Opened in Lightroom - Reduced a little noise, Toned a little
Opened in Photomatix - Mapped some tones
Opened in CS5 - Duplicated, highlighted green in one, highlighted yellow/orange in the other Flattened

Uploaded to photobucket reduced in size..

I didn't know what to do with this as there wasn't much editing needed so I decided to go down another road and set the animal free and repatriate him/her to the Australian savanna.
Opened in ACR and boosted the shadows and clarity a bit the opened in PS and pasted the animal into a shot of savanna grass-land. Added slight Gaussian blur to make it blend in and using a layer mask put back some of the grass in front of the leopard.

by Farmejim, on Flickr

The savanna layer is in Wikipedia commons by Thomas Schoch.
Jim, “The Australian savannah.” you crack me up :LOL:, I hope it doesn’t get randy or there’ll be some strange offspring a Pantharoo, or a Kangarocapuss perhaps. I'll get me coat. :exit:

Is it a Panther? Oh dear, sorry puss I though you was a Leopard:)
It's a'lion on the grass.... ;)

I could be wrong but isn’t the Leopard a Panther? “Panthera” :geek: ;) :LOL:

It’s a thing of beauty whatever you call it, “a rose by any other name” and all that.

A lion with measles. A Lion on grass. :LOL:

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Here's my attempt, all done in Photoshop and from the RAW this time :)

Post Processing Game
by joshwainwrightphotography, on Flickr

Fiddled about with the exposure and white balance
Cropped and brought out the shadows a bit
Messed with the clarity
erm... (I need to take notes next time!)
Desaturated the greens a bit
Saturated the yellows a bit
That's about it really :)

Maybe fiddling will one day change to knowing what I'm doing :LOL:

Looks a bit better/sharper on Flickr btw
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Yes I think you are correct. :bang: :wacky: :notworthy: :bonk: and finally :sulk:

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thanks for all the entries, there where all very good
the colours are spot on, not sure on the crop though, i really wanted all of tigger in the edit
great edit, the colours are good, maybe a tighter crop?
good effort, great crop and frame, not too sure of the colours, maybe some more saturation?
good edit, maybe a tighter crop and a bit more sharpening or clarity, the grass is great good work
farmer jim
he looks like he`s enjoying himself on holiday from the zoo lol, i was looking for a a std edit this time though, good editing though
good edit, one of the problems i had was the canon blue tint around the eyes and face, and white fur,only when someone on here pointed it out did i see it, if you reduced that it a very good edit indeed
another tough call but i think the one i like the best is going to be rhodese, well done, it wasn't an easy edit and you did very well, over to you
Thanks for the comments Neil, well done Rhodese :clap:
Thanks Neil, :ty: I’m not sure that I would have picked mine. I quite liked Josh’s and Jim’s made I laugh :LOL: .
Thank you again, now for the tricky bit, to pick another tester for your skills.
Animals seem popular so let’s have a go at this.

Teusday evening OK.


RAW here,

The best of luck, (y).

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Opened in lightzone

increase contrast, and detail
increase local contrast on the weasels
select the grass and the water separately using colour selection tool
and then adjust saturation / vibrance of each as well as overall
NR on the water
clone the big leaf centre foreground

slight sharpen with HP filter
Clone grass top left

Then, (on copy layer), cloned over head of LH weasel completely
roughly selected head of LH on underlying layer
duplicate and horizontal flip
allign with body
tidy with layer mask

Into Paint for speech bubble and text

Picasa for border!

Simples......... ;)

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“Hello, is there anybody there?” :shrug:
I think I must have slipped though a portal into the land of no contest. Ah well picking “numaro uno” looks like being a 50-50 shot.:LOL:
Come on you could win a.........:jaffa:

You may have to offer :jaffa: to even get folks to enter :LOL:

What time this evening is the deadline for entries as I will be having a go so it is then 1 in 3 for you (y)
Am I too late?

Opened in ACR and upped contrast, highlights, whites and clarity a tadge.
Then in CS6 I desaturated the grass a bit and added a bit of water to the top for balance.
There is a greenish colour cast on the otter's breast so selected them and tried to get rid of that then I sharpened a bit.
Finally did bit of noise reduction and vignette.
Saved for Flickr.

otter attack
by Farmejim, on Flickr
Hi everyone, I sorry but I’m going to have to delay until tomorrow evening. I have just got back from the hospital and I don’t feel so good, its blood test and doctors in the morning. I should be OK by tomorrow evening, sorry.
I’m going for a nap now.

Hi everyone, I sorry but I’m going to have to delay until tomorrow evening. I have just got back from the hospital and I don’t feel so good, its blood test and doctors in the morning. I should be OK by tomorrow evening, sorry.
I’m going for a nap now.

rest up mate, your health is more important

heres one from me
basic sliders increasing clarity, saturation etc
slight vignette
not much else so left at that

ppgameoriginal by rhodese
by flying giraffe, on Flickr
Hi everyone, I sorry but I’m going to have to delay until tomorrow evening. I have just got back from the hospital and I don’t feel so good, its blood test and doctors in the morning. I should be OK by tomorrow evening, sorry.
I’m going for a nap now.


I'm so sorry to hear you're off colour & hope you will quickly feel a little bit better than today.
All the Best Rhodese... don't forget to stop at the shops on the way back!!


Im back,
John where's your entry, Josh ?

4 0'clock FIN.

Good afternoon chaps and chapesses,
I don’t know what’s happened but I posted yesterday, about 5pm with my choice ( or at least I thought I did.). I’ve just logged on and no post, a post I did on another thread is there. Strange that.

I’ll try again.

Good afternoon each, thanks for the good wishes. Getting old aint fun for some of us, but looking on the bright side, and as Henri Charierre, Papillon said, “I’m still here.”

The Otters were photographed at “The Tamar Otter and Wildlife Centre.” Launceston, Cornwall, a cracking day out if you want to get up close and personal with critters.

The judging, tricky this as I remember the subjects being more of a brown than grey colour, obviously you don’t have that as a reference so I will take that into account.

A nice clean interpretation, though a tad over sharpened to my eyes. I would have liked to have seen the leaves in the foreground and the stray grass at the top left removed.
I like the colour of the grass.

The transposition of the head is very well done as is the bubble, is it the right thing to do? It’s fun, but……..

Your never too late.
Jim again I like the fun element, though on this occasion for you I think you have let your standard slip.
There is repetition of the grass on the upper left and ghosting on the foreground where you have taken out the leaves.

A good edit, again I think the leaves in the foreground are a distraction. The overall clarity is good.

So who is it to be? It’s only a small field and I would like you all win , but “There can be only one.”, now where did I here that.

Well the Macleod of Macleod today, has to be, TARAA,TARAA……Graham.
It’s over to you then Graham.

My edit,


Changed white balance and upped the exposure by ½ a stop.
Got rid of the leaves in the foreground cloned out stray grass top left, dodged and burned then a tad of sharpening, especially the Otter on the right.
Added a border (stroke).
Added a signature with a custom brush.

This was the post on the other thread.

Judi has asked about making logo/brush in another thread.
I hope this process will be of use to someone..

To make the brush in PS.
Open a new white document 1000X500 pixels at 240 ppi.
With the type tool at say 36pt in whatever font and style you like, the colour set to white, type your signature. (You won’t see it, its white on white.)
Click the move tool.
Click on the “fx” icon at the bottom of the layers pallet. Click stroke. Set it to Size-3px, Position-outside, Blend-normal, Opacity-100%, Fill-Type-Colour, Colour-Black…..OK.
Now you can see it, move it to the centre, go to edit-transform-scale and with a finger on the shift key stretch it to fill the width of the document….OK.
Drag the background layer into the bin.
Now drop the fill slider to zero.
Now go to edit-define brush preset and in the pop up name it OK.
Your brush is now ready to use, it can be used like any brush, one click at 100% opacity (lower opacity will make it fainter) will apply it at whatever size and colour you have set.
I mainly apply it on a new layer as this gives even more flexibility.

If you want your written signature. Open ether by scan or photograph your signature written on white paper, into PS. Open in levels and make the paper max white and the signature max black, resize to 1000 pixels on the long side.
Then, edit - define brush preset - and in the pop up, name it. OK.
That is it, the brush is ready to use.

I think that’s it.


PS If you see this post "elsewhere" please avise and I'll remove it. I must have been high on pain killers.

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Thankyou Rhodese - glad to hear you're OK. (y)

My apologies for the speech bubble, my offering to you all is a bit of a winter sunset, from towards the end of the Tempest Rally, which ran by us a few weeks back.

Cheers Rhodese, glad you're OK. Thanks for the critique and well done Graham:clap:.
Thanks for the logo brush tip, I'll have a go at that before I try the new test.

When are you calling time on this one Graham?
Good one Graham :notworthy:
Thankyou Jim and John. As things are a bit quieter here than of late, I'll say Monday morning......

Although if there's enough to judge and no-one has shouted that they need until Monday, I'll try to get in Sunday evening. (y)
Here we go................

Opened in ACR
Highlights -47
Shadows +47
White -55
Blacks +52
Clarity +37

Opened Photoshop
Shadows/highlights ....played with sliders a bit, forgot to copy details..
Straightened a bit
Went to B&W Red -129, Yellow +38, Green +231, cyan -110, blue -104
Selected the blown out sun and filled using content aware and cloned to remove odd bits.
Selected the lake and upped contrast
Cropped and ran noise reduction.
The end, :)

by Farmejim, on Flickr
As things are a bit quieter here than of late

Graham, your right about it being quiet.
Where have all those talented editors gone? This thread used to be so popular and a great place to learn “How” and “How not to” do it.
So come on you that are lurking in the wings, have a go at Grahams image. If there is something you want to try but don’t know how, ask and I’m sure someone will help, then perhaps give a thankyou when you post your edit.
Come on “yoooo know yoooo waaant tooooow.”

hue, saturation, brightness, contrast and curves have all been monkeyed with.

First time I've joined in, hope to join in more! ;)

Hi Nattelie - welcome to the thread :welcome:

Hope you stick around for a long time as it is fun & a great way to improve your PP skills.
Thanks John.

I love editing but I'm a bit pants at it, so hoping playing along will help ;)

Best way to learn and improve Nattelie(y) If you get stuck on something ask a question, no-one will mind. I'm happy to help if you PM me as well.
I felt this is all about mood. The last light of the day never to be seen again, I didn’t want to loose the knowing that darkness was about to invade so I have tried to hold both.
It’s probably a “diabolical delusion” but the water line looks strange, as though its sloping to the point of it heaping up at the centre by where the road is.
The image is quite soft and noisy, if anyone knows of a method to restore this to a good level. “PLEASE TELL“.

Anyway enough of my drivel.

My edit.
Open in ACR, made two conversions.
One to darken sky down and also warm the image up by changing the white balance to that of cloudy. (A touch of sunset.)
The second copy lifted the foreground.

Open both in PS, made copies of both and switched the originals off.( Just something to go back to if things go TU.)
Drag the dark copy on to the top, hold the shift key down this places it centred and lined up with the layer underneath. (I named this “TOP“, the other I called “BASE”, “original ay.”)
Add a mask to the “TOP” layer.
Working in the mask with a soft brush set to low values (Less is more as they say.)
The foreground and background colours set to black and white respectively. With black selected, paint over the image foreground and tree line, bringing out the underlying lighter tones.
Still in the “TOP” layer “mask” with very very low brush settings and using the foreground set to black paint into the sunbeams just enough to bring the slightest amount of light from beneath through.
Create a new layer on top of the stack, call name this “PAINT”
Select a yellow shade from within the image as the foreground colour. And with a soft brush at low values paint into the burnt out sun area, build up the colour but keep it as a highlight.
Also faintly paint into the sunbeams.
New layer name it “D AND B MASK”
Fill with 50% gray and reset the blend mode to “SOFT LIGHT”
With a soft round brush at low values, using black as the foreground colour to burn and white to dodge, dodge and burn as felt necessary.
When happy with the image, flatten.

As I said I felt the water seemed distorted.
Select all, edit-transform-warp, tweak the image until the water line looked OK to me. Deselect.

At this point I felt a panoramic view might be better, so not wanting to loose any of the image as it was, I added to its width.

Using an unrestricted crop, crop to add to the left of the image, OK.
Make a selection of the left-hand side of the image, a little wider than the new space. Copy and paste into a new layer the using free transform stretch it over the new space and mask and hide the join.

Lastly when satisfied go to filter-noise-reduce noise, (Default) OK.
New layer, select all and use stroke to make a border.

Save for web.


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I have followed your advice on posting (y), but this time I have hosted the 1024pixel web image (The image on the contest page.) in the TP Gallery and the full size link on Imger. I think TP is the better it’s that bit lighter (I know its low rez). Remember what I said about the big cat’s nose.

What do think? Anybody.
