The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Holborn is a little more famous for the Royal Courts of Justice and all the legal Chambers than Skype!
B-waahahahaha ;)
Just a snap from today. I'd have liked them to be a bit better positioned but mum and dad were being *very* defensive so I had to keep my distance

Cygnets by helen_goldthorpe, on Flickr
Very quick one from today's test drive..

Hello everyone

I'm looking for a compact camera that I can carry around with me in my bag at all times. I own a Canon 5D Mark II but it tends to get left at home a lot because it's so bulky and I'd really like something which is more portable but still produces pretty decent pictures.

A quick search showed a few of you raving about this camera so I've looked it up and the price is very appealing. I just wanted to know how you all find yours? Is it easy to use, are you happy with the images you are getting from it. Any complaints?

Just going to go back and read the thread from the start now so I can check out the pictures posted. Thanks in advance :)
Very happy with mine compared to other point and shoot that I have had. Go for it, if you have a higher budget you could try the Sony rx100.
If money is no object, the Sony RX100-II is technically better.
If money IS an object, the XF1 is hard to beat. You can buy 3 for the price of a RX100-II!

Plus, I've never loved electronic zooms so a compact with a manual zoom is like manna from heaven.

Fuji might just be the camera firm most attuned to what photographers want right now. Kudos.
Here's the last of my Leicester images. Ended up with about 40-50 in total which is pretty good for me as i usually only get about 10 out of a session.

Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Moody skies over the Cathedral.

Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr


Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Leicester 2014 - Fuji XF1
by David Raynham, on Flickr
Haven't really noticed TBH, David. I did a back to back comparison of the X-10 and XF-1 but haven't with the X-20. To me, the only differences between the 2 cameras (X-20 and XF-1) is the handling - for my needs, they turn in all but identical images.

Interesting. Would be good to compare the XF1's EXR sensor with the newer X-Trans sensor in the XQ1 and X20. Also read some stuff about the 'L crowd' and the M crowd' are people just looking into it too much? All sounds a bit gaaa gaaa.
Have been very lazy over the last few months since getting my X20, so took a stroll around the office this lunchtime.


I really like this shot Jon, the focus through the black cabs window is fantastic.

One from tonight: my daughter doesn't suffer fools:

Lowry don't take no fools
by landwomble, on Flickr

And i also love this shot too, Ric. The expression, processing and the cameras on her top are all perfect.

Top marks to you both!
@SmileyShazza I suspect that there will be many people who look at the xf1 for the reason you are - I was certainly one of them. I couldn't believe that for under £130 ( or around £105 refurb ), this camera would be any good.

But I've been amazed. I'm one of these people that want everything to be a great shot, full of detail and clarity ( even if I've spent £50 :) ) and this is a great camera, full stop. Bear in mind it was nigh on £400 at release..I'm sure you won't regret it

Anyways, another from me

by damianmkv, on Flickr
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Just picked up my one after the repair and seems to be working well. On the Job sheet it said that the lens was replace.

Fingers crossed it keep working fine....
Ive had some shots overexposed at f1.8. Bit concerned I have sticky aperture blades. Is that a common scenario? Can Fuji authorise a repair based on serial number? Mine was an Xmas present and I'm not sure where the receipt is...
My one had the lens control error and was under exposing. I took my one back to currys who sent it off to fuji to repair.
Ive had some shots overexposed at f1.8. Bit concerned I have sticky aperture blades. Is that a common scenario?

Not sure. Are you sure it's not just because the max SS is 1000 at f1.8?

It may well be what David suggests about the “slowish” (God it was fast in my early days.) shutter speed when wide open.

I cited this as one of my reasons for buying its big brother.


landwomble....looked fine in viewfinder? I thought you had a XF1.

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Oh well I can cope with that if so. But why would it be OK in viewfinder? Does the camera meter at a middle aperture then open up for the shot?
I thought the colour of the exposure display alters when wrong/correct exposure is set.

Ive had some shots overexposed at f1.8. Bit concerned I have sticky aperture blades. Is that a common scenario? Can Fuji authorise a repair based on serial number? Mine was an Xmas present and I'm not sure where the receipt is...

The obvious answer (if it's OVER exposed @ f/1.8) would be to stop it down a bit. Not done it on the XF but I have used a sunglasses lens as an ND filter (actually, it was a pair of green tinted sunnies and I was using film...!) which worked very well to get the exposure better but played hell with the "WB"!
I've been browsing this thread for a while and have been constantly impressed with the images coming from the Fuji XF-1.

So after much uhming and ahing I've just ordered one from Currys. Should be delivered to store for collection tomorrow. Can't wait!
Well yes, but I'm trying to work out if it's faulty. In AP mode, I wanted f1.8 for short DoF. Select it, camera overexposes yet looks fine on the rear LCD (that's what I meant by viewfinder, it is the X-F1!) - unless the camera live view stops down then opens up for the shot when it's then limited by shutter speed? which could well be the case.

I just want to know if it's faulty before I get one of those lovely leather kits for it ;-)
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LW, the good news is that I replicated your overexposure problem on both my XF-1s by setting ISO 800 and choosing a bright subject. The bad news is that in A mode I couldn't get round it but by going to S mode and using a high shutter speed, I was able to get f/1.8 as the aperture so it should be possible - just not as fast as you might need!
The obvious answer (if it's OVER exposed @ f/1.8) would be to stop it down a bit. Not done it on the XF but I have used a sunglasses lens as an ND filter (actually, it was a pair of green tinted sunnies and I was using film...!) which worked very well to get the exposure better but played hell with the "WB"!

I remember doing something similar with sunglasses and a Yashica T3.
Deved and printed, I entered it in the club print night. It got a HC.
The usual know-alls asking how I had introduced the sun-star effect, was it this, was it that, the look on their faces when I said it was Woolworths sunglasses.


damian, youve not used sunglasses to get that flare.........have you.
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You already poated that one Ric. ;)

I've had that happen too. Looks fine on the screen then once you take the pic the final image displayed is mainly white. I just put it down to the maximum SS.

Nice star burst Damian.

I find only having f11 a right PITA. Even with 2 stops of under exposure dialled in I sometimes end up with a much brighter image than I want. That's another thing that put me off the x20 although that does take filters which could be useful.
I'm lusting after the X100 with the teleconverter again. That and the wide makes it *almost* a 3 lens camera system ;-)
@Rhodese :) no, it's all natural shooting into the sun

I agree about f11, David. Would be nicer going even to, say, f16 for example
The screw in supplementary lenses would slow things right down. Might as well get an X-Pro1 and an 18-55 zoom - slower aperture but probably cheaper than an X-100 and the 2 supplementaries!