Thanks Paul, there’s no need to be sorry we all make mistakes :) and then have to live with the consequences, for ever and ever and on into eternity.:(;):exit:
Naar you made a good choice a worthy winner. Nice one Graham well done.:banana::beer:

Off we go again.

Open in ACR, auto, open in PS.
Copy layer.
Drag a guide in to 50%,
Select the R/H side of the image, copy and past into new layer.
Flip horizontal and drag to the L/H side.
Clear the guide.
Add a mask to the pasted layer and blend the edge.
Merge the top two layers.
Now… Clone……..burn…..add a grad…..copy and paste bits… apply adjustment layers for, levels, C and B, curves. You get the idea.
Flatten, add a border, save for web.

And Roberts your dads brother.


This is looking like being a nice easy one to judge... ;)

Working on it- made the mistake of cloning on the same layer that I had already made changes to so it was either continue or start all over:oops: :$:D
Ok, so a few issues with mine but at least wanted to make it possible for Rhodese to lose even if unlikely:D

Started out well enough in LR;
Decrease highlights in top left corner with adjustment brush - did create a grey looking patch but thought would fix with clone brush so not unduly worried at this point
Decrease in shadows on brick walls channeling water
Increased reds a bit
Increased blue a bit

In PS:
Cloned out fences and trees- that seemed fine
The decided it would be nice to bring some of cloned blue sky from right to left- not such a great idea:LOL:
Didn't notice had changed clone brush to 100% hardness so lots of streaks- sorted that then going round brickwork on left a bit harder because it was white underneath so more obvious.
Had a go at trying to fix lens ghosting but screwed that up then realised had done it on same layer- doh. Left as is.
Introduced some lens flare- movie prime and zoom and blew highlights back out...mmmm
Added levels, brightness and vibrancy layers and tweaked a bit to lift image.
Out of time and quit while I'm ahead:confused::p

Edit115 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr
This is looking like being a nice easy one to judge... ;)


Is this thread going the way of all things? Six foot down, never to see the light again. :eek: :( :runaway:

Come on, lets beavin ya. Share your know-how. (y) :banana:.

Is this thread going the way of all things? Six foot down, never to see the light again. :eek: :( :runaway:

Come on, lets beavin ya. Share your know-how. (y) :banana:.

I hope it keeps going, I've not only had a bit of fun, I have also learned a little on the way!

Anyways, here's my take on this ...

Import into LR
Slight straighten on the water as horizon
Tried to clone out the railings etc and realised LR was the wrong place so reset all of that!
Exported to Photoshop as a psd file
Cloned out the railing left and right, cloned out the cross beam and stand pipe thingermebob doobrie under the bridge.
Saved the file (need to work out how to get it to automatically re-appear in LR ...)
Re-imported to LR.
Clicked Auto to give a baseline for exposure etc. Then tweaked exposure higher to 0.75 (left all others as LR set them. I did try tweaking the various sliders but found that LR did a better job than me :(
Set clarity to +35 & vibrance to +15 to give a bit of punch.
Adj brush on the sky above bridge temp -25, exp _0.5, sat +50 - to try and make the sky bluer
Adj brush on sky below bridge temp -25, exp -0.5, sat +25 - to tame the blown highlights
Adj brush on water temp -25, exp -0.4, sat +20 - to tame the blown highlights.

Export as sRGB, qual 75.
not_mine-8724 by PabloRosso, on Flickr
any more for any more??

If so speak now (or at any rate some time in the next two hours), as I'll put this one to an end about 3 o'clock.
Well, interesting interpretations as to what had to go, and what had to stay.
I took this for the final week of last years 52, not gonna lie, this shot is flawed in a number of ways!
But the important part for me was the light under the "bridge", and the lens flare(s). :)

So, @Rhodese wow, fantastic effort in removing all the flares, I know your love of symmetry and the blend of the right over the left is seamless. The blue sky frames the top of the image nicely, the water in the lower section could be a bit brighter? Undoubtedly a much cleaner image, but I can't help but feel it's lost a bit of the memory and feel of the image for me.

@Dr_O , yep top left is well and truly blown, but well recovered, interesting workflow, ;) Bright in the shadows of the brickwork. I like the lens flares in the original, and I like it with your additions even more. Not sure why you cloned out the horizontal beam under the bridge, and there's a single pixel wide horizontal line through the top of the bridge, and another diagonally on the left.... Like that you've kept the width. Got the idea, execution just needed more time investing. Nice warmth in the light under the bridge.

@PaulButler good cloning on the railings, not sure the mechanism under the bridge needed to go? great job on the tricky sky. Could be a bit warmer on the WB maybe. but overall I like it, although I'd prefer it kept full width. :)

Hmmmm.... all three have their pluses and minuses but I think I've made up my mind........

Here's mine.

Was a blend of three exposures from the RAW file, probably quite a bit of detail enhancement, selected the light under the bridge and adjusted the WB and saturation, and a slight crop or possibly distort to position the bricks in the lower corners.

My fave of the entries Is Dr_O., I'm going to look past a couple of minor issues as the overall image is still the one I'd like to remember.

Over to you Doc.... (y)
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Well done Doc, and thanks for the feedback Graham, not sure it was necessary to clone out the mechanism, but I quite liked it when I'd done it :D Agree about the crop too.
Thanks Guys. The really thin looking lines were from the lens flare option- can't remember exactly which one but agree they do look a bit distracting. I took out the beam under the bridge just because I could:LOL:

Just in- been really busy and looks like no sign of let up - will try and get something up later on or if not it will be tomorrow night but I'll do my best
Well done Doc, :banana: :beer: :jaffa:.

Thanks for the comments Graham. :).

Folks I apologise in advance for this description :(, it may not be 100%, I wrote it hours after the event. I usually do it as I finish, sorry we had visitors.

Open in ACR, auto edit and WB, open in PS.
Copy layer.
Crop, extending the base and moving the subject’s eyes onto the upper third. Straighten vertically.
Switch off the background layer.
Make various selections, copy, paste them in to new layers, then reposition, and resize to create the extension of the pole.
Clone out any distractions
When complete flatten.
Select all of the totem then copy and paste into a new layer.
Dodge and burn within a 50% gray/overlay layer.
Warp the copy layer to fill the spaces created by the crop.
Apply levels and brightness and contrast adjustments.
Add the border using stroke.
Save for web.


Doc when you gone-a make um big dicision?

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Like it guys(y)

Good point Rhodese- what about Monday night around 19.00-20.00? Gives people a chance to squeeze it in over weekend with some time left Monday if needed
well glad to be back in the game. i am having problems with my internet at the moment and i am running at 0.2 meg, mad is not even the word grrrrrrrr:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. well down to the game i went for a B&W conversion because i thought why not. here are my efforts

Nicely squeezed in there Nicholas- hopefully your internet will return to normal soon- we lost ours not long ago and it was quite frustrating.


Rhodese- that's a quality bit of work extending the totem(y). Overall effect very good.

Neil- you're a topaz guru:D. I like the grunge effect- think it goes well with the chisel marks. I thought originally it may have looked better in a B&W with the grunge but actually I don't think it would have

Nicholas- Any editing 'because you can' is always good:). I went for a B&W as well although I think yours is better- somehow it seems to convey an older look about it. Maybe too deep a shadow under the beak perhaps if I could pick anything out. I played around with the orange (can't remember which direction) to lighten mine.

Right, three good efforts- each offering something different so it's a pretty close. However, I'm going to award Neil the win for his grungy effect- I do like the way its given an edge to the carved wood.
So, well done all and over to you Neil:)

Here's mine;

In LR- converted to B&W, moved orange (in some direction) to lighten shadow under beak.
Adjustment brush- added contrast an clarity on bird

In PS- cropped

Edit116 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr
maybe it's a winter activity only. at least there's some action here- Jim and I holding the fort on the other one:LOL:
Sorry I missed this one, I was busy this weekend at the meet - had to catch up work today so ... I'll try with the boat though :)
Sorry I missed this one, I was busy this weekend at the meet - had to catch up work today so ... I'll try with the boat though :)

No probs Paul- was reading that yesterday-well done with your role in helping it to be what sounded like a great event. It got the weather too which was good- bit of sun and clear sky up this way wouldn't go amiss:LOL:
Can't get the file to download :( - keeps redirecting me to a download manager which I don't want or need. Any chance it can be put on dropbox?
No probs Paul- was reading that yesterday-well done with your role in helping it to be what sounded like a great event. It got the weather too which was good- bit of sun and clear sky up this way wouldn't go amiss:LOL:
Yep, was a cracking weekend, with lovely weather :)
Cool and I'm first one in:)

Increased shadows +43 on boat
Decreased green hue -100
Decreased aqua hue -98
Sharpened 57

Free transform to straighten
Removed some of the buoys

Edit117 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr
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OK, here's mine.

Import into LR
Apply lens profile & CA removal.
Crop a bit from the right and bottom.
Remove a few buoys
Click B&W in basic panel
Exposure +0.25
Highlights -50
Shadows +15
Apply a slightly bottom heavy S tone curve
Added grain 50, 40, 40
Tiny vignette of -3

not_mine-4421 by PabloRosso, on Flickr
Muchusgrassyarse Doc, (y).

Bravo Neil. :clap:.

I have tried to do something a bit different,

Open in ACR, auto, open in PS.

Copy layer twice.
On the middle layer, add an oil paint filter.
On the top layer add an average blur filter; drop the opacity to 50%.
Make an oval selection to encompass the boat, invert and feather by 150 pixels.
Add a layer mask.
Bring the opacity back to 100%.
On the middle layer.
Create new layer, fill with 50% grey, and change the blend to overlay.
Selecting different colours from the image for the foreground colour, paint at low values into the picture.
Add a canvas texture filter.
Select all and add a border using stroke.
Save for web.


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3 very different approaches, loving them all thanks guys, im going to pick the one most similar to mine, although looking at the b/w it suits it well, but as i say the closest to mine is the Dr, well done Mr O, over to you sir
IMG_4421 by flying giraffe, on Flickr
Thanks Paul:)

Right in my haste I've just realised I forgot to do a preview after finding a file and transferring earlier- I'm a bit stretched until Tues morning now but will get one up then.

It's a picture of a canon:p. Ok, it's not- it's a picture of a cannon- a big boomy thing:D

Call it Thursday evening about 18.00 seeing as it's late Sunday now?
Thought it time I extracted digit and had a bash at some PP for fun and not for other people!
Like the shot Doc but there's nowhere to hide any Simpsons characters. :(

Opened with ACR here's the screen shot of what I did...........
View attachment 12488

Oh yes I rotated the pic, that dramatically improved the general feel.
In PS I first straightened then went for the monochrome look.
Gave it more contrast then moved the green slider up to 270% and yellow to 140%, this lightened the grass and made the cannon stand out more.
In the Highlights/shadows section I gave the shot more contrast.
Sharpened at 75% Radius 3 and threshhold 2.
Removed the humanoids in BG.
Added Homer Simpson to barrel end.
Removed Homer as I knew it meant instant dismissal 'cos he was a bit obvious.
Resize and save for Flickrrrrrr

Click on pic for the Flickr shot
Cannon by Farmejim, on Flickr
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Thanks Neil.

Doc, well done old chap. :beer:.

but there's nowhere to hide any Simpsons characters.
Hi Jim,

Aint that im sittin on the steps?

I’ve shoved im down the owel in the gun.

I digress.

Open in ACR, auto, open in PS.
Copy layer.
Select the end pillar, copy and paste into new layer, flip horizontal and move to the edge.
Make a selection of the cannon.
Edit copy paste to put the selection in a new layer. Switch this layer off for now.
Back on the copy layer invert the selection and add a lens blur filter.
Add a mask.
Add a 100% opacity grey grad to the mask starting from the bottom to just below the stones.
Switch the cannon layer on. Select the light flare on the left of the barrel, feather by 2 pixels then clone it out at 80% opacity using the green to the right of the selection.
Crop to square it up along the brick line.
Apply levels bringing the left slider in to meet the histogram.
Add the border with the stroke command.
Save for web.


Am I thick or what. :confused:.

I read Jim’s edit and thought, “Rotated, dramatically improved the feel.”

What’s he on about then I twigged it….. DOH.

Yes, I did that too and it does improve things somewhat. :).

this is all 100`s lol all in raw, just read a mag with this style so thought id see if a cannon would work
rotate and straighten
saturation -100
clarity + 100
blacks - 100
whites - 100
shads + 100
hi lights -100
temp 7400
tint -10
clone out peeps
Cannon by flying giraffe, on Flickr
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Import into LR
Use the low wall to level
+0.25 exposure
Edit in PS
cloned out people & trees
Back to LR
Adj brush on the sky temp -100, sat +75
Adj brush on cannon temp -10, tint -48, exp +1, sat + 50
Strong Contrast Tone Curve Shadows -10 High +8
Vignette -35, mid 50, feather 50
Export sRGB qual 75

not_mine--Edit by PabloRosso, on Flickr