Thank you David, and also thanks to everyone else taking part in the game :clap:

This to me is the hardest part of the game, trying to find something I can put up. I don't take enough photos and this thread is a constant reminder to me, to get out and take more :)

I'll continue the vintage vehicle them with this one:

IMG_6996 by R0b L, on Flickr

Link to Raw:

Hope you enjoy, and good luck everyone.
These types of shots are right up my street, when it comes to editing style.

Probably 4 mins in Lightroom with this one as I used one of my home brewed presets on it and adjusted from there, followed by a couple minutes in Photoshop.

Increased exposure.
Increased white balance.
Lifted shadows.
Added contrast and tone through curves.
Decreased saturation in individual colours accordingly - took the greens right down.
Slight sharpen.
Added grain.
Bit of vignette.


Selective colouring to change tone of blacks and white sky to a bit of a yellow tinge.


You can probably all guess the first part by now...
Into PS, B&W conversion using channel mixer
Split-tone to give a "wild west" type feel
Slight straighten
crop to put off centre

time from download probably 2 hours, but been doing other stuff too,
Probably 20-30 mins on the edit..

I've had a go.

Bit of twiddling in camera raw (adding a grad filter up top), adjusting shadow and highlight knobs to try and retain detail.

Then open in PS:
unsharp mask trying to be a bit restrained
levels adjustment to get a little more contrast in there
bit of hue and saturation adjustment layer twiddling (probably too much because the grass is a bit radioactive)
crop to get the trailer more central

Took 5 or 10 minutes but I'm being distracted by watching The Shield!

Opened in LR4:
Increased the Contrast
Lowered the Highlights
Increased the Clarity
Lowered the luminance and increased the Hue of the colours green and yellow
few more adjustments that cant really remember...

Took me about 20-30min to get an acceptable result :)
Adjusted shadows, highlights and whites in ACR, then ran it through a gritty action effect I had created previously, then ran it through silver efex and one of the vintage presets.

mine: I went for an 1800s look here.

Wooden_Shed_1800sedit by btyreman, on Flickr

edited in LR4.4
changed white balance,
Changed aspect ratio to 16:10,
shadows increased,
lots of clarity added,
highlights decrease,
highlights increase in tonecurve,
lights increased a bit in tonecurve,
split tone used for the sepia effect,
sharpened with masking,
tiny amount of grain added,
vignette with an increase in exposure,
exported as jpeg as usual.

Edited in Lightroom 4.4
temp 6524
tint +39
exposure +0.36
contrast +33
high -52
shad +57
white +33
black -10
clarity + 24
vibe +2
medium contrast tone curve
sprinkling of sharpening
vignette to taste
highlight adjustment brush on the subject.
I think that was everything :thinking:
Thought I would go for something different as others have done the colour, Mono & Olde Time stuff.

Began in PE10 with crop, straighten & shoved the caravan up a bit :nuts:

Then in LR4 where:
I increased exposure & contrast a touch
Decreased Highlights a lot
Increased shadows a lot
Decreased whites a lot but blacks only a bit
Clarity up a lot
Saturation down about half
Fiddled with each colour slider but with aim of getting reds & Oranges up and yellow (grass) up a bit
Sharpened a moderate amount

Then in Picasa to give to focal zoominess

Too ages perhaps an hour mainly to move the main subject matter :eek:

cheers john
wasn't sure what to do with this one, in the end i went for the retro look
sliders in raw and sharpen
cropped and straightened
chromatic aberration, and lens distortion ticked
sepia and added noise
used a filter for the border

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Slight highlight recovery
applied lens profile and removed CA
applied a home made Kodak Portra 160VC preset
curves to deepen blacks very slightly.
very, very slight high pass filter sharpen

That's it.

Click for large versin
You don't make this easy! I've really struggled to pick a favourite.

Some really interesting vintage edits there. I think we have the last 100 years or so, of photography covered there :)

I'm going to go with my first instincts and pick Ben (theurbanclown) as the winner. I liked it as soon as I saw it.

My thanks to everyone that has taken part, there wasn't a single entry I was able to rule out straight away - so the standard was great even if it made my job that much harder.

Well done Ben :clap:

This was mine:

shepherds caravan by R0b L, on Flickr
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Here we go

Went punchy colour with the first one and no colour with the second :p

Added a grat filter to bring sky out
Temperature -37
Exposure -1.85
Clarity +71
Saturatuion +11
Sharpness +100
noise reduction -3
then set

Temperature 5850
tint +9
Exposure +0.55
Shadows +55
Clarity +83
Saturatuion +10

then went into with ajustment brush to alter the barn and ground
Temperature +31
Exposure +0.10
Shadows +62
Clarity +50
Saturatuion +50
Sharpness +47
noise reduction -3

all done in camra raw time about 9min
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For both....

Merged 3 exposures of each ....
Convert to B&W with channel mixer
Split tone
Slight crop of barn
vignette in shadow colour
border in highlight colour

20 mins for first - 10 for second.
My edits done in Lightroom 4
I didn't do very much really....didn't think they needed much doing
For this one I cropped, rotated and adjusted the verticals...
I adjusted the blue slider down and the green slider up
I adjusted the whites and shadows up and the highlights down...
And used the adjustment brush to do the contrast and sharpness...
Took 5 minutes...record time for me!...

For this one I cropped and adjusted the vertical and horizontals...
I increased the orange and yellow slider and decreased the blue
I adjusted the shadows and whites up, and the highlights and blacks down
Increased clarity slightly, and desaturated a little
And used the adjustment brush for contrast...
Took 5 minutes ish

IMG_5311 by btyreman, on Flickr

opened RAW in LR4.4;
applied brush to the sky with a decrease in exposure + increase in clarity,
added a filter to the top of the sky with clarity and decrease in exposure,
warmed up the white balance,
cropped to 16:9 ratio,
decreased highlights overall,
increased shadows,
decreased blacks,
increased clarity a bit overall,
tonecurve: increased highlights and lights,
split tone: slight boost in the blues for highlights,
messed with individual colours, decreased yellows and oranges slightly in the saturation,
lens correction used,
sharpened and added grain,
exported with sharpening for screen saved as jpeg

MK5A6445 by btyreman, on Flickr

also done in LR4.4;
cropped to change aspect ratio to a more panoramic look,
added various filters to the sky,
warmed up the white balance,
decreased highlights a bit,
boosted shadows and decreased blacks,
tonecurve: increased lights and highlights,
increased the luminance in the greens only,
altered hue of the blues to bring them closer to green,
added split tone effect reds in the shadows, blues in highlights,
lens correction,
sharpened and exported.
Ex +0.83
Con +22
HL -56
Sh +50
Bl -11
Cl +60
Sat -60
Individual colours tweaked to taste
Sharp 150/0.9/8

Con/HL/Cl -100
Sh +100
Wh + 50
Individual colour tweaked to taste
Heavily sharpened

Highlight recover.
slight shadow recovery
Lens profile added
CA removed
export to PS as 16bit TIFF
Black and white copy made with channel mixer, red channel reduced
Layers blended as luminance
Slight desat
loaded back into LR4.4 and my custom Portra 160VC preset added.

Same treatment for both, but warming filter added for second image, and a crop and perspective distortion alteration, and greater red channel reduction.

10 mins


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remove CA
clarity +100
blacks +58
whites - 21
shadows +40
highlights +28
contrast -37
3 x exposure, 0, +2, -2
sharpen bales

clarity +100
blacks +3
whites +36
shadows +60
highlights -93
contrast -37

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Bumped: shadows, clarity, vibrance.
Applied grad filter to sky
Vertical, horizontal lens correction then crop
Changed white balance
CS6: Changed white balance
Dodged: light on hay bails and areas of snow


Decreased highlights, bumped clarity and vibrance
Lens correct tool, slight rotate and crop
Increased contrast with tone curve
Cropped to remove most of shadows, then cloned out rest.
Adjustment layer, decreased saturation by 30%

Right then, suppose I'd better decide the winner.

Some great edits on the barn photo - people have really managed to bring the best out of that sky. And nice to see some different crops on the photo of the house, ones I would have never thought have doing.

I think overall, I'm going to have to give it to Flying_giraffe as I liked both of his whereas others I tended to like one edit, or the other.

So well done Neil, it's your turn to deal ...
Thanks for that, some great edits so I really didn't expect to win this time, I'll have a dig about tonight and find something for you all
Neil you will get a 'Lifetime Achievement Award' at this rate :clap:

But well done as you are a good 'Editor' (y)

PS But get a bloody move on with your pic as we are all waiting, twiddling our fingers, in anticipation. :LOL:
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In LR4 with my olde style sliding left, then right, then left again, then start again. The trouble with my erratic way of doing it means I can't think of a way of noting what I'm doing without taking my mind off my fiddling - sorry :notworthy:

Also sorry for the two edits but I really couldn't make my mind up whether I liked B&W or the de-saturated look of the colour version :thinking:

Which is your "official" edit though John... :naughty:

Here's mine,
Merged five copies from exposures -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 EV
Into PS to......
Correct perspective distortion
clone extra road to fill gaps left from above
Clone out oil patches on road
Clone out wires going to building


About 30 mins I guess - maybe more.
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I have only had one previous attempt in this thread and I made a ballhooks of that. I’m a bit slow on the uptake, its an age thing, not sure about drop box and such?, but any way I’ll have a go.


OK, here goes. In PS.
Open image, add 25% to canvas, using the crop, if you are using 5 or 6, if not, do it with canvas size. Copy layer.
Pull out seven vertical guides, RH main brickwork, inner RH brickwork, the open door, LH inner brickwork, outer LH main brickwork; LH extended building brickwork, pipe on building.
Then four horizontal guides, along the black bricks, along the windowsills, along the guttering, along the top of the roof.
Using the magic wand select the added canvas (white), inverse the selection.
Go to Edit-transform-skew. Pull out the sides and generally move the image sides until it lines up to the guides. Ignore the shape it will now extend into the added canvas.
At this point, depending on which Photoshop you are using, you can either crop to exclude the stretched parts or as I did, using the polygonal lasso select the white triangle shaped area on the lower left, overlapping slightly into the image.
Now go to edit-fill and with content - aware in the use box, fill the area. I was lucky it made an excellent job; the outcome is different every time. You may have to do a bit of extra work to get the desired result, clone etc.
Repeat this for the RH side, I had a lot of work on this side the content-aware failed, I had to make smaller selections, clone, and make small new layers from the area to move and blend.
The road on the left had lost its white line, to correct this I made a selection across the road including the centre line, copied and pasted it to put the selection into a new layer then moved it across and stretched it with transform until it looked right.
Crop to get rid of any white canvas that’s left over.
Copy and rename the new layer “mono”
Change the layer to mono, use whatever method you prefer.
Create a new layer, on this layer, add a 45% gray grad to the sky, pull it down to the lowest roof level.
Pull another grad up from the bottom up to the top of the railings. Alter the opacity if its too dark or add another grad if its not having enough effect, now on the top image layer dodge and burn the sky, windows, gates and signs, when happy
Switch off the colour layer. Merge the grad and mono layers. Switch the colour layer back on, select the mono layer, add a mask to this layer (the box with a circle in it at the bottom of the layer pallet) click in the mask, it’s the box at the side of the mono in layer in the layers pallet.
Select a soft round brush, make sure the back and foreground colours are set to black and white and then with black as foreground and the brush set to about 25% opacity paint over the main colour elements in the picture the phone box, railings, doors, bin, signs the blue in the sky.
Now reduce the opacity on the mono layer to let the colour from bellow start to show through, when your happy flatten the layers and SAVE.
Done! I think.
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