't seem too bad to me.
Cheers - the GF1 is indeed a sexy beast. :)

The 40mm 1.8 is really very nice - not amazingly sharp and contrasty wide open - but get's very good indeed from 2.8 onwards. It really is very sharp - sharper than the canon FD 50mm 1.4.

The FD one is better wide open and has nicer (and more) bokeh imo.

The 40mm is nice and compact though, even with the adapter attached - I got one off ebay from hong kong for about £20 - I've seen one for £17.50 or so - doesn't seem too bad to me.

Thanks Graham, I will have a look on the Bay for the cheap adaptors from HK. Cannt wait to mess about with the manual lenses on the G1. But I am drooling over the GF1 and if Panasonic had the £50 cashback offer again, I will buy one:D Hopefully when the Sony NEX system comes out, prices for GF1/EP1/2/EPL1 will fall accordingly;) Probably have to sell my LX3 to fund another camera purchase though. Will see.....
Woohoo - got my £50 from Panasonic today... less than 2 weeks after I sent the voucher off !

another few quid to go into my lens fund :D
Woohoo - got my £50 from Panasonic today... less than 2 weeks after I sent the voucher off !

another few quid to go into my lens fund :D

Got mine today posted my claim off on 10th May so just under two weeks.
Got mine today posted my claim off on 10th May so just under two weeks.

I had two Panasonic envelopes in the post this morning. I opened the first one and that was the warranty. I thought yeah the second one must be the cash back, wrong it was the warranty again.

I guess it is all down to a computer error.;):shrug:
G1 with 45-200mm lens.

Shame I cut off the right hand chimney........stupid boy!:bonk:

Thanks Richie - those two and most of the others were with the 45-200mm and a Raynox DCR250 - with Metz 36 AF external flash + Stofen style diffuser. Handheld - IS mode 2.

EXIF data for all of them on my flickr.

This one's at 200mm :)
