The G1.. finally getting appreciated?

£6 lens from ebay Canon FD 28mm F2.8




Wow - what stunning shots for a £6 lens !
Thanks Richie - those two and most of the others were with the 45-200mm and a Raynox DCR250 - with Metz 36 AF external flash + Stofen style diffuser. Handheld - IS mode 2.

EXIF data for all of them on my flickr.

This one's at 200mm :)


Ugly git :D
Great pics, can you tell us all more about these Macro Filters
Great pics, can you tell us all more about these Macro Filters

They are just like magnifying glasses but in a filter that screws on the front of the lens.

I bought them off ebay for under £5 posted. Came with +1,+2,+4 and +10.
The higher the number the stronger the magnification.
Cheers mate.....they certainly took a sharp pic, will have to look in Ebay and see what I can find
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Given it a try at that price can't be bad .....thanks for info.

Will display my first pic with them !

Are you from Pompey seeing the pic of the Spinnacker....
I was born in Pompey a long long time age !

I go to Uni in Pompey, i'm actually from Watford.
Although i doubt i will ever live any where else except Pompey.

Nice pics Dannbodge - would you mind telling us a little more about the settings etc? I assume you were using flash?

They were taken with the 14-45 lens with a +2 close up filter and using the on board flash. All were taken without a tripod
S 1/160, F/5.6, ISO 160 and focal length of 37mm

The container is a celebrations plastic tub sat on a pot in my sink and filled with cold water with a bit of fairy liquid added once it was full. The drips are coming from the kitchen tap.
A few macro shots of my new watch... all taken with the 14-45 kit lens + Raynox DCR-250 macro attachment thingy.

I really need to get some lamps to go with my tent :bang:




Thanks Dannbodge.

The Raynox is a really good inexpensive macro option - those pics look very sharp in the centre.

I love the zooming manual focus on the G1 - sooo useful when taking macros.
Nice one oldboy - what lens is that with?

Try all of the filters together on the 45-200 at maximum extension!

You might need a tripod though. :)
Nice one oldboy - what lens is that with?

Try all of the filters together on the 45-200 at maximum extension!

You might need a tripod though. :)

That pic was on 14-45mm on the G1 with the No4 Macro Filter

Will try what you say when I have half hour to spare, and feel like playing around, sounds as though it could be good mate.
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That pic was on 14-45mm on the G1 with the No4 Macro Filter

Will try what you say when I have half hour to spare, and feel like playing around, sounds as though it could be good mate.

It should give you an amazing amount of magnification, but a tiny tiny depth of field meaning it's almost impossible to get what you want in focus. It's all fun and games though eh? :)
Using the filters at 200mm is brilliant for magnification, but rubbish for DOF and quality.
I stacked all four filters together then did a shot at 200mm and it was rubbish.

Ill take some with each magnification and post them if you want.

David, thats a nice little case actually. The one that came with mine is just a plastic wallet so i keep them in the front of my bag.
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Using the filters at 200mm is brilliant for magnification, but rubbish for DOF and quality.
I stacked all four filters together then did a shot at 200mm and it was rubbish.

Ill take some with each magnification and post them if you want.

David, thats a nice little case actually. The one that came with mine is just a plastic wallet so i keep them in the front of my bag.

Thought you would like the case......

Yes please take some pics and post, love to see them..
It should give you an amazing amount of magnification, but a tiny tiny depth of field...

That's what f22 is for ;)

I am on the lookout for a good macro FD lens and adapter... should give better results than the Raynox and I always use manual focus for macro anyway.
That's what f22 is for ;)

I am on the lookout for a good macro FD lens and adapter... should give better results than the Raynox and I always use manual focus for macro anyway.

Good plan (y) Save you a fortune over the PL 45mm which I think is over rated.
Good plan (y) Save you a fortune over the PL 45mm which I think is over rated.

Not to mention very over-priced !!

Looking forward to seeing the results of the FD50 Graham :)
I've ordered a Canon FD 50mm 3.5 Macro - not got it yet but will post up some results when I do.

Well done Graham - you really have the FD bug :D, the extension tube takes a little bit of getting used to. Rather than focus the lens you have to rock back and fourth. You are going to struggle to beat your butterfly shots though
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Just got a G1 + 14-45mm lens. Lovely little camera. Walked into Currys, asked for 5% off, got it. Will end up costing £299 brand new with all the cashbacks and discounts - which I consider a bargain bearing in mind the price 12 months ago. Reminds me of the D40, but it's significantly smaller and and many ways more advanced.

I wanted something smaller for where I can't/don't want to carry my usual all-purpose rig of D90 / 18-200VR / 35 f/1.8. I'm really pleased with the hands-on responsiveness of the D90, but it really is bulky and cannot be carried on the person without it being obvious you're carrying a big camera. I want the G1 to perform a more subtle role, for street shooting, days out, casual festival shooting; it's obviously far more portable.

My first impressions are:

- The screen and EVF and are pin sharp and I don't miss an optical viewfinder at all - it's different, not worse

- The fold-out screen lets you shoot perspectives which would be impossible with a viewfinder only

- The ergonomics are good in some respects, I like the switches around the main mode dial, but find the tiny buttons on the back a bit fiddly, and the focus zone button is difficult to press when the screen is docked

- It's a good size, I couldn't imagine using anything smaller, coming from a D90 I need to rethink where all my fingers are going to go!

- It seems reluctant to go over ISO 400 using Auto ISO, which is probably a good thing bearing in mind the smaller sensor (compared to APS-C), preferring to use longer shutter speeds instead

- Manual focus using the automatic viewfinder zoom is a dream compared with the tiny viewfinder of something like the D40

- The shutter is surprisingly noisy and aggressive in its action. Along with a shutter button that needs a good press to activate, care needs to be taken to prevent camera shake

- The lens is sharp, sharp, sharp and focusses extremely close even at 45mm. Why you would need a dedicated macro I've no idea (but I'm sure I'll be corrected on this!). JPGs straight out have superb colour and detail. Really impressed with the pictures, which is after all the point of a camera

Three basic test shots. The black and white was in very dim interior lighting at night; +1 stop in post. The flowers were taken in natural light this afternoon. JPG from the camera.



Firstly welcome to the G1 club (y)

- It seems reluctant to go over ISO 400 using Auto ISO, which is probably a good thing bearing in mind the smaller sensor (compared to APS-C), preferring to use longer shutter speeds instead

There is a menu option to set a maximum ISO limit for AUTO ISO...

- Manual focus using the automatic viewfinder zoom is a dream compared with the tiny viewfinder of something like the D40

It's excellent, and very useful for macro when you're best of manually focusing anyway. You can adjust the size of the zoomed area too, to get REALLY pin sharp shots.

- The shutter is surprisingly noisy and aggressive in its action. Along with a shutter button that needs a good press to activate, care needs to be taken to prevent camera shake

A £5 shutter release cable from ebay is very useful ;)

I can't see your shots (blocked at work), but will have a look later.
