The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

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Still got a few minutes!!!

And while you're at it...

A novice monk was set to work copying out precious manuscripts. He was approached by the Abbot who asked him how he was getting on. "Well" said the novice, "I am enjoying the work but I worry that if I make a mistake it will be copied by those that come after me and I will have caused a terrible misunderstanding". "Oh no" said the Abbot, "we have been doing this for thousands of years and nothing bad has ever come to light". The words of the novice played on the Abbot's mind and he decided to go to the library to check some of the ancient manuscripts. Several mealtimes and services came and went and the Abbot was nowhere to be seen. A search party was sent out and he was discovered in the library, crouching on his haunches, swaying slowly backwards and forwards and gently sobbing. The searchers enquired what was the matter. The Abbot pointed at an ancient book and whispered "the word was CELEBRATE!".
The new draftee refused to march with his squad. Instead, he rode his invisible motorcycle beside them while making motorcycle noises. After a few weeks of this and several psychiatric exams, he was given a discharge. He rode his Hog to the main gate, propped it up on its invisible stand and walked out. “Hey,” called the gate guard. “You forgot your bike.”
“No,” replied the draftee, “I’m leaving it for the next guy who wants to get out.”