OK, here goes. In PS.

Pull out seven vertical guides, RH main brickwork, inner RH brickwork, the open door, LH inner brickwork, outer LH main brickwork; LH extended building brickwork, pipe on building.

Why not ctrl+' and bring up a grid? Was there a reason for adding guides manually?

in LR:
Highlight recovery
add lens profile
remove CA
Basic vertical perspective adjustments
Vertical stretch to avoid building looking squashed after perspective adjustments
Export as 16bit TIFF

In PS:
Removed wires
Tidied up the road
brought up a grid and made Edit Transform DIstort adjustments to line up all verticals.
created a duplicate layer
Black and white adjustment layer added, and reduced blue and cyan. Darkened red slightly, increased orange slightly.
Merged B&W and Duplicate.
Reduced opacity on Duplicate by 10% then flattened
Increased saturation to bring colour back to normal levels.
Went into quickmask mode and brushed the road and reduced mid point in levels.

Loaded back into LR to add my custom Elitechrome 200 preset.


10 mins.

Click for large.

BTW..... I can see your reflection in the door when I zoom in on the RAW :)
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Why not ctrl+' and bring up a grid? Was there a reason for adding guides manually?

You are quite right I could have, it’s just an age and use thing, I started with PS version 6 (not CS) I purchased from a chap in a pub, yes it was a pirate. I taught myself from books and videos, firstly from a magazine called PhotoFX, it later became Digital Photo. One of the main contributors was the late Barrie Thomas; his simplistic approach suited me, as I had never touched a computer until 2001. So to answer your question, I have no reason other than it's what I do; I use the grid on occasion, but find it dominating.
I will reconsider my options, thanks for pointing it out. (y)

Regards, Rhodese.
I will reconsider my options, thanks for pointing it out. (y)

Regards, Rhodese.

No need on my account :) If what you do works for you, leave it alone. I just wasn't sure if you knew about the grid is all.
That’s OK, I take onboard all that is put to me.

Seemed to take forever but I'm watching the football so only using half a (half size) brain.

Cropped a bit, straightened a bit, adjusted exposure, grad filter on the sky then a different one on the road.

Added a bit of lens blur to the foreground, adjusted hue and saturation to cool the image a bit, adjusted levels for a bit more contrast then added a slight vignette to it.

Dropped exposure
raised contrast
dropped highlights
increased shadows
upped whites +19
dropped blacks -48
clarity +55
medium contrast tone curve
grad filter on the sky
straightened in CS6
straightened again in because no matter what I do it looks wrong (rinse and repeat).

train_museum_east_anglia-2-2 by btyreman, on Flickr

LR4.4 RAW;

warmed up WB,
decreased exposure slightly,
decreased highlights -100,
decreased lights,
decreased vibrance whilst boosting saturation a bit,
clarity added,
tonecurve: highlights increased,
changed luminance of the oranges, reds, greens and blues,
altered hue of green, reds and blues,
used lens correction and manually corrected the vertical lines,
grain added and sharpening.
Then added 2 filters, one on the road to cool the WB,
the second on the sky with clarity to add contrast to the chimneys,
changed to print mode and exported with the black letterboxing,
one final crop to remove some of the black and exported to jpeg.
I didn't do much, need to expand my PP skills.

Nearly all in ACR:
Adjustments to vertical, distortion and rotate
Exposure down a smidge
Shadows bumped up
A little clarity
Adjustment to white balance
2 Graduated filters, one to sky and 1 to road

in CS6:
Very slight contrast tweak in curves
Slight desaturation
Crop, Resize

IMG_0747 by R0b L, on Flickr
here is my attempt.

Exposure -1.55
Contrast -19
Highlights -38
Shadows +100
Whites +100
Blacks -93

Clarity +69
Vibrancy +33
Saturation -29

Sharpeing 102
Reduced Noise slightly

Enabled profile corrections and a small crop

Vignetting -10

Slight adjustment of the primary blue.


thanks for all the entries, lots of different styles again which is great, John i like your b/w one, i wouldn't have been able to stop myself from leaving the phonebox red lol, pookeyhead did some great cloning work with the wires too, some cool edits too from some new peeps to the thread, i hope you will continue to play as its such a great way to learn, the winner is going to be Rhodese, i like the colours here, and also for giving such a good run through of his metheod
Mine is a complete trial, im not sure i like it, but hey i cant win anyway:LOL:

Rhodese well done especially as it's your first entry :clap:

Don't forget to get us all a good photo up (ASAP) for us to get editing & to give a day & time when you intend to announce your decision. Forgive me if you know this but in case you weren't up to date on the rules (not that all of us obey them :LOL: )

Load up the next one! :)
Good afternoon, I’m sorry for my late comeback, I had a hospital appointment this morning and you know how long they can be.
Thanks Neil, people say there’s a first for everything and this is a first for me.
I’ve never used drop box so if the link is duff could someone be kind enough to explain the correct way to do it please.
This is an oldie taken in 2008 at Port Isaac Cornwall, taken on a Nikon D200, 1/125”- f6.3 - ISO100. I think the focus is off but hey. At the time of taking I had a thing for boats, ropes and harbours. I hade seen a photograph of a boat, with its moorings coming out of the picture and I wanted to copy it, as you do.
John, David thanks for the comments.
Winner Friday, PM.
Right here’s the picture, have fun.


Here's the RAW link if it works.

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Rhodese, hover over the file in your Dropbox and click the little link icon on the right hand side.Then copy and paste that URL.

Hopefully that should work.
OK, so here is my attempt:

LR4.4 - Create black and white image:
Convert to Black and White,
Up exposure slightly,
Decrease Contrast a touch,
highlights -100,
whites -50
blacks -26
Clarity +64
Adjust Green and Blue colours,
Add slight yellow hue to highlights and shadows,
Sharpening 80,

LR4.4 - Ajust colour image
Adjust blue hue and saturation

Photoshop 6:
Create 2 layers with colour image on top of b&w image
Layer -> Layer Mask -> Reveal All
Use eraser to remove the colour from the im, except from the area I want to keep in colour.

Done. 30mins


_DSC0020 by mjogreen, on Flickr

Here's mine.

Sole LR edit.

Sky and hills - exposure decrease, contrast increase. Introduce some highlights and take away some shadows. Add some saturation.

Main picture - increase exposure and contrast. Take out some of the blacks in the image. Sharpening, vignetting and clarity. Also took a bit of the green saturation out of the hills after I brushed it.

Took about 20 or so minutes.
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Made 3 copies of the NEF file in ViewNX2
merged them to....
bring in more detail in the highlights of the sky area
recover shadow detail
increase midtone contrast
increase overall contrast

in PS
Cloned out people on the beach
Adjustment sat layer (with mask) to increase saturation on the coloured parts of the main boat
Adjustment sat layer (with mask) to decrease overall saturation (without affecting the main coloured parts of the boat.
Slight vignettte
slight sharpen

clarity +37
vibe +36
sat +13
blacks -27
whites +4
shads +90
highlights - 75
cont +8
lens correction
open in ps
black and white using calculations, used red plus red with multiply then save as new document
some dodging and burning on dark places, finish!
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image 6 by PP Game, on Flickr

Adjusted temp
lifted exposure and contrast
hightlights -14
shadows +26
whites +33
blacks -21
custom tone curve
2 x grad filter over the sky
edit in PS CS6
removed boy a seagull and the writing on the boat.
In PE10
Slight crop as I wanted to give it a little more panoramic feel.
Played with Shadows & Highlights.
A huge amount of free hand selective brushing on different areas for Sats & Doge & Burn with the emphasis on giving a more living/three dimensional look to the hillside & foreground.
A little High Pass Sharpening in Soft Mode.
A touch of orange warming filter.
In Picasa a very slight vignette.

And that's it as I feel it is a well composed shot & just needed bit of tweaking.

PS Nothing in LR this time as it has been used exclusively for many of the recent edits & about time I reminded myself how to use PS :clap:

Time taken around 30 minutes


Temperature 5100
tint -5
Highlights -23
Shadows + 93
Clarity +35
Vibrance +69
Saturation +40
Cloned out the people
added some gentle tilt shift effect
took around 5min
Here is mine:


In camera raw:
Increased the exposure, saturation, clarity, contrast,
Decreased the whites, highlights, blacks
Increased the luminance and saturation of Green
Graduated filter on the sky: increased the exposure and clarity
Took me about 10min to edit
Mornin all,
Some nice edits, I will call it after midday tomorrow.
Decreased exposure
Increased Shadows
Increased contrast with curves
Adjustment Brush to sky to lower exposure
bumped the colour up with a lab colour adjustment
high pass filter
detail extractor on just the sky (overcooked it a bit)
Small crop
Vignette - can't help myself - sorry ;)

I haven't done a great job on the sky, pushed it a bit too far and there's a bit of haloing where I didn't do a great job of the mask. If I had the time, I'd pull it back a bit.

just uploaded a re edit, can you see what i did?

Er no -- (to humour you) what did you do?

Skull & Crossbones flag on boat :LOL:

PS Not that thick may be a bit backwards, bit backwards (y)
Perhaps there ought to be a 'fast turnaround' variation on the PP theme?
Perhaps there ought to be a 'fast turnaround' variation on the PP theme?

does seem to me that (about) 75% of the edits are up within 24 hours, 20% in the next 12-24 and maybe one last minute straggler!

I don't see much benefit in letting it run past 2 days, if you miss one, jump in on the next?

A quick go.

Just a few adjustments in camera raw (including a slight vignette), then into photoshop and a fiddle with a curves adjustment layer, unsharp mask and bob's your uncle!
It’s past the meridian, so lets do it.
Dan, the oldie worldly feel is quite appealing but the popped colour spoils it for me.
Michael, now this I do like it has that old Fuji slide look about it. Lovely Fuji green. I think loosing the people would have been an improvement.
Graham, it has a similar feel as Michael’s entry, a nice clean and bright foreground then we get to the sky, for me it drags the mood down.
Flying giraffe,
Neil, when I pressed the shutter I had a mono image in my minds eye, an old Cornwall post card perhaps. The tones are nice, maybe if the whites were a bit whiter it would lift the overall appeal.
As for the re-edit, well. (y)
Alz D,
Alex, did you do a rain dance? You certainly brewed up a threatening storm look. Well done.
John, the overall density and colour just lift it to that holiday at the seaside feel. However, on my monitor there is something about the edges within the image that is not quite right, particularly the boat.
Alix, it has the same feel about it as DayDreamer, I love the out of focus in the foreground but alas, in my opinion the same cannot be said for the area of the upper mast.
SMAM, that is a well-executed edit, though apart from the lifting of the whites it’s not that different to the out of camera jpeg. The opening post.
Rob L,
Rob that ticks the boxes, it’s a day at the seaside.

So where does that leave me, as I commented on Neil’s’ edit that my intention had been to make an old fashioned post card type of picture, but obviously you talented lot had other ideas and went for a day at the seaside look. Well this is a Daddy or Chips situation, who do I pick, Michaels Fuji green, Neil's, I love black and white, but I’m going for the late entry and give it to "Rob L" even though he left the people in. Well done Rob, over to you.

PS. chuckles2k3, I missed your entry I must have been typing this post. my apologies. A fine entry it is too.

My edit, as I said an old fashioned post card. I've extended the left hand side as I felt the boat was cramped, I removed the people and the beacon and moved the little boat to balance the view. The rest was a BW conversion, grads, dodge and burn, overlay 50% sepia.


C and C welcome.

:LOL:, i got a bit bored

Perhaps there ought to be a 'fast turnaround' variation on the PP theme?

does seem to me that (about) 75% of the edits are up within 24 hours, 20% in the next 12-24 and maybe one last minute straggler!

I don't see much benefit in letting it run past 2 days, if you miss one, jump in on the next?

I agree, a time limit would be a good idea.

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Well done Rob so now get your picture up ASAP :D

You can also decide how long to give it so up to you whether you have a quicker turnaround than of recent as there seems to be a few of us that would prefer that?
The Sea:
Adjust Exposure Slightly
Adjust Saturation Slightly
Full Clarity
Adjust Temp Slightly

The Crumbly Rock Face:
Clarity Full
Adjust Temp, Saturation, Exposure, Shadows and Highlights Slightly

Whole Image
A bit more clarity and temp
Reduce contrast and vibrancy slightly


Finished Result:
Rhodese (y) for the thinking behind your decision, appreciated.

Well done Rob - lets kick this off then......


NO HDR from me this time... :eek:
Converted single file to TIFF using DPP
Slight increase to contrast and saturation and sharpness

Increased midtone contrast on the triangle rock edge
increased saturation overall
desaturated slightly the whites of the sea
sharpen on birds and rockface
slight crop

20 miuntes
