The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Few from a recent trip to the scottish borders

Panorama mode

[/url] St Abbs Panorama by Andy D photography, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Cragside House by Andy D photography, on Flickr[/IMG]

Dynamic range can look OTT but I quite like thses

[/url] Etal Village Hall by Andy D photography, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Hay Rolls by Andy D photography, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] Having a rest by Andy D photography, on Flickr[/IMG]
Can I join?
I don't actually have my X20 yet. I ordered it on Friday, so should hopefully receive it tues/weds.

I do however have a question regarding the microphone adapter cable that is needed to attach a mic to the camera.

I already own a rode mic that I currently use with my 60D and I would like to use it with the X20, as I really don't want to fork out £90 for another mic.

What I would like to know is if it's possible to purchase the adapter cable separately or from another outlet.
I have had a look on the interweb for such a cable with no success, so I was hoping that maybe somebody on this forum may have had better luck than me.
It's great to see the baby X thread getting such a high standard of images posted.
Time to lower the standard :D

It's currently the build up to the annual invasion known as Priddy Sheep Fair.
Many thousands of people descend on our village for a day of fun and a bit of trade.
The big bits of the fun-fair have already arrived, and within the next 24 hours the place will be almost unrecognisable.

The traditional hurdles are no longer used at the fair and they are now a symbol of both our community and the fair.
It will soon be hidden behind marquees, burger vans and all the other clutter of a country fair.

It's not just about the fun-fair; there will be a sheep auction too.

Where am I headed with this post?
The short version is that the X10 is perfect for this event and it's going to get a lot of use tomorrow.
The reason I'm relying on the X10 is a bit more complicated to answer. There's a huge Gypsy element to the fair and the big camera will attract a lot of attention - unlikely to be hostile but both they and I will feel very uncomfortable. The little X10 is perfect; I'll still expect be questioned about who I am and why I'm at the fair but the camera won't be challenged.
Also - my favourite band, The Somerset Paddies, are playing at the Queen Vic during the afternoon and I'm planning to drink a skin full of cider and have a merry time of music, banter and some drunken dancing. The big camera would be in the way!
Essexash, #3 is so well seen. The chap with the glasses looking at his neighbours rear makes it.
Nice set.

Duncan, I get that feeling using SLRs anywhere these days.

Hi All,

I am fortunate enough to live on the fringes of the Peak District.

I spend many an hour "yomping" over the hills and moors. However, it's at this time of year when the Park really starts to come alive with colour; it is Heather Season. It is as if someone has taken a brush and painted the moors purple...

[/url] DSCF0966_Snapseed by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] DSCF0957_Snapseed by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] DSCF0975_Snapseed by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

More here for those interested - The Peak District Moors - a set on Flickr

Once again, the little X10 proves it's worth.

Thanks for looking.

Hi All,

I am fortunate enough to live on the fringes of the Peak District.

I spend many an hour "yomping" over the hills and moors. However, it's at this time of year when the Park really starts to come alive with colour; it is Heather Season. It is as if someone has taken a brush and painted the moors purple...

[/url] DSCF0966_Snapseed by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] DSCF0957_Snapseed by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] DSCF0975_Snapseed by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

More here for those interested - The Peak District Moors - a set on Flickr

Once again, the little X10 proves it's worth.

Thanks for looking.


I like the second very much.

Here's a couple or so I took with my X10 from my recent holiday in Spain. Overall I was pretty happy with what I got from the X10, although there were times when I would have preferred to have my DSLR with me, simply from a know it better point of view. Having said that, it was nice to carry something small and light around for a change! :D

Old Spanish Farmhouse by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

LasTablas1 by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

LasTablas2 by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

LasTablas3 by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

LasTablas4 by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr
Lovely images from your X10 Dave, well executed and nice PP work.

Neil, I blooming hope not I'm still learning to use the X10 and loving every moment I'm out with it. Certainly makes carrying my redsnapper pod and Manfotto 410 head attached feel a whole bunch lighter...

One I took in the rain at 1600 ISO, F/3.2 @ 1/9 handheld, no noise reduction applied.

x10 by hppygolucky, on Flickr
Really like the set Dave, especially the farmhouse image - very striking.

And Andrew, wow (y)
I can report that the 2013 Priddy Sheep Fair was the most relaxed and friendly I've been to; I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

First up - some images of the sheep auction.

It's been held annually in this location for over 660 years apart from two cancellations due to outbreaks of foot and mouth and last year as a result of the horrendous weather.

The auction is bewildering to watch; I never actually saw anyone bid, it my be telepathy. After it is over, the sales have to be thoroughly documented.

They sheep were encouraged into the trailers by this Collie, who was really enjoying the work :)

It's weird, but although the auction looks big, it is tucked in behind the fun fair and is completely hidden from the rest of the event.

At their peak, the crowds get sizeable and our sleepy little village is utterly unrecognisable.
cracking shots Duncan, they really capture the spirit of the event.

I keep thinking about upgrading to an X-E1 but then so many amazing images keep getting posted by the X10, I wonder if it's worth it!
Those who know me, know that I don't feel comfortable photographing in the horse field.
It's a Gypsy zone with completely different rules and ethics.
It can be more than a little bit intimidating, but this year was so relaxed it was actually a positive enjoyable experience :)

You can get a feel for the scale of the fair by looking past this horse down the hill to some more of the event. This year the horse field was the busiest I've ever seen.

They don't just sell horses, but all sorts of related kit.

I did need to watch over my shoulder as lots of horses were being ridden around the field, some bareback like this but most were pulling traps.

The trade area had an incredible stall selling genuine Italian furniture - despite looking like a mansion, this is just a gazebo in a field; check the mirror!

Gypsy fashion changes frequently. Two years ago it was neon velour tracksuits dripping with embroidery. This year is tweed and huge amounts of bling. This shoe stall was properly amazing!

Here I've managed to capture a fine piece of haggling over the price of some huge crystal ornaments.
The fair concluded with live music and a heavy session drinking cider.
It's always huge fun and although the majority of people in the crowds are Gypsy, their numbers are swelled by lots of locals all out to have a good time.

The rest of this table are definitely Gypsy, but this wonderful character looks more like a local farmer. Like I said everyone is there to enjoy themselves and have a good time :) The flourescent orange drink is Cheddar Valley scrumpy cider; the colour is natural and it tastes just like apple juice, but its alcohol content is highly potent!

Some people might feel intimidated by having their party watched over by mounted police and troops from a riot van; but it's kinda normal for Priddy :|

If there is trouble, then it's quite often the locals. No idea what these two were talking about, but for just a moment their body language was quite intense.

Here's some Gypsy lads. I offered to send them a copy of the images I was taking, but all I got written down was a strange phone number with various numerals looking like male genitalia; and they seemed to enjoy watching my confusion - hey ho....

Gypsys love their dogs. Here's a terrier sitting like lord of the manor in his owners arms (check out the tattoos).

The band was great - I love the Somerset Paddies. It built up to a huge finish with everyone dancing madly, not just in the pub, but in the overflowing crowds out on the road. The landlord had removed most of the tables as last year a few got broken :)

In conclusion....
Apologies for posting so many images, hope you don't mind.
I kept the size down to make them bandwidth friendly.
If you want to see them properly or see some more, please head over to my blog.

In total my X10 took 533 RAW images and only needed a single battery.
It did marvellously apart from a few battles with the autofocus failing to lock on and quite a few missed focus completely. apart from that, I really am not feeling the need to upgrade :)
cracking shots Duncan, they really capture the spirit of the event.

I keep thinking about upgrading to an X-E1 but then so many amazing images keep getting posted by the X10, I wonder if it's worth it!

Cheer Neil :beer:
If my old and abused X10 died, then right now it would be a difficult decision what to replace it with.
Definitely a little Fuji, but there is now so much choice and they are all excellent!
Fantastic shots, Duncan, looks like a great day!

I meant to suggest (though you probably know this already) that a Gordy wrist strap on your X10 makes it pretty much impossible to steal! The only worry I had when going to Israel/Palestine last year was whether I could easily get it off if physically threatened... In retrospect, it was all worrying over nothing, but you never know, first time!

My Gordy strap took a while to soften up but is brilliant now, and looks like it'll outlast me.

Like you I still don't think there's enough advantage to replace my X10. Unlike you, I don't have a "big camera" (at least only film ones), so I keep mulling over the options. XPro or XE are current favourites, but OM-D (and maybe GX-7) as possibles. But I'll probably buy another Pentax-M lens, and just maybe a Fuji GA645... :)
Thanks Chris!
You've made me think, but I've not heard of anyone getting pick-pocketted at the fair. Plenty of people getting punched, but no theft :)
Admittedly, I wasn't taking chances and my wallet was in a zipped pocket - but that's just common sense :)

I did spot a few big cameras being carried around - there even appeared to be a visit by one of the local camera clubs - gear theft isn't a problem.
The issue is purely cultural; that camera club turns up most years and are very respectful/wary of photography in the horse field - nobody has punched them yet :)

Must admit I've been impressed by the OM-D; but at that price I'll hang onto my big camera thank you :D:D:D
Thanks guys (y)

Here's a couple of one of my Daughter's cousins who was there... a real little Spanish cracker, and such the devil in him too!

DSCF0754_copy by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

DSCF0753_copy by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

DSCF0745_copy by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

DSCF0739_copy by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

from the man who questioned whether he could get sharp photos from his X10, those are bloody mega Dave!! The photos themselves look very good and the content is great, fun, emotive and really well timed :clap:

Like you, my X10 is secured with a Gordy wrist strap and like yours, mine has now softened up to become a really comfortable but totally secure strap. It really was a good buy.

I've also been looking around at a potential upgrade for the X10 and like Duncan, I think it has to be another Fuji. At the moment, my favourite seems to be the X-E1. It is almost as good as the XPro but at a significantly lower price. The only problem then would be lens choices!
Hi Duncan, what a great set. I like it when someone puts up a series of pictures it tells more of a story. Let’s face it the little "Xs" are designed for the day out and holidays, though quite capable of a serious composition when called upon.
Here’s some from a resent wheelbarrow race. All X10, there has been some cropping and PP.







from the man who questioned whether he could get sharp photos from his X10, those are bloody mega Dave!! The photos themselves look very good and the content is great, fun, emotive and really well timed :clap:

Thanks Yv :hug: I have to say having spent a bit of time with the X10 this past 2 weeks or so has opened my eyes to it a bit! :D
Hi Duncan, what a great set. I like it when someone puts up a series of pictures it tells more of a story. Let’s face it the little "Xs" are designed for the day out and holidays, though quite capable of a serious composition when called upon.
Here’s some from a resent wheelbarrow race. All X10, there has been some cropping and PP.

Cheers :beer:
Cracking set - that race looks like a fantastic excuse for a party!
We don't do anything like that here - but we do have a Sheep Race :D
And if the sheep stops quickly? :nuts: :puke: :eek:


LOL - it's not like that - honest :D

Think horse racing - but with sheep.
They wear knitted jockeys and the betting ring is run by the primary school.
And there is the inevitable BBQ, Baa Bar (sic) and live music to follow the racing.

It's a fantastic day out and like a lot of the local-local events doesn't make it into my Blog.
Like I said - any excuse for a party :)
The last of my lilies. Some PP and cropping. X10.



Just to show that I'm still paying attention, here's one from the other day...

a quick trumpet blow for me, i got one of my x10 photos published in the county paper The Cornishman a few weeks back when i went home for my summer hols, only just seen the physical copy of it.

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a quick trumpet blow for me, i got one of my x10 photos published in the county paper The Cornishman a few weeks back when i went home for my summer hols, only just seen the physical copy of it...

Well done mate... That's a stunner! :)
thanks peeps, i was seriously chuffed :) I can put "published arteest" on my cv now.