The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

it really depennds what are you doing. if i am only forced to use high iso to prevent the white orbs, then i am a little bit annoyed, aspecialy when i have such a strong lens like the x10 has. so for my part i am happy that, with luck, the strongest weakpoint of the camera, which i would keep anyway, will be repaired. (does not to have anything to do with "recall heaven" but if you like shooting people at night on the streets inklusive the atmosphereof citysourroundings, like i do, it would be also welcomed by you, right?) and even after 3000 pictures with the x10 i cant always foresee if they will appear or not.

but fortunately this little camera is much more, then the white orb thing, anyway :)

so happy shooting! i really anjoy the pics which you post here
I've been following this thread for a few weeks and had just about decided to take the plunge when Fuji announced they would be making a 'definitive statement'. So then it was back to sitting on the fence waiting for 'the announcement' . . . :thinking:

Now that it's clear a free sensor replacement will be an option (if I really feel that it's necessary), I've gone ahead and placed an order :D

The 10% off voucher is still working for the refurb camera so it's looking pretty good value at £323.99

Next job is to sell a minty S90 - can't wait for the weekend !

has anyone used any non standard lens hoods on the X10 ?? if so please share your opinions & photo of yours especially if it a non standard version

Reason i am asking is i don't really fancy paying £60 for the fuji version, but if it does get the thumbs up from those who have & use it then i may be tempted :LOL:

i am quite liking the look & idea of this one from ebay


according to the advert samples then lens hood is not visible on photos at the full range of focal lengths

I almost certainly will not be using any filters with my x10

Thanks in advance for your input

according to the advert samples then lens hood is not visible on photos at the full range of focal lengths

I almost certainly will not be using any filters with my x10

That ebay hood has vignetting at 28mm according to those pictures. I'm not using a hood, I'm using a 39mm B+W UV filter attached with a small amount of teflon/plumber tape. I always leave the lens cap at home.
Are there any reasons not to update the firmware to 1.03? I'm on 1.02 now, but the 1.03 feature of automatically upping the ISO (when risk of blooming is detected) is holding me back. 1.03 does have some features that I'd welcome warmly.

Thanks for any feedback.

DayDreamer, thanks, but I'm aware of the release notes concerning the latest firmware version. What I'm after are the undocumented features of 1.03. Am I losing things? I don't like the camera upping the ISO for instance.

Anyone? Ta.


Sorry perhaps I replied too quickly. I don't really have any in depth observations compared with many on TP as I am very green and still with a lot to learn :bonk:
I am seriously loving the pano mode on this camera... Who needs to know about 'nodal points' and all that shizzle... Just get an X10! :D

This was Aberystwyth Prom this evening...

Spiritflier said:
I am seriously loving the pano mode on this camera... Who needs to know about 'nodal points' and all that shizzle... Just get an X10! :D

This was Aberystwyth Prom this evening...

Great shot, I think I might get addicted to this feature! Did you use a tripod?
So tempted by this little camera but also contemplating the x100..decisions decisions!
DayDreamer said:
Sorry perhaps I replied too quickly. I don't really have any in depth observations compared with many on TP as I am very green and still with a lot to learn :bonk:

No worries, mate. Helpful gestures are always appreciated ;-)
I really do love this little camera. Was in Venice last weekend and there were some nice results among my shots. And I did get a few blob-tastic orb-shots. But only during on some nighttime shots with lamps reflecting off the water.
All images processed in LR - b/w, sharpening and exposure + vignetting




This camera is more that worth the money :clap:
What is the current situation with Fuji and these sensor replacements if I bought an X10 tomorrow?
Been following this thread since day 1, and mine has now finally arrived! I've been waiting for the price to come down to something reasonable, and with the discount code still wrking at the fuji shop for refurbs, I've pulled the trigger and bought one. Not that I've missed having one, as I've barely used any of my cameras this year. Taken a few snaps of my daughter as she played before bed and it all seemed intuituve enough to use, and handled very nicely. Off to North Wales for a spot of exploring, so I'll be packing this with my film cameras to see what it can do!
I see the x100 thread is pretty quiet compared to this one! Is the x100 worth the extra?
Right, so I can now get my X10 and I was going to buy new and was wondering where the best place was. I notice a few people have bought the refurb but where is the discount code and does a new one have a longer warranty? Is that still covered by the sensor replacement scheme?
Don't post it on dpreview though or you'll be flamed for being in the employ of Fuji or in league with Satan (whichever comes first)! :wacky:

The fuji forum at dpreview has been completely bonkers for some time now. The x10 orb obsession is just the latest manifestation. As a long time fuji user I used to browse there quite a lot but now just look in very occasionally to see if it has improved but it never does :D

It seemed to start with the S100fs. Someone posted that it was producing results as good as a dSLR. Someone else countered that it wasn't and this argument lasted for months. Every thread got turned to the same subject just as now it is all about orbs. It is mostly the same people.

It is genuinely frightening that people can spend so much time arguing over something so unimportant on the internet.
Right, so I can now get my X10 and I was going to buy new and was wondering where the best place was. I notice a few people have bought the refurb but where is the discount code and does a new one have a longer warranty? Is that still covered by the sensor replacement scheme?

Discount code is definitely quoted earlier in the thread. That's not very helpful, but I'm sure one of the refurbs will be along shortly!

I'm sure we'd have heard from them if they weren't covered for sensor replacement; I haven't seen or heard anything to indicate otherwise.

I see the x100 thread is pretty quiet compared to this one! Is the x100 worth the extra?

I'm afraid that's down to personal choice.
I know a guy with an X100 and he's totally happy. It's rejuvenated his passion for photography
So he would say yes!

I've had a play and compared to the X10 it feels substantial (heavy), but in a you get what you pay for high quality way.
I didn't get the X100 because of the prime lens.
For me, a carry with me camera should be versatile and for me the X10 with its zoom lens is a better match.
I really do love this little camera. Was in Venice last weekend and there were some nice results among my shots. And I did get a few blob-tastic orb-shots. But only during on some nighttime shots with lamps reflecting off the water.
All images processed in LR - b/w, sharpening and exposure + vignetting

This camera is more that worth the money :clap:

Looks like you had fun!
Some nice piccies there...
That Panorama is amazingly well metered; how many attempts heck did you need get that so spot on!
Thanks for the reply Duncan..I really need to try both out before I bite the bullet on either. I think I may miss the zoom also if I went for the x100.
Right, so I can now get my X10 and I was going to buy new and was wondering where the best place was. I notice a few people have bought the refurb but where is the discount code and does a new one have a longer warranty? Is that still covered by the sensor replacement scheme?

Just replied to your PM and for those on here who want to know here is the code and it still works with 10% off. Just checked it (y)

Spemt the day with my new (refurb) X10 and it performed great. Love the way it handles, much prefer it to my LX3. I've only viewed the photos on the IPad, so I need to take a look at them on my PC to form a proper opinion, but so far so good. I'll post some up

As someone who upgraded from an LX3 myself, I'm interested to see if your impressions are the similar.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts (and piccies).
As just a casual 'snapper' i have read this thread with interest. I am not a fan of the images that you get from a compact they seem to lack a certain 'fullness' you can get from a large sensor camera.
So in the past I have used a couple of entry level DSLR models (Nikon D40 and Olympus E-420), plus I just love the manual zoom ring, and view finder even for snapping away.
What I do not like is the size and bulk even on the entry models and the fact that there are situations where you can feel a bit conspicuous with a big 'proper' camera.

This thread and the latest offer of 10% discount on a refurbished model tempted me to jump in and like most of the other contributors here after a couple of days I am convinced the this is just the camera for me.
With enough manual interaction to attempt more creative photography combined with a size, automation and ease of handling for more casual shots.

Thanks to all of the contributors here for supplying their images and experiences that really helped when making the decision to buy.

Finally just one shot from the first couple of days with the X10 this is straight out of the camera.

Untitled by andrewojames, on Flickr
How excited!?! Just ordered my refurbed X10 with the genuine leather case and hood for just £425 + delivery saving £100 as there is a promo on the case when you order the camera (40% off) and the 10% comes off the whole order with that code! result!
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Finally got to have a real-world play with my X10 today. Blundered and fumbled with the settings as I've only had a quick flick through the manual. :naughty: Love the feel of the camera, even my wife thought it was 'cute', (she assumes because it's a 'little' camera, it was cheap :LOL: ) It does exactly what I thought (hoped) it would do - take away the hassle of lugging around the 7D and give me a little more freedom to 'just' take photos. I also felt so much less paranoid than when I carry the 7D.

Didn't get any decent shots as the weather wasn't great plus it was the middle of the day but here's a couple anyway. Straight out of camera with a resize the only meddling.


Been dipping into this thread every now and again and thanks for the pictures friends. The X10 certainly delivers. Assuming the white disc issue is resolved by the firmware update, the only other thing that bothers me is the absence of information in the viewfinder. I really rather not have to keep looking at the LCD to find out what the settings are and wonder if this could be a deal killer for me. I find that I'm constantly looking at the viewfinder information when I'm using my DSLR. Do owners of the X10 find this a niggle or problem?

With thanks in anticipation
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... the only other thing that bothers me is the absence of information in the viewfinder. ... Do owners of the X10 find this a niggle or problem?

To be honest, for the first few times I didn't know what to do - look through the viewfinder or use the screen. But as I see the X10 basically as a point and shoot cam I now stick with the screen. I rarely use the viewfinder now and it doesn't bother me - I am fine with the screen even in bright sunlight.
I am not sure if I would use it more if it had all the information visible in the viewfinder.
To be honest, for the first few times I didn't know what to do - look through the viewfinder or use the screen. But as I see the X10 basically as a point and shoot cam I now stick with the screen. I rarely use the viewfinder now and it doesn't bother me - I am fine with the screen even in bright sunlight.
I am not sure if I would use it more if it had all the information visible in the viewfinder.

Thanks Eva

I think that's just it. I'm trying to view the X10 as being more than a P&S camera. Can't have everything I suppose but I am also trying to get away from relying on the LCD, good as it apparently is.
I really rather not have to keep looking at the LCD to find out what the settings are and wonder if this could be a deal killer for me.

You'll have to look at the screen to frame a shot anyway as the viewfinder is 'less than accurate'. Which is a great shame.

Don't get me wrong, the X10 is brilliant as a compact that will go in a jacket pocket, but you do end up using the screen all the time, unless the light is too bright to view it.
how do you guys find looking at the screen and using the manual zoom
i handled an x10 on friday in jessops and found it a bit strange and felt awkward
You'll have to look at the screen to frame a shot anyway as the viewfinder is 'less than accurate'. Which is a great shame.

Don't get me wrong, the X10 is brilliant as a compact that will go in a jacket pocket, but you do end up using the screen all the time, unless the light is too bright to view it.

Thanks Ed.

I guess that's that. I've been watching videos by The Fuji Guys on this camera on YouTube and the feature-loaded X10 remains probably at the top of my shortlist while I work through my needs which are basically finding a camera that allows me to shoot more discreetly than a DSLR and one that was more portable without having to pay ' red dot ' prices!! ;)
I found the handling just a little strange at first having come from a smaller Canon camera. Particularly, I didn't think I could get along with the thumb grip. The placement made the camera feel (to me, at first) a little lopsided. But bought a wrist strap for safety. And now, just 3 weeks into using this little gem of a camera, it feels like part of me when I'm using it. Don't give up!
I found the handling just a little strange at first having come from a smaller Canon camera. Particularly, I didn't think I could get along with the thumb grip. The placement made the camera feel (to me, at first) a little lopsided. But bought a wrist strap for safety. And now, just 3 weeks into using this little gem of a camera, it feels like part of me when I'm using it. Don't give up!

Big welcome to TP TiggyWink.

Thanks for your thoughts and keep enjoying (y)
A few thoughts on it after a days use:

- Enjoyed the panorama function, once I'd got used to the speed you need to move at.

- Loved the twist to zoom feature. Never got on with the electric zoom on the LX3.

- EXR mode didn't seem to make much difference, need to spend some time figuring out how to use it properly.

- Ended up using the screen more than the viewfinder, couldn't get used to the view with the lens in shot.

- Macro mode worked very well indeed.

A few pics from yesterday:

Dinorwic- Panorama by The View From The North, on Flickr

Dinorwic - Close Up by The View From The North, on Flickr

Dinorwic - Cutting Table Saw by The View From The North, on Flickr

Dinorwic - Bridge Of Doom by The View From The North, on Flickr