The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Yet again I'm loathe to post anything following some really good stuff. Still I do like playing around with the panorama mode. I thought this one worked better in black and white - not least because of the blown sky to the right...

The trouble with panos is they are best seen large.

I'm not sure I did the play of light and shade justice with this one.

Dave don't put yourself down. I am only too grateful that people like you put your shots up for the rest of us to look at. And they are always a pleasure to see - especially the B&W pano :clap:
DayDreamer said:
Dave don't put yourself down. I am only too grateful that people like you put your shots up for the rest of us to look at. And they are always a pleasure to see - especially the B&W pano :clap:

Totally agree. Love the pano, Dave.
Here are a few images taken tonight 01/12/2012 on the prom at Blackpool of The Coca-Cola Christmas Truck, All handheld.

AdrianLag said:
Hi Poly,
I just bought this step-up ring (40-49mm) and is a perfect fit as it's made for the X10 (in the UK). It cost £7.50 inc PP and arrived in under 2 days.


PS. I'm new here as I am just watching for now - my X10 is wrapped up ready for Christmas; but I've already bought some extras!!

I often see the X10 thread size quoted at 40.5mm yet the link above is for an "X10 special " at 40mm stepping up to 49mm. If the thread size is 40.5mm Then why a "Special".

If the 40.5 fits we wouldnt be limited in stepping up to 49mm and for me I could go to 52mm poleriser which I already own.

Am I missing something?
I often see the X10 thread size quoted at 40.5mm yet the link above is for an "X10 special " at 40mm stepping up to 49mm. If the thread size is 40.5mm Then why a "Special".

If the 40.5 fits we wouldnt be limited in stepping up to 49mm and for me I could go to 52mm poleriser which I already own.

Am I missing something?

The X10's thread size is 40mm as I have a 40mm filter on the front of mine, I already had a 40.5mm filter off my Nikon J1 which didn't fit,

I hope this helps.
Few More From Manchester



My turn with the Christmas Market theme :D
Here's some from today's Wells Reindeer Parade.....






Going off topic for a moment.....
Here's one of today's images from the 5DIII :D:D:D

It's a fun lens I've bought for a future project. You can read more about the lens over in this thread.
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I finally got to the Manchester Christmas Markets today, it was so busy and very hard to walk let alone take photographs, I only ended up with an handful from the markets, I'll try to go on a week night nearer to Christmas.

1. Christmas Shoppers

2. Sachas Hotel

3. Manchester Alleyway

4. Kitchen Porter

5. Christmas Markets 1

6. Christmas Markets 2
Looking through the last few pages has been an absolute pleasure - so many wonderful images! I've not had a chance to pick up my X10 for a couple of weeks (sniff) as I've been busy testing a couple of mirrorless systems. I miss the little thing and I can't wait to get out with it soon.
great set billy, i wouldn't call this a failure trip at all, got some great photos there, i to cannot wait to return
Phew, there are some cracking images here now, a hard act to follow.
I managed to get out today, the sun was shining, the dogs wanted to go to the beach and I had my new wellys. So, X10 in pocket, we braved the cold....

This is the coast a few hundred yards from my house. The tide was out and we walked along a natural shingle barrier.

A couple of shots of the famous ( but empty) Whitstable Oyster shells. I loved the colours here, both straight out of the camera except for a tad of cropping



Then back for a mug of coffee and breakfast...

well ive found something that the panorama mode struggles with, rigging in a ship. Popped down to greenwhich on sat to see the ansel adams exhibition but popped over to the cutty sark while i was there...

Ok the trigonometry involved would give Hawking a headache so im not blaming the camera here :)

Also decided to send it back for the "software update" to improve noise in jpegs. I had the camera in EXF mode all day and frankly it was appauling. You can see the sort of thing here along the hull of the boat, this was at iso 100 as well! Just hoping they get it back to me before i go away in a couple of weeks. Im a little narked as all my weekend photos look crap. The camera can do better than this.

On the plus side, there are still no orbs to be seen :)

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Essexash - the Cutty Sark shot looks very underexposed for EXR mode. Don't know what more to make of it than that. I don't think the exposure dial works with EXR so can't be that you had that set to -2.

Yep I agree - pano's can come out like you've shown. I tried a few sweeping vertically with trees in my Autumn project in the New Forest. I guess it's more down to my user error than the cam though. Sweep straighter and faster and see if that helps. Sweeping smoothly up I find a lot harder than sweeping horizontally.
Also decided to send it back for the "software update" to improve noise in jpegs. I had the camera in EXF mode all day and frankly it was appauling. You can see the sort of thing here along the hull of the boat, this was at iso 100 as well! Just hoping they get it back to me before i go away in a couple of weeks. Im a little narked as all my weekend photos look crap. The camera can do better than this.

The histogram for this image shows the sky at only half brightness.
For a grey UK day, that suggests at least two stops underexposure, probably three!

What am I looking for along the water line?
I presume you mean noise?
Even the big image on Flickr looks OK on my monitor.

This is all sounding like symptoms of your monitor needing a good kicking.
monitor is fine. You can see speckling all along the hull of the ship. The odd thing is that at iso400 its not so bad, it just seems to affect any shot at iso100. Look at the original size and its like a snowstorm. The last image of covent garden, the guys black coat bottom right at iso400 is pretty clean, certainly a lot better than 100.

Although ive just noticed the exposure bias on the ships exif is at -.33 which must mean i turned that flipping compensation dial again without noticing :) So that could of played a part but again the shots from covent garden also had this bias and the blacks are a lot better at iso400.

Ah well , will see what comes back.
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Although ive just noticed the exposure bias on the ships exif is at -.33 which must mean i turned that flipping compensation dial again without noticing :)

As I said in my post - looks like a two stop neg exposure but not possible as exposure dial doesn’t work in EXR or Auto mode.

Anyway as you say - (I'm not convinced though, as others haven’t suffered the same problem) hopefully the software update will sort it :)
Tee Hee...
You know I post the odd Dan Bailey link?
Here's one that made me genuinely LOL

"Cold Weather Photography Tips"
Including... "Here’s a new one. Don’t let your shutter button freeze down. Yesterday, I accidentally shot 77 frames on continuous mode when a tiny bit of ice wedged itself at the edge of my X10′s shutter button and froze it in “fire” mode."

I reckon that comfortably beats me for the extreme X10 shooting award when I reported licking salt of the X10 lens during coastal storm conditions. :D:D:D
Not sure about that Duncan - I'm in the cold at 3000 - 4000m every year with the skiing but I wouldn't call that extreme. Licking salt off the lens at the edge of a cliff in a howling gale beats it for me!
This makes my blood boil. Thought it may be relevant to some of you out there who have clearly been enjoying photographing the Christmas Markets and festivities. Be warned - you may be interrogated by a council associate.

So I just read about the about the Tydfil County Borough Council banning photography at publicly accessible events. A council worker questioned an amateur photographer, just taking a few snaps, at a Christmas market event if he was taking pictures of kids. She then proceeded to tell him they had an official photographer and he had to cease taking photographs!

The council made an official response “We understand the frustration of any photographer who may not be able to take photographs freely at events such as the Christmas illumination Ceremony. However, as a local authority, we require ALL photographers and media agencies to secure permission from the council’s Corporate Communications department before arriving on site.” – So when did the law change? Oh it hasn't! Apparently they are currently working on an official photography policy to be applied in the near future.

Another example of council big brother. The law of this country allows freedom of photography in any public space yet some members of a Welsh council want to mess with this freedom. If you are reading this and from that council – let me remind you – YOU WORK FOR US. If you’re not happy with the laws of the land then lobby government and let the people decide - making your own by laws where a clear law already exists is utilitarian and therefore in ignorance of an individuals values quite likely immoral.

Disclaimer: Having worked within councils I am totally aware that there are a number of hard working honorable people working within the structure. For want of a better word, it’s the large amount of “bloatware” I’ve witnessed that really gets me. If you are employed in council and read this, and are not involved in this leeching of taxes, then please forgive my outburst.

Oh dear I'm off thread - btw have I told you lot how much I love my X10? :D
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The X10's thread size is 40mm as I have a 40mm filter on the front of mine, I already had a 40.5mm filter off my Nikon J1 which didn't fit,

I hope this helps.

For the love of Pete, I can't remember nor find the place where I read that the X10's thread is not exactly 40, but rather 40.2

I'll keep looking and as soon as I've got it, I'll post the link here.

Update: I've found this thread
They mention 39.5, 40 and 40.3mm Hmmm, I just know that I've got a 40mm and it's ever so slightly loose...
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PTFE tape will sort your issue and save you having to buy another filter adapter :)
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I have a 40mm UV filter on my X10, I tried my old 40.5mm from my Nikon 1 system and it wouldn't fit, the 40mm fits fine.
I like no 1 but no 2 is just magic! :clap: Lucky to get just that perspective, or did the portable jet pack come in handy?:shrug:
Thank you both. A 'wow' from Duncan is something!

Given the standard of stuff posted in this thread I try to show just my best. :)