Shame there only three entries. But perhaps I should of given more time and made it over a weekend. But that aside I go with Waynes. Why - I am not entirely sure other than I was taken by the idea of what has been done in context of me knowing the building as I do sit, on a bench and look at it quite often Drinking my coffee of course but without hobnobs :D

So well done Wayne (y)

Here's my edit where I have gone very conservative (for me) and in my usual style it has been a mix of slight HDR with Dynamix, playing with saturation, shadows, highlights, sharpening but a lot with selection of individual parts of the picture.

I tend not to enter this thread because of having to download and supply large files - which I did not realise until I won a round. If it is for work that is fine but for fun I think smaller files are fine

you can put up whatever file size you wish, everyone has the same to work with in the end so it inst a problem, raw files in my opinion allow for more flexibility but are not essential, no excuses next time lol
it would be better to have the RAW but for now here's mine:


opened in LR4.1,

removed all colour noise
used healing brush on the objects in the water,
increased shadows to almost maximum,
increased highlights in tonecurve,
increased clarity a little,
used silver fx pro for B&W conversion,
no sharpening applied because it wasn't resized this time from a larger file.
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Selectively used saturation brush to selectively colour up the reds more and to a less extent the blues. Selected the three rocks to the left of the boat, and the boat, and increased shadows slider. Tried sharpening but image couldn't take any without looking - yuk.

Last I turned the image on all four sides and on each applied a graduated filter to darken down leaving the boat as it was in middle to create what I thought was in my minds eye from the outset. Later in the night :LOL:

So relatively quick for me and even with a packet of hobnobs may of only eaten about one :cool:

I don't have the raw here (I'm away shooting) so I'm limited to whats on the laptop sorry.
Some good edits here, keep them coming.

reduced noise
high pass sharpening
auto adjusted tone and contrast
increased saturation for sky and sea
lightened boat
went round Bens for some hob knobs, he said no!
cloned out grass at the bottom
used topaz softening filter for boat again to reduce noise
And the winner is

Over to you Ben, well done, I really liked the gritty effect.

it would be better to have the RAW but for now here's mine:


opened in LR4.1,

removed all colour noise
used healing brush on the objects in the water,
increased shadows to almost maximum,
increased highlights in tonecurve,
increased clarity a little,
used silver fx pro for B&W conversion,
no sharpening applied because it wasn't resized this time from a larger file.


Used the picture posted here rather than raw

Squished it top and bottom as there was a lot of empty space, everything that was in the original is still here - just maybe not in quite the same order
Selective colour on grass to brighten it
Dodge/burn parts of image
light blue brush over some of sky
no sharpening as too destructive at this size

Then ............. got curious and instead of having light background and dark foreground did the opposite - also added a bit more blue to sky

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My turn...

1. layer Mask foreground
2. layer Mask Sky
3. layer Mask Right Tree
4. layer Mask Left Tree

Just modded curves

5. Added border

Time start to finish 4min 38sec

To keep everbody happy nothing has been added just modified, I even left in the jet contrails and some dust spots :clap:
Treated sky and rest as two separate parts.

Sky - fiddled with saturation & new layer to dodge the whiter parts of the clouds to make them whiter still.

Ground area a little HD, used brush very selectively for saturation, burn & dodge to try and make more three dimensional.

No sharpening but Picasa dropped shadow frame.

Thats it folks :clap:

I'll go with a lomo effect.
Added noise and motion blur, gradient map ajustment layer,, brightness/contrast ajustment, vignette.

Another Try.....

Used my last edit, added black & white layer adjustment, changed border (y)
Thanks Ben - a good win for me especially amongst other such good edits. Well done all (y)

My laptop is playing up - power cord problem - and I am hoping a replacement will arrive this morning, sooner rather than later so I can dig out a pic to put up. I do have a PC but I can't sit at it for more than a few minutes :(
So here's my picture. Not an easy one to get a good result from but hey a challenge. So let's say next Wednesday evening around 8.00 p.m. And happy for you to put up more than one edit as it means the more the merrier to judge ;)


Hopefully full sized RAW file here:-
Well done Daydreamer

Am I allowed to say when I saw Waynes that my first thought was a mad grass cutter on the other side of the rise with a machine like those snow blowers ;0

Funny thing but thats exactly what was there when the picture was taken...... ;)
Usually the person that puts up the picture puts up their edit at the end. BUT as no one else has entered yet I thought I would put my version up.

I must admit that when I took the shot the composition looked good but the RAW picture out of the camera didn't match what my eye saw. And I have been spending quite a while to do a colour version but getting nowhere. The main problem is there is no colour in the sky except white :shake:

So for an 'Olde Worlde' look :clap:

But forget me and have a go - please (y)


where do I start?

edited from the RAW which I am thankful for,

cloned out some things in the water and cleaned up the path,
warmed up the white balance,
opened in silver fx for B&W conversion and used -1ev preset to get the sky exposed properly,
bumped up the clarity,
upped the highlights in tonecurve,
decreased shadows in tonecurve,
used the brush on the clouds set to high clarity, -100 for highlights,
added some very subtle split toning, red=shadows yellow=highlights,
made a vignette,
saved to jpeg

this also looked far better on a black background in lightroom
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Wow turns my laptop on for a quick look and find three seriously good and diverse edits. I couldn't get any cloud details in the sky but others have so well done to you. I have Lightroom but only on my desktop which I can't use and will get it on my laptop when I get my new one but still dithering what to get even after four months of dithering.
basic adjustments in raw
moved blue slider up for the sky
smoothed the sky only
cloned out packet of hob knobs barely visible on the second boat
increasing contrast on building to add texture to the brickwork
inrcreased greens for the trees
Used Lr and Topaz.
Brought back the sky in Raw (lots of detail there)
Cloned out the guy bottom Left
Did some diffusion and sharpened to Mono in Topaz Adjust 5
Some localised D&B
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Downloaded the jpeg on to my Nexus 7 and edited the image in Awesome Miniature Pro. I know its not proper editing but I did t for a bit of fun and I was surprisingly pleased with it. :D