cheers John, glad you liked it, ill sort a new pic out, maybe a macro as i think someone said we haven't done one yet:clap:
Yep - nice one Neil.... Looking forward to this one (y)

Liked the clouds in your B&W edit John, and good job splicing them in. :clap:
Liked the clouds in your B&W edit John, and good job splicing them in. :clap:

Hi Graham I tried clouds with inserting a new sky but now do with brushes which I find looks more authentic - well to me it does :cool:
Well, well, well. Only half past eight - and I've already learned my one thing for today.... Cheers John (y)
Well done AndrewP and congratulations on the win Neil . :1st:

Macro, Goodness me, this takes me out of my comfort zone, who’s idea was this again? :help:

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Well done Neil.

My edit done in Lightroom 4.
I cropped.
I increased whites, and decreased blacks
I increased the clarity and vibrance, and slightly desaturated it.
In the 'tone curve' I increased lights, darks and shadows.
I increased orange, yellow, green, purple and blue slider.
I used the adjustment brush for contrast, and sharpen on the bee and flowers
Noise reduction, luminance was set to 46
Time taken...not long, mainly just fiddled about with sliders...and figuring out how to do stuff again in Flickr


edited for overall look in DPP
set WB, increase contrast, saturation mainly

In PS,
duplicated layer three times, one background, one bluebell, one bee
background, increase contrast, decrease brightness, decrease saturation
bee, masked off, increase contrast, saturation and brightness
bluebell, masked, increase contrast, saturation and high pass filter to sharpen

crop, white vignette and border in picasa.
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PS, white balance, contrast, slight vibrance, then colour lookup. Some curve adjustments
Well, as I said, “this is not my bag”.

Here goes.
Open in ACR,
Exposure = +1 stop
Contrast = +25
Whites= +10
Blacks= -13
C, V, S all +10
Up blues and reds in curves

Open in PS,
Copy layer, make selection of main subject using Quick selection tool, remove unwanted with Magnetic lasso, and then refine using Refine edge. OK, selection now in new layer with mask. Re-name Bee.
On background copy layer go to filter - blur - average, and drop opacity to 70%.
On Bee layer, select the image and sharpen with smart sharpen, 20%.
Crop, adding to the canvas on the right hand side. Use new space to make good missing petal, stem and background using Content fill and Clone tool.
Select all and make border using Stroke.
Save for web.


That's it,
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yes you've said it twice now, we get you :)

I apologise if my repetition has irritated you. It was not intended. It’s just that I have very little experience with 1:1 photography. Sorry. Twas just small talk. (y)
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Started in LR4 & in the absence of a B&W edit on the thread I thought I would try that --- but --- it didn't look good no matter how I 'pulled & pushed' the sliders.

But left in the best B&W version I could get then using the brush did three lots of colours one the orange on the bee, second the blue on the flowers & thirdly green on the plant stems.

Then finally a sharpening.

Into Picasa to give it a white vignette & a pretty :)clap:) pastel border.

I apologise if my repetition has irritated you. It was not intended. It’s just that I have very little experience with 1:1 photography. Sorry. Twas just small talk. (y)

Rhodese I agree with you just who was it that suggested the macro :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Oh yes I remember it was Ben - a long time poster on this thread - who we all love :love:

I think (hope) Ben was only joking with his comments as I am in my reply here :clap:
Rhodese I agree with you just who was it that suggested the macro :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Oh yes I remember it was Ben - a long time poster on this thread - who we all love :love:

I think (hope) Ben was only joking with his comments as I am in my reply here :clap:

meh, it was a joke lol my humour is quite dark sometimes, hopefully it came across as post my edit soon as well!
john, yours reminds me of those early photos where they are black a white painted over with colour, very cool!

When I first saw it I honestly thought I would need to sit this one out. But like you (& Neil) we are some of the more regular 'dudes' on here so I felt obliged to have a go:puke:

The end result really was me meandering along without any end result in mind !!!!!!!!
yes you've said it twice now, we get you :)

I apologise if my repetition has irritated you. It was not intended. It’s just that I have very little experience with 1:1 photography. Sorry. Twas just small talk. (y)

Rhodese I agree with you just who was it that suggested the macro :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Oh yes I remember it was Ben - a long time poster on this thread - who we all love :love:

I think (hope) Ben was only joking with his comments as I am in my reply here :clap:

meh, it was a joke lol my humour is quite dark sometimes, hopefully it came across as post my edit soon as well!

I didn't take to be anything other than banter. (y)
john, yours reminds me of those early photos where they are black a white painted over with colour, very cool!

Ben I used to do that on my B+W darkroom prints, one in particular that was very similar to this, a Bee on Foxglove. Not a close up I might add.
Here's my quick effort. :LOL:

IMG_0213 by Hill_Andy, on Flickr

auto tone
auto WB
exposure +1.31
contrast -12
shadows +36
blacks +2
vignette 1
luminance smoothing 80
clarity +30
sharpening 32 radius 3
radial filter

5 mins

Sharpened using unsharp mask
Darkened and increase contrast with curves
slight vignette in lens correction
Hue/saturation adjusted with background masked
Burnt some highlights around the flowers that came out too much during sharpening
Gaussian blur to background to lessen the noisy look
Slight crop.

I'm very new to PP, so it took me about 30 mins.
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Hey thats a cracking tip thanks. (y)
Oh & welcome to the forums. ;)

Haha, cheers. Hadn't thought I'd be imparting knowledge at this stage. I'm really very new to photography. :)

Thanks for the welcome.
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Edit in LR4


Crop, slight rotate to straighten blurred elements in background
Slight exposure increase plus extra clarity vibrance. Fiddled with shadows/highlights etc.
Local sharpening on the bee.
Some extra colour tweaks with hue and sat sliders using a picker on the image. Mainly on bee and flowers.
Slight vignetting added.
ok this is the hard bit, i know macro isn't everyone's bag, but you've all done a great job, its also nice sometime to have to do something different when pushed, its also been good that we have had some new editors joining in with the game, i hope you hang around and keep joining in, over to the edits, as usual they are all very good, also good to see different ideas like johns for instance, i cant pick that one though as the normal bribe of a packet of hobnobs has not arrived:thinking:
mat who is a fairly new member almost snatched it with his edit, great background blur, something i often do myself, but there can only be one winner, and this time it goes to..................

AHILL!!!, well done Andrew, over to you sir:clap:
Well done!

Been a bit too busy to play for the last two, but I'll have a crack at the next one.
Good un Andrew (y)

If Neil is bought that easily I will be off to the 'cash & carry' in the morning for a few cases of Hobnobs :love:
Kept it simple... no gimmicks.

Usual lens profile and CA removal in LR
Crop and straighten
removed some annoying detail in the roof beams (admittedly a bit rough... not much time today)
added a 85 warm up filter then added a touch of coolness back into the shadows
Added a grain layer
Very slight detail extraction
Curves to add some punch.

Done.. around 5 mins.

Click for big version... then click again to zoom in (May not work on phones and tablets)
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Well done Andrew (y)

My edit, done in Lightroom 4.
Cropped and straightened.
Adjusted exposure and shadows, and decreased highlights and blacks.
Increased clarity and vibrance.
In the tone curve I increased lights and shadows
Increased colours orange, yellow, blue and magenta, and decreased red slightly.
Used the adjustment brush for contrast
Sharpened slightly

An oldie world station, so I thought a faded old picture found in one of the suitcases.


Open in ACR, hit auto, open in PS.
Copy layer, convert to mono with max-black filter, re-name layer, mono.
Straighten and crop.
Dodge and burn,
Type and apply message.
Select all make border using stroke.
Add colour lookup, candlelight.
Use mask to erase colour and give faded look.
Save for web.

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