The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

Should have got one of these...

On my stag night my best man said to me “Well here’s to the three rings of marriage “
”Three rings?” Says I.
”Yep, engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering!”
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Nope I've looked at it 3 times now. and I still don't get it / see it

Try not looking at it. Look slightly away and take in the entire picture without focussing on it.
I saw it with my contact lenses in and squinting slightly.
How many guitars do you have?


How many is that?


What's n-1

n is the right number of guitars.

So why do you have n-1?

Because I will always need another guitar.

Our conversation literally 2 minutes ago.
Try not looking at it. Look slightly away and take in the entire picture without focussing on it.
Well that was all very much a waste of time :D
It's a bit like those "Magic Eye" things that were all over the place a few years back...let your eye's go out of focus.
I can never see magic eye images, but this had a hint of a human portrait even before I squinted.
I wonder how much processing was needed to get the image right...
How many guitars do you have?


How many is that?


What's n-1

n is the right number of guitars.

So why do you have n-1?

Because I will always need another guitar.

Our conversation literally 2 minutes ago.
Yep, Guitars are same as watches and Bikes then...

there's also a corresponding equation

n = d-1 where d = number of guitars that trigger a divorce - especially in a area where there's "community property" - otherwise n rapidly becomes n/2
One can never have "too many" of anything one wants - one might have "not enough", "enough" or even "more than enough" but "more than enough" is NOT the same as "too many"!

Insert object of desire under yellow disc...
One can never have "too many" of anything one wants - one might have "not enough", "enough" or even "more than enough" but "more than enough" is NOT the same as "too many"!
Many a wise word....

:naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Film Cameras.jpg
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