The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

I thought he'd thrown it out of the pram.
God asked Donald Trump if he wanted superintelligence, and Trump said “I’ll take the soup.”
I'm only on a couple, but people send me stuff from other groups ..

Talking of being sent stuff, this is the weirdest thing I've been sent,
Its not really safe for work ..
But if you insist on clicking on it, make sure you watch it all, right to the credits.
It does make you wonder what the originator was searching for when he came across it though ..
Oh and sound on, it has a catchy tune (y)


And even now, a few weeks later, every time a song plays on the radio with a strong base line I'm instantly transported back to this :D
Latvian come home with bread for family.
But family taken Siberia by secret police.
Great think Latvian, more bread for me.
Bread have worm

"You're fired!"
"But, Mr Berlusconi...."
"When I ask for 21 year old escort at my villa, I don't expect to find a 1998 Ford car in my driveway!"
Took the mrs for a romantic meal last night and played footsie under the table
I had a nice steak and she got toed in the hole.

Got home and I was pulling off my boxers before bed and the she said to me "You spoil those bloody dogs!"