The Great Meteorological Thread

Who would have thought that the North of Scotland would be the place to avoid snow :D
We have forecast 4 days of sunshine and no precipitation until Tuesday at the very earliest :cool:
This is so true, it's almost quite painful . . .

That's about what I woke up to. Doesn't seem to be still snowing but not been outside to check.
A dusting over night in Basingstoke but literally just started to come down extremely heavily :)
Since my last post, we have had about 3 inches of snow.
But the wind has dropped, so it is no longer drifting.

Very little traffic going past my house; everyone seems hunkered down waiting to see what the rest of the day brings.
Just begun to snow in Kemsing. Immediately settling too. Oh joy.
By the time I went outside, it was snowing again, quite hard. Went out at 07:30 with no problens but by 09:10, enough had settled to make reversing uphill into the drive awkward. An inch or so had settled on the drive where the car had been overnight. Hope it's not too bad at 17:00 - got to go out and ferry wife.
Now a very gentle drizzle, washing the slush away. Even this morning, there was a huge difference between the bottom end of town (beside the river), half way up the hill (City centre) and home (top of highest hill in town). Raining in the valley, sleeting in town and snowing hard here.
This is so true, it's almost quite painful . . .
Confirmed I'm snowed in here tractor needed :help: our lane to get out.


Had a fair bit down in Eversley this morning, it started about 7am,
by 13:30 the depot I was working at was shut.
Suited me, an early Friday finish, is always welcome (y)

Not as much here as Hampshire,
a few inches none the less, taken an hour or so ago,
and yest its still snowing now.

Blimey Kevin :eek:

Gone to a few inches here, probably around 6-8" in my garden. Paths are covered and around an inch or 2 deep. At one point there was a bit of wet snow this evening but that soon changed back to proper snow. The road is slowly getting covered and it is still going. Temp was just under -2 around an hour ago. Will be interesting to see what it's like in the morning.
Just had a reading from my station of -1.6 the problem we have had is the wind causing these snow drifts, also appears to be no sign of a thaw on the horizon, so I'm hoping the weekend is long enough to shovel it :LOL: fingers crossed the farmer can shift most of it for us :help:
After what it has been a completely snow-free day, it's only in the last hour that the snow has finally turned up here. It is light powdery stuff blowing about in the fresh south east wind but I can say it's snowing.

Now that Winter has kicked in properly and most of the country are seeing the white stuff (at various levels and intensity) . . .

Kevin - LOL, hope you got some beers in ready :D
I think that's what it would have looked like here if the wind hadn't dropped as the stuff is primed and ready to be picked up and carried by the wind.

An X10 user who lives at the bottom of my hill (about 600ft lower) posted some cracking piccies taken earlier today.

Luckily, there's no wind forecast.
If this lot drifted would be chaos!
Well, we appear to have a southerly wind blowing at the moment - it's almost warmer out than in!! 18 degrees as I drove home at 19.30 - just letting you know :D
Well, we appear to have a southerly wind blowing at the moment - it's almost warmer out than in!! 18 degrees as I drove home at 19.30 - just letting you know :D

Thanks (y)
We really needed to know that! (Not :p)
Bugger just watching the weather :eek:
Seems we may have a lot more coming in from the continent tomorrow, and freezing overnight, gonna be loads of fun to work in ;)
Thank goodness, we finally have some snow :banana:
I was beginning to feel very left out, and the pooches love the stuff.
Unfortunately we don't have much, and what there is doesn't cause a drama up here :D

Always find it interesting to see the volume of news coverage snow down South gets, yet in years gone by when we have had much more, we never get a mention :wave:
Had some snow last night but by the time I ventured out wiith the camera to take the obligatory snow photos during the course of the day, it was all starting to turn slushy - but managed this one (the now disused Folkestone Harbour Branch line).


Indeed, Kent does look set to be in the firing line tomorrow as a mass of snow tumbles in from France. Looks set to be a significant event with up to 6 inches by the end of the day.
No fresh snow today.

Current Conditions from Davis weather station

Temperature: 0.4 °C


Windchill: -2 °C

Humidity: 100%

Dew Point: 0 °C

Wind: 6.4 km/h / 1.8 m/s from the North

Wind Gust: 14.5 km/h

Pressure: 1000 hPa (Steady)

Visibility: 10.0 kilometers

Clouds: 609 m
Similar view here this morning Snakey...and still coming down :eek:

Oh...yes...don't ask about the OK on the back of the car :LOL:


And now.....

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That's heavier than I'm getting Ruth
Its just a constant "drizzle" here.
Has not stopped snowing here all day!

Why did the French have to export their snow?! Have they not heard of border controls!
That's heavier than I'm getting Ruth
Its just a constant "drizzle" here.

Tell me about it....I just hiked out to go get beer for HWMBO////Medal please!
Guys and gals, I am so jealous as we basically have no snow in the North of Scotland :shrug:
Has somebody turned the country around 180 degrees? :thinking: