The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

What's your inside l....never mind :eek:

Just realised that I have my ISO set to auto400. Bugger.

(Ps - am craving more detail in the shots...go away expensive thoughts )
Right, the reason I bought this little camera is finally here so I'll be off for a while. Last night, "Rush" from the previous page made explore. I'll leave this here - it didn't quite come out as I wanted hence the detail comment I made above

by damianmkv, on Flickr
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Got dragged out yesterday, typical, hands swelled, dullest day for ages.
However, we mustn’t moan there’s folk worse off than me.
So first of all they dumped me in a sitting area, it was OK but the light was as flat as a f***, I did take a couple but they’re not up to much , I wont bore you with them.
Then it was off to the green and yellow house of fun, and it’s from here I took these two.
They aren’t going to win any prizes but considering the X20 was in the hands of shakin all over Rhodese, I thought the little feller coped quite well.

(1) Camera X20, shutter-priority AE.1/500th sec - f2 - Auto ISO 3200 at ISO 800. Shaky hand held, No flash. JPEG F.

(2) Camera X20, shutter-priority AE.1/500th sec - f2.2 - Auto ISO 3200 at ISO 640. Shaky hand held, No flash. JPEG F.

Just for fun here’s one of some pears, I had a play with.

(3) Camera X20, Aperture-priority. f11, 1/30th sec, ISO 100. Shaky hand held. Flash. JPEG F.

Nice shots Rhodese - you got closer to the fish counter than I could ever get... the smell really makes me what to throw up! lol
There's a big market where we stay on holiday - no fishy stink just a whiff of the sea. Will be taking a few shots!

Got a few good snaps of the dogs at the mega meet, in my gallery. When I'm on a computer rather than a phone I'll pop a couple in here.
I do actually take a fair number but I tend to see a print as the end use rather than a screen viewing!

One of the more challenging subjects in the strong lighting we had there was Jet, @GarryEdwards's GSD. Can't remember exactly how much EC I dialled in to get this but it was about right, I think.

DSCF0086 by Nod on Talk Photography

Gremlin's friend's GSPs weren't that easy either but the XF coped (with a little help from its owner!)

by Nod on Talk Photography

I was using the X-T1 the rest of the time - not sure the XF could have coped with panning the GSPs or tracking them as they ran towards me.

Where were the rest of the baby X users? If I could manage the 3 1/2 hours each way... :D From the sound of it, there may well be another at some point next year rather than it being a biannual event, although IF there's one next year, it may be to the North rather than being in the South East Midlands.
No, it got left at home. It was very sad about it but I think it's forgiven me now.
If I NEED f/2.8 at the long end. It's handy in tight situations too - I need my reading specs to see the rear screens but the X-20 has a dioptre correction doohickey in the VF so can be held to the eye. Not a massive user of flash but the X-20 has a hotshoe so I can use my bounceable flash on it.
You don't post many shots Nod, would be good to see some!!

The pears at 1/30 are impressive. What IS mode do you all use? On my phone atm but the ISO looks good from the X20... damn it!!!

Re 1/30th sec shutter speed, I did use flash with some split bog roll paper over it.

As for what IS mode, I use - shooting + motion - when hand held and switch it off when the camera is on a pod.

Sold off my Canon gear to be replaced with a nice compact...

Fuji XF1 and leather case will be in my hands as of tomorrow (y) No VF will take a bit of getting used to!
Hi lads and ladinas,

Been away a while (but was never far away ;-) Thought I'd pop in and mingle a little. I haven't used my trusted X10 that much, last few months. But here's a photo I took last month when nature sensed a new season of warmth lurking. Feedback (pos or neg) more than welcome.

BTW, I've noticed the X-F1 "dominating" this thread the last few pages, so don't be surprised to see a few more X10 shots now and again...

(Photo is below)
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This is embarrassing. I don't know how to add photos from Flickr any more. Isn't it just clicking the picture icon on the toolbar and pasting the BBCode from Flickr?
They changed it a while ago - you now click on the square with the arrow in it and then choose the BBCode option... copy and paste that code into here (y)
Look forward to it! :)

The only reason it's now XF1 heavy is due to it being one of the bargains of the century atm being only £110 from the refurb shop and £130 from Currys!

I've got a couple of shots to add later.
Rediscovered LightZone. A few years ago, I mucked about with LZ, but when the official/original LZ died, I moved on and tried different PP software: LR, SP, RT, DT, the lot. Although each and every one of those packages had their own pros (and the obligatory cons), I never felt at home using SP and LR. DT seemed to tick my boxes most, and I seemed to get by. But this week I stumbled upon a great project: a group of photo and software enthusiasts had revived the old LZ package. They've given LZ a new lease on life as there's active development of the package. Great news, for an old-fashioned git like me :wacky:. Especially now that LZ supports X10 RAW developmen! I installed it (it's available for OSX, Windows and Linux) and was immediately chuffed to bits. Sharpening features are still lacking in sophistication (LR, SP, RT and DT all do a better job), but if you don't overdo it, results are more than acceptable.

Happy shooting!

Two more shots (the trees shot was developed (from RAW) using LightZone, the blossom shot is a JPG touched up with LZ: increased contrast a bit and a wee tad of sharpening):

by Robenroute, on Flickr

by Robenroute, on Flickr
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Beautiful photos on this last page! Even Chubby Brown ;)

Just been to pick up my XF1.

First impressions? I like it! I hate getting used to the way new cameras work though :arghh:
After selling off my Canon gear, the only other camera I have to take a photo of the newbie is my phone!

So... settings? I remember when I had my x10 and x100, a few people had figured out their preferred settings to get the best out of the camera for them - anyone have any? Liking EXR mode just now!