I apologise for causing any problems with this thread. It certainly wasn’t my intention. I’ve been stuck between a rock and a hard place recently and it’s taken a while to free myself.

It’s seems you’ve all managed to sort out the problem if someone does go ‘AWOL’ (y)

Well done agc353. Good edit.

Once again - Sorry!
Some great entries so far!

I'll wait until 9:00pm tomorrow to pick a winner, so there's time for a few more edits...
Adey's 'Ray of Light' wins it.

Well done, Adey.

Over to you...
Tonemapped image, then topaz detail.

Downloaded Flare (Mac app) and been having lots of fun playing with it, so decided to use it to edit Adey's Donkey photo.


First cropped the image then:
Adjusted saturation, brightness and contrast (via vignette blending mask and colour dodge blending mode).
Added a 'Brown Paper' texture (via overlay blending mode)
Added an orange/brown filter (via screen blending mode)
Sharpened (via screen blending mode)
Added a 'Torn Border'
cloned out the branch over the ear and various plants.
Used Topax Adjust 4/Spicify preset
Little bit of dodging and burning
Selective exposure adjustments using curves adjustment layer.
Cropped image and added border.

Good to see this thread is still strong, have had a few health problems of late but hope to be able to take part soon

Thanks Adrian

Ok here is one from a couple of years ago at Glastonbury, it was a scorcher and as a result difficult to get decent photos due to bright sunshine and cider.

• The deadline will be 9pm Saturday when I will pick a winner and runner up.
• The winner will then have 24 hours to post the next image if they do not then the runner up will post an image.
• All images posted should conform to the forum size restrictions.
• The copyright of the image remains with the original poster.
• The whole point of this thread is to learn from others so it is very important that all edits posted should have some details of how the edit was achieved.


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Well done Dale.

To get the ball rolling again...


In Aperture:
Straightened and cropped
Adjusted exposure
Increased black point
Increased overall definition, saturation and vibrancy
Made slight curves and levels adjustment
Adjusted highlights and shadows
Adjusted specific colour (blue) hue, saturation and luminance
Added a dark and bright vignette

Add High Pass sharpen layer
Cross process with curves layer
Up vibrance down saturation
Up brightness down contrast
Tiny up of exposure
Dodge tool around face a little to lighten
Add a massive vignette
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Here's mine:

Opened in camera RAW, adjusted exposure by +0.50, adjusted clarity to +80 then opened in PP.

Made the following colour changes:

In selective colour I increased black in blacks.
Increased black in blues
Increased yellow & black in yellows.

Then I made a new adjustment layer and brought saturation down to 20 brushing out the subject to keep the colour in.

Made a new layer and opened in topaz adjust. Brought out the detail with detail and boosted it...I erased all of the subjects skin and the background to ensure detail is boosted just in the clothes and jewellery. Then just added a vignette in a new layer, erasing out the majority of the subject to keep the exposure as I wanted.

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Here's a bash


and here's the layers


as i was at Glasto that year i thought id better enter a pic
increased yellows, reds etc in raw
saved a colour and b/w pic
did selective coulor on subject, and filled in blue parts that she missed
applied sumi-e filter

Blue Dancer Glastonbury 2009 by Adrian Deans, on Flickr

Used ACR to split tone blue>yellow. Opened in PS and duplicated layer, allied glowing edges filter, put origianl layer back on top and set to hard light. Cut out the dancer using pen tool, used original layer with radial blur (zoom) and put behind the dancer. Merge down, duplicate layer and applied bevel and emboss. Extended canvas size and fill bottom layer with black.
Sorry everyone for the delay I was distracted by a bottle of wine and a movie.

The winner this time is photoimaging. I like how the music has been incorporated into the image.

And the runner up is wallyboy. I really liked the contrast of the blurred background and the figure unfortunately there are some bits around the arm which are blurred and shouldn’t be.

Here is my effort from a couple of years ago unfortunately I can’t remember what I did exactly except I did some selective brightening of the shadow areas with curves and masks. I also cloned out the blown bits on the dress and added colour back into the areas where the blues had rubbed off.

Oooo, thanks, I'd have gone with Adey's.

Here's your next one, I've never done anything with this so I'll have to get a shift on.


I'll put the raw up shortly.

How about:


Opened in ACR,
Upped the fill light
converted to b/w
split toned
added some vignetting
Congrats Joan.

Here's mine...


In Aperture:
Adjusted White balance
Adjusted Exposure/Recovery/Black Point
Applied some selective Dodging/Burning
Applied Colour Monochrome wash

In Flare:
Added Border
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Great image Joan I enjoyed practicing my B&W technique on this one.

In camera raw I de-saturated the image with the saturation slider.
I did an exposure adjustment in raw opened the image then opened the image in raw again did another adjustment opened it and layered it on top of the original then used a mask to apply the adjustment repeated this several times.
I finished off with sharpening the shadows, midtones and highlights separately and a tiny bit of dodging and burning.

love that one dale, mines taken ages and doesnt look anywhere near as good.
sepia tone
slight vignetting
added crumpled paper layer
added border
noise etc
Here we go, lensbaby effect,
photoshop lens correction filters
assorted selections with blur
I am giving the first place to Stormcrow and the second place to Arad85
and here's my bash,


I thought of going down the B&W or sepia route too then decided to do a combination of a B&W version with a colour version and throw in a bit of edge finding and dodging and burning in selected areas followed by a colour boost to the warmer areas and then gave it a bit of a deckle edge.
Thanks Joan

Seeing as its getting colder I thought I would choose a snowy picture this time.
This one was taken in an Edinburgh graveyard just before Christmas.
Deadline will be Saturday night 9pm when a winner and runner up will be selected.
Please describe what you have done to the image so that others may learn.

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I am giving the first place to Stormcrow and the second place to Arad85
Yup.. good shout on stormcrows edit - I really liked the way the highlights had been toned down yet the rest of the photo had been brought up :)
adjusted in acr till i was happy
thenmade 3 copies in acr -1, 0 and +1 expo
hdr`d together and loaded into cs5
copied the my original saved jpeg and erased to reveal a whiter snow
cloned out a some sensor dirt, done!
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