The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Dumb enough to not run away from a belled up cat... I've managed to save a just fledged starling (which was got by a magpie after I put it on the garage roof to recover) but she'd killed the tit chick. :(
Went out at lunchtime yesterday and took some utter poop. Very disappointing :( maybe just having an off day
I had a great view of the Red Arrows yesterday, and it was good to have the X10 with me.

I was treated to the trip, and didn't know what all the fuss could be about, especially since veterans had been spotted leaving the dock, and Princess Anne was in evidence; then someone mentioned D-Day!

S0046657 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Not being great with a camera, I missed a few tricks, but got the shots from the deck of a very famous old ship. This photo might be a bit of a clue:

DSCF6640 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

I find photographing an event a great distraction from actually watching it, and could have positioned myself better to get some 'old and new stuff' shot through the rigging:

S0166731 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

The Red Arrows do know how to please a crowd:

S0106692 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

S0086689 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

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Well, that's very kind of you David, but it's really just the luck of being in the right place at the right time, isn't it?

Actually, I forgot to take some of the 'blue' out of those photos - forgot to adjust the colour temp. in my hurry to be topical!

How about cloning out the rigging on the last one, Pete ? I think you've done well - I've only shot the red arrows twice and they're damn tricky
Bought the XF1 this past week and absolutely love it apart from the strange painterly look when committing the cardinal sin of pixel peeping. ;) No idea how to minimize that at all yet. (Any tips?) Also wish i could still use my raynox but I guess that's out.

This thread inspired me to join here and encourage my mate to go buy an XF1 as well.

Any hints or tips on settings you folks use?

Will post some photos as and when I figure out what to do. :)

Love many of the photos posted here.
Welcome Mike. It's a great camera but I agree that when you pixel peep, it's far from perfect.

I have my ISO set to 200 I think and either use shutter or aperture mode. The camera produces black and white images very well I think. I've also started shooting in RAW ( thanks to @minnnt ) because there's a lot of detail hidden away.
Bought the XF1 this past week and absolutely love it apart from the strange painterly look when committing the cardinal sin of pixel peeping. ;) No idea how to minimize that at all yet. (Any tips?)

Hi Mike, I don't know if this is of any help to you, but my wife has an XF1 and was getting the same effect. With a bit of experimenting for her with various settings I found that by reducing the noise reduction by minus 1 and increasing the sharpness by plus 1 certainly improved things considerably. I use the same settings on my X-20 with the same improvement to results.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your kind comments, Damian.

Yes, although the rigging is part of "Victory", it's not obvious and can only be distracting. As a snapshot, I didn't feel that it was worth the effort of further attention. Perhaps it is.

Having had the XF1 for a week I am glad to have purchased it. A great bargain at £129! I have dabbed in the various modes and effects and seems to offer plenty of scope for varied images. What is the best mode for the 'wife' or 'novice' user? I am wanting to give the camera to the wife for a family trip to mainly capture pictures of her mingling with the family with out first born. Would the EXR mode be the best or is that too much of a hindrance for editing?

Anyone use a wireless SD card? Was thinking of getting the Toshiba 16GB to make it easier to quickly share some snaps.
Kev, @sep9001 has used a wireless card i think.

EXR would be a good wife mode. :D


I have ordered the toshiba card and waiting on delivery. Hope it is here today so can have a play. Will update the thread once I have tried it.

George, That definitely improves things. Thanks.

Through experimenting today I also found that those painterly strokes don't exist at medium size with all other settings the same as opposed to large. Not sure why yet. Also there are very clear jpg compression problems even at fine quality. Looks like I am going to have to go the route of raw myself. (Not something I enjoy at all.) Plus I would need to either upgrade Photoshop (I am still on CS5) or find something else that can edit the raw files on my mac. Might just put up with it and stop pixel peeping. ;)

Still experimenting.

Testing to see if a photo upload shows up here. Taken yesterday early on in my experimenting. Just a quick crop to the photo.

View attachment 13297
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I have ordered the toshiba card and waiting on delivery. Hope it is here today so can have a play. Will update the thread once I have tried it.


Look forward to your opinions on this. As ready to pull the trigger but any real world experience with the XF1 would be great :)
Kev, @sep9001 has used a wireless card i think.

EXR would be a good wife mode. :D

I thought as much. I just wanted some opinions from experienced XF1 users. I myself have used it in EXR mode for snaps but noticed it just shoots JPG and 6MP. I haven't had the chance to edit these but are they OK for fixing in LR? How does the auto mode fare to the EXR mode? The pictures will mainly be of family and baby.

Another quick question is there a way of getting the camera out of standby if I leave it on 25mm? I normally leave the camera in 25mm on the coffee table and when want to take a picture it doesn't come on until I switch it of and on again.

Great pics being posted over the past week. Can't believe they come from the XF1.
EXR definitely the easy mode, especially with flash, it does a great job with fill flash too.

I turn NR down as low as possible and apply it myself in LR, works better IMO.
Toshiba FlashAir 16 GB Update

Card arrived today, setup was straight forward. I downloaded the flashair software to my pc. Connected the card to my pc and changed the password. This can be done without the PC but with the flashair app for android or ios. Put the card in the xf1 took a shot, on the PC connected to the flashair from the wifi connection, and on the browser went to http://flashair/ and I could see the thumbnails on the browser.

You can click on the thumbnail and enlarge it, or download it. It worked okay but seemed a bit slow. I downloaded the app on my nexus 7, launched it connected it to the card and it works well. It does auto refresh but takes some time, however if you click on the refresh icon on the app I could see the photo instantly. The app is very basic, you can zoom, download and I think you can upload to a dropbox etc if you have it set up.

On the PC and on the Nexus 7 it only works with jpg, raw file is shown but no photo. Overall for the very short time I have had it I am very impressed. The app needs developing and if it does work with raw that would be a bonus.

Tried it on the D90, it only works in Live view or if I change the AE focus to stay working for longer than 6 seconds.
Looks like you got some good shots it the 17-50 that got chipped .