The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

OK, my favourite X10 picture of the year. I have flicked backwaards and forwards between them, narrowed it down to 2 I really liked and finally to this one.
I still can't fully put my finger on why - possibly because the other is a rural landscape and as pretty as they are, I prefer to be IN my rural idyll to looking at photographs of it. However, I live in London, and a love having London close by, though there a many [most] days when 'close by' could happily be a further distance than it is. However, one reason for liking it so close is the photographic opportunities it offers, the urban landscape, probably my favourite subject on a non working nature [and I do mean urban landscape, not 'street' albeit some would say this image is street] I like the lines, the reflections, the architecture and colour, the people just add the finishing touch in my eyes.

So, without further ado, this is my fav so far, Covent Garden

London Lights by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
The sun had pretty much set by the time I got out this afternoon. Despite taking a DSLR with me all the better shots were taken with the X10, including these panoramas which I quite like at the moment. Had to clone out a second moon in the bottom one though!

OK, my favourite X10 picture of the year. I have flicked backwaards and forwards between them, narrowed it down to 2 I really liked and finally to this one.
I still can't fully put my finger on why - possibly because the other is a rural landscape and as pretty as they are, I prefer to be IN my rural idyll to looking at photographs of it. However, I live in London, and a love having London close by, though there a many [most] days when 'close by' could happily be a further distance than it is. However, one reason for liking it so close is the photographic opportunities it offers, the urban landscape, probably my favourite subject on a non working nature [and I do mean urban landscape, not 'street' albeit some would say this image is street] I like the lines, the reflections, the architecture and colour, the people just add the finishing touch in my eyes.

So, without further ado, this is my fav so far, Covent Garden

Smashing picture Yvonne, but despite what you say above, my favourite shot of yours is that opportunistic photo of the deer you posted some weeks ago.

Although a Bristolian born and bred, I attempt city re-entry from the deep space of Somerset only when there is a necessary visit to the supermarket or relatives. Taken at lunchtime today, the picture requires no explanation, and I offer none:

Painter, Cumberland Basin by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Of course, I wanted a closer look at the painting and at last the painter pulled away to attend to his brushes. At full zoom, the X10 focal length was not nearly enough, and I didn't want to disturb the guy, and so you have to put up with a much cropped image, sharpened enough to put Duncan's teeth on edge:

DSCF1631A by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Though I was on the pavement opposite our intrepid artist for a good 15 mins., he was at no time aware of me, and so can I claim this as my first 'street shot' on the basis that it was taken in a 'street'? I now feel rather ashamed intruding undetected on his privacy which paradoxically seemed all the more because of the hurly burly of the traffic around him - although not ashamed enough not to post the image here. The Cumberland Basin system has all the charm of the Chiswick Flyover: I left our painter packing up and he can just be seen as the smudge behind the railings between two lamp standards, just right of centre:

DSCF1656A by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Your attraction to London, and my mention of the Chiswick Flyover, reminds me of an elderly Welsh colleague in the sixties - a very, very sedate driver - who drove into town that way for the first time. Asked afterwards what he thought of the capital, he announced that he wouldn't take the car again because, "You have to be doing over 40 even to park up there!"

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The sun had pretty much set by the time I got out this afternoon. Despite taking a DSLR with me all the better shots were taken with the X10, including these panoramas which I quite like at the moment. Had to clone out a second moon in the bottom one though!

Great pictures Dave! Only panoramic shots seem to capture the bleakness of really flat countryside at this time of year - put me in mind of our Somerset Levels.

Like the Pro Low-light function, I'd rather dismissed the panoramic function of the X10 as a bit of a gimmick, but have changed my mind about each recently. Dunno about you, but I've found using only the viewfinder for the 'tracking' in taking panoramic shots results in almost no interruptions telling me how I've got it wrong!

Great pictures Dave! Only panoramic shots seem to capture the bleakness of really flat countryside at this time of year - put me in mind of our Somerset Levels.

Like the Pro Low-light function, I'd rather dismissed the panoramic function of the X10 as a bit of a gimmick, but have changed my mind about each recently. Dunno about you, but I've found using only the viewfinder for the 'tracking' in taking panoramic shots results in almost no interruptions telling me how I've got it wrong!


I've found the same with the flat landscape. Tricky to photograph as there's not much there until the horizon. But these panoramas seem to capture the bleak loneliness.

I haven't tried using the viewfinder for panos. I guess it keeps the camera more stable than holding it at arms length. Will give it a 'spin' :puke: next time! Like you I thought the feature was a gimmick, but with practice it gives good results and I find myself using it a lot.

Has anyone had any panoramas from the X10 printed out? I quite like the idea of seeing what one or two of mine look like at bigger-than-screen size.
I was looking to buy an x10 as a compliment to my DSLR gear (the other alternative was to sell up and by into the Fuji xe1 system). I just had a chat with a older advisor in Jessops however and in his opinion the x10 will leave you a little wanting in the 'sharpness' department? !

Is this utter tripe?

Ive not long acquired some nice Nikon fx primes in anticipation of a D600 (28, 50, 85) but id really like a camera with good iq that I can chuck in my bag and be with me when im out and about and not necessarily looking for photo opportunities.
Im hoping that the x10 will be that camera.

There are some lovely images posted in this thread, but its hard to gauge the qaulity on an ipad.

Will the x10 and d600 stop my gas? I seem to have it pretty bad over the last few years (40D - Nex7 - x100 -D7000 and soon to be D600)

I must admit I really enjoyed the fuji x100 but wanted a bit more options than the fixed 35mm. Hmm decisions
I just had a chat with a older advisor in Jessops however and in his opinion the x10 will leave you a little wanting in the 'sharpness' department? !

Perhaps the mark up's not so good since the price dropped? :D

Sharpness has never been an issue with my X10.
I was looking to buy an x10 as a compliment to my DSLR gear (the other alternative was to sell up and by into the Fuji xe1 system). I just had a chat with a older advisor in Jessops however and in his opinion the x10 will leave you a little wanting in the 'sharpness' department? !

Is this utter tripe?

Utter tripe. In fact - a number of users have switched down the sharpness to create a more "roomy feel" to their JPG images.

If using RAW you may need to run a small amount of sharpening - but that’s standard with any camera RAW.

The lens is spot on - image quality is not left wanting.
I thought as much - I was being pointed in the direction of the NEX6 with 16-50, but I don't want two systems to purchase into, and at over £800 it did feel very plasticy and almost hollow compared to the x10.

The x10 will be on my January shopping list :)
I think the "sample" of users on this thread is large enough to confirm that sharpness is not an issue on the X10.
It has never even been brought up before.
And the results shown speak for themselves.

We all take some shots that are not as sharp as we might wish for. Mostly it is down to movement in one form or another. However a sharp lens remains sharp.
After a bit of a struggle I'm going for this as my own X10 pic of the year:


It's the monastery of St John (from memory), on the old (pilgrim?) track between Jerusalem and Jericho (now miles off the main road from Jerusalem down (and down, and down) to the Jordan valley. It was deep in shadow and I think the X10 has done a great job (with a bit of inexpert push me pull you in Aperture).
a few from cape cornwall today. Hoping the weather will either turn into storm conditions or for the sun to come out. Grey and washed out doesnt do anyone any favours.

Well, grey and washed out absolutely does it for me with this one! I've tried and failed so many times to get shots like that to work; this is brilliant.
There are some really outstanding pictures appearing on here of late and they are a pleasure to see.

Encouraged by others, I have been experimenting a bit with the pro-low light setting. Here's what I have come up with:


Discovered something new today.
On another thread someone was asking about scanners and Vuescan.

whilst checking I found that there was an updated version.
The upshot is that it now reads and processes X10 raw files.
And rather better than any other program I have met.
It gives none of that mosaic patterning.
In other respects it is not that easy to use.
But It could be a life saver if the mosaic was a problem.
Seriously tempted by a refurbished one with a 10% discount and free case which makes it just over £250.00. Should I go for it!? :D
Here's my favourite from the X10. I only had it for a week or so, and was driving around S.E Kent, when I saw this view. I thought the cloud bank looming in the distance, also mirrored the bush shapes along the road. I don't know if I should have cloned that bit of road out or not?:shrug: Anyway, it is a record of one of the few warm, sunny days last Summer.:bang:
Here's my favourite from the X10. I only had it for a week or so, and was driving around S.E Kent, when I saw this view. I thought the cloud bank looming in the distance, also mirrored the bush shapes along the road. I don't know if I should have cloned that bit of road out or not?:shrug: Anyway, it is a record of one of the few warm, sunny days last Summer.:bang:

Kent countryside by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
After a bit of a struggle I'm going for this as my own X10 pic of the yeaIt's the monastery of St John (from memory), on the old (pilgrim?) track between Jerusalem and Jericho (now miles off the main road from Jerusalem down (and down, and down) to the Jordan valley. It was deep in shadow and I think the X10 has done a great job (with a bit of inexpert push me pull you in Aperture).

A spectacular shot Chris! Very well done!

I've been more of a lurker on this thread rather than a poster, but nonetheless I thought I'd post my favourite X10 shot of 2012. As other people have noted, this is a super little camera for street photography as it is so unobtrusive. Although, not strictly street, this candid shot would probably not have been possible with a DSLR without me getting noticed:

Youth is wasted on the young by Keith Burton, on Flickr

I'd also like to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous New Year:)
Love the candid shot and really love your title, Keith! :LOL:

Forget Merry Xmas - they're waiting for the world to end! :LOL:
I've found the same with the flat landscape. Tricky to photograph as there's not much there until the horizon. But these panoramas seem to capture the bleak loneliness.

I haven't tried using the viewfinder for panos. I guess it keeps the camera more stable than holding it at arms length. Will give it a 'spin' :puke: next time! Like you I thought the feature was a gimmick, but with practice it gives good results and I find myself using it a lot...

Dave – your post reminded me of a day out last week, and so thinly disguised as continuing exchange re our mutual opinion of the X10 panoramic function, here’s another (tedious?) anecdote:

Arriving at Stourhead at lunchtime on a day which was literally freezing, we felt that an immediate visit to the “Spread Eagle” was called for; attention to the ‘inner man’ essential before the walk around the main lake:

In the Spread Eagle by wylyeangler, on Flickr

The table was adjacent to both a log fire, and this window which looks out onto a courtyard made the more Christmassy (in my opinion) by restraint in the use of seasonal ‘bling’. The white stuff on those tables was ice:

Courtyard by wylyeangler, on Flickr

The walk started:

A much photographed NT bridge by wylyeangler, on Flickr

From this already very modest start, things went photographically downhill. On an NT property where it is hardly possible to not to take a stunning picture wherever you point the camera, I got exposures wrong despite ‘bracketing’, messed up the focus, and had camera shake; sometimes all three errors in the same shot! I put this down to having in tow, two thirty-something daughters, going on sixteen for the day. The less generous might suggest I hadn’t taken enough water with it in the “Spread Eagle”.

Approaching one of the frozen minor lakes, I did once get everything ‘right’ except for the boring subject – almost an impossibility here! Nevertheless, I have decided to post this as “The dog walkers”, an apparently spurious title not so cunningly designed to trap someone into looking at it!

The dog walkers by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Dave – at last getting round to the point of my reply: I managed to sneak off for a few seconds to get a couple of panoramas of possibly the most photographed vistas of all the NT properties. The last one is interesting – the view down from the “Temple of Diana” seems to be taken through a natural hollow in the hillside which there isn’t; a strange effect, but of course, inevitable in such a panoramic shot if you think about it.

From the Temple of Apollo by wylyeangler, on Flickr

From the Temple of Diana by wylyeangler, on Flickr

After a bit of a struggle I'm going for this as my own X10 pic of the year:


I like that. Unsurprisingly, it reminds me of a Bomberg.

There are some really outstanding pictures appearing on here of late and they are a pleasure to see.

Encouraged by others, I have been experimenting a bit with the pro-low light setting. Here's what I have come up with:


Works really well - colours, light, composition.

I've been more of a lurker on this thread rather than a poster, but nonetheless I thought I'd post my favourite X10 shot of 2012.

Youth is wasted on the young by Keith Burton, on Flickr

The name on the skip makes that one for me. :D

Dave – at last getting round to the point of my reply: I managed to sneak off for a few seconds to get a couple of panoramas of possibly the most photographed vistas of all the NT properties. The last one is interesting – the view down from the “Temple of Diana” seems to be taken through a natural hollow in the hillside which there isn’t; a strange effect, but of course, inevitable in such a panoramic shot if you think about it.

From the Temple of Apollo by wylyeangler, on Flickr

From the Temple of Diana by wylyeangler, on Flickr

It might be an artificial effect, but it enhances the composition, Pete.

I tried using the viewfinder for a panorama yesterday and found it much easier to keep the horizon level. Thanks for the tip. (y)
Best of 2012? Blimey, after all the splendid pictures I’ve seen on here, it’s most disheartening reviewing my efforts. You look at one that you thinks OK, then when its compared against a similar shot by someone else well? So I decided that I would up a picture from Cornwall last summer. I spent a morning at Alternun a lovely little village, it would probably be even more photogenic in sunshine. This was my second visit and twice its been wet.
The picture is what I call a “mono overlay” that is to say a monochrome version of a colour image laid on top of the original with the opacity lowered on the top image to about 50%. Then using a soft eraser brush with the opacity at about 30% rub out bits of the top layer to let a little more colour show through.
I didn’t show it with the earlier Cornwall set because it seemed out of keeping with the others.

I wont be on after tomorrow, I’m being taken away (Haha remember the song?) till the new year, so I’ll wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a NEW YEAR FULL OF HAPPINESS AND PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES .
I like that. Unsurprisingly, it reminds me of a Bomberg.

Thanks Ed/Dave. I'd never heard of Bomberg, but terribly flattered by comparison with a picture going for 25 grand!

Thanks also Piscator Pete.
I've been more of a lurker on this thread rather than a poster, but nonetheless I thought I'd post my favourite X10 shot of 2012. As other people have noted, this is a super little camera for street photography as it is so unobtrusive. Although, not strictly street, this candid shot would probably not have been possible with a DSLR without me getting noticed:

Youth is wasted on the young by Keith Burton, on Flickr

I'd also like to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous New Year:)

Great image of the 'yoofs' which station was this taken on just out of interest ?
I wont be on after tomorrow, I’m being taken away (Haha remember the song?) till the new year, so I’ll wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a NEW YEAR FULL OF HAPPINESS AND PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES .

And to you too, Rhodese. I keep coming back to this image - I seem to know what the texture of those stones would feel like, and how it would be to walk up to that church.

A quick shot from me. I took this whilst in Petersfield yesterday. It had been raining and was grey and miserable and I hadn't seen anything that inspired me. Then I spotted this heart, which was part of a sign outside a tattoo shop. I processed it in Snapseed to make it a little grungy and quite like the effect:

Broken Heart by Keith Burton, on Flickr
Just got a little red soft release button for mine ;)

Sold all my Nikon dSlr gear, and just use the x10 now. Puts the fun back into it for me. I have sacrificed some shall dof work, but hey ho...i get full hd in return (never actually used video on the d90 - wasnt worth it)

exr mode is superb, i am struggling to see where the advantage in 12mp rather 6 is (i only print to a4)...6mp seems better in most situations (to me anyway) case....:) hmm...that orange version ;)

Been over a month now and oddly not missed my D90 and lenses stuff is photos of my girls, and tbh it does maybe 90% of what i would do on my ' for cost and weight and all the stuff to go with it...fuji does me :) It really is about the person taking the pics (not boasting, just saying) might not suit everyone but for my work , its great...
Just got a little red soft release button for mine ;)

Sold all my Nikon dSlr gear, and just use the x10 now. Puts the fun back into it for me. I have sacrificed some shall dof work, but hey ho...i get full hd in return (never actually used video on the d90 - wasnt worth it)

exr mode is superb, i am struggling to see where the advantage in 12mp rather 6 is (i only print to a4)...6mp seems better in most situations (to me anyway) case....:) hmm...that orange version ;)

Been over a month now and oddly not missed my D90 and lenses stuff is photos of my girls, and tbh it does maybe 90% of what i would do on my ' for cost and weight and all the stuff to go with it...fuji does me :) It really is about the person taking the pics (not boasting, just saying) might not suit everyone but for my work , its great...

Enjoy your new toy. I don't leave home without mine now :)

Really starting to appreciate street photography as well ;)

I think that if I ever went back to a dSLR, i'd go for a /simple option....cheapest body with ok low light ability (probably a 200quid d90 again lol) , and a 35 1.8...thats it. Maybe one day, but for now, i just love the silent operation oddly enough (i thought i'd miss that shutter noise ;) )'s great for stealth :)

I love having no options to buy extra lenses as well (£) lol :) its actually a tidy little lens on the x10.....

If anyone is wondering about iso, well there isnt that much in it compared with the d90 for example anyway....not in the real world...not enough to bother about...exr mode is great.

Anyone gone for one of the little shutter buttons?
Ok - been thinking about Duncan's 2012 image challenge and fast running out of time with the busy xmas agenda.

This year thanks to this forum, and the wonderful members, I have discovered a real love of street photography - but have so many I like I can't decide on one from those sets. I discovered a real love of portrait as well - but again have a few that I can't just decide between. I have some in my Korean set that have blown me away but as that set is not uploaded yet cannot share that. I also imagine there will be some in my Japan set I rate however not even going to get onto them before 2013.

So what am I left with this year that has really meant a lot to me in my photography?

Thanks to all of you on this forum you've taken me from a total rooky back when I joined in Feb through to a technically accomplished photographer (still loads to learn but it's the technical understanding that you've all patiently shared with me over the past 10 months that really stands out for me). So because of this, and the fact I could never have achieved the picture without that understanding, I'm going for the below shot.



Thanks to you all for your amazing support, advice and kindness in 2012. It's really pushed me, educated me and most importantly inspired me. I wish you all a lovely xmas break and hope Santa brings all you desire (hopefully we'll see a new batch of X10 owners in a week or so)
