the Purpose of Art...

Acid never really did anything to me. Inanimate objects used to move with music... but that's about it. Never had any truly hallucinogenic experience with it.
I did and you have no control at all of what you see. For me earthquake chasms opening up in front of me, giant Cornflake jellyfish, my mother looking back at me when I looked in the mirror. Very scary. Was some good stuff to tho.
Getting back to the Brian Eno bit. As a life long David Bowie fan, I really love his collaboration with Eno on the 'Berlin Trilogy' albums, Low, Heroes and Lodger.

I remember once coming down off LSD (a great influence to many an artist I believe) and listening to Low. The hallucinations had mellowed a great deal from what I had seen earlier in the day (bad experience but a tale for another time). While listening to the album I was staring at a poster on my bedroom roof for the Man Who Fell to Earth film. The combination of the LSD, music and poster gave me a wonderful experience (difficult to explain if you've never taken LSD). To me that combination was art.

Gotta agree there. THAT doesn't happen often!

Acid never really did anything to me. Inanimate objects used to move with music... but that's about it. Never had any truly hallucinogenic experience with it.

LSD was always life-changing for me, but I much preferred mushrooms for consciousness altering experiences - kinder.
I did and you have no control at all of what you see. For me earthquake chasms opening up in front of me, giant Cornflake jellyfish, my mother looking back at me when I looked in the mirror. Very scary. Was some good stuff to tho.
You can control it, but it requires very strict rules on set and setting. Leary and Alpert knew that and used it to heal some very broken people. It's used in ritual magick too - again, set and setting is key.
You can control it, but it requires very strict rules on set and setting. Leary and Alpert knew that and used it to heal some very broken people. It's used in ritual magick too - again, set and setting is key.

The set and setting may well be key but in my experience if something appeared it didn't disappear until it went of it's own accord. There was nothing I could do to make a visualization go once it was there. I didn't have that control.
I shouldn't think it does but there is always common ground despite being poles apart. (Listen to me, all profound and that:)).

That's the interwebz for you. People will just compartmentalise you as they see fit, so I just roll with it :)
That's the interwebz for you. People will just compartmentalise you as they see fit, so I just roll with it :)

Spent most of my life being stereotyped and pigeon holed in some manner. Sometimes it still pi$$es me of but mostly don't give too much of a toss.
Spent most of my life being stereotyped and pigeon holed in some manner. Sometimes it still pi$$es me of but mostly don't give too much of a toss.

People only judge you by what you choose to give them over the net. Real life is different. I'm absolutely convinced that no one on here could tell who I was in real life if they didn't know what I looked like... and going off a normal conversation face to face, even if they knew I was a Talk Photography member.
The set and setting may well be key but in my experience if something appeared it didn't disappear until it went of it's own accord. There was nothing I could do to make a visualization go once it was there. I didn't have that control.

Yeah, well, when I say control I mean that in a much looser sense than in ordinary consciousness. I've had as many "go with the flow" trips that I had absolutely no control of. it's hard to have control when you don't know what species you are!
Yeah, well, when I say control I mean that in a much looser sense than in ordinary consciousness. I've had as many "go with the flow" trips that I had absolutely no control of. it's hard to have control when you don't know what species you are!

I must be immune to drugs. LSD only ever gave mild weirdness. Cocaine did absolutely nothing. Marijuana just sent me to sleep. Ecstasy was quite profound though. Not tried anything else.. some drugs are just too pernicious, even for the strong willed... some are just filthy and not worth even thinking about. Never thought of them as an aid to creativity though. I have enough trouble shutting my imagination up as it is!
People only judge you by what you choose to give them over the net. Real life is different. I'm absolutely convinced that no one on here could tell who I was in real life if they didn't know what I looked like... and going off a normal conversation face to face, even if they knew I was a Talk Photography member.

There is a difference with me tho. When people see the boots and braces in real life the often make their mind up what I am before knowing me. It's usually pretty negative too (ie Nazi, Fascist, Racist, Homophobe etc etc). I may be some, all or none of these but you cannot tell by the way I dress but folk assume to do so.
I must be immune to drugs. LSD only ever gave mild weirdness. Cocaine did absolutely nothing. Marijuana just sent me to sleep. Ecstasy was quite profound though. Not tried anything else.. some drugs are just too pernicious, even for the strong willed... some are just filthy and not worth even thinking about.
MDMA is a wonderful thing. Has massive capacity to heal.
There is a difference with me tho. When people see the boots and braces in real life the often make their mind up what I am before knowing me. It's usually pretty negative too (ie Nazi, Fascist, Racist, Homophobe etc etc). I may be some, all or none of these but you cannot tell by the way I dress but folk assume to do so.

Yep.. some people operate on the surface. When we have the punk festival here in Blackpool, you get all the blue rinse set moaning and stuff. Never any trouble though... not that I can recall anyway. Plenty of skins there too. I feel a great deal safer actually. The usual scallys take cover.
I must be immune to drugs. LSD only ever gave mild weirdness. Cocaine did absolutely nothing. Marijuana just sent me to sleep. Ecstasy was quite profound though. Not tried anything else.. some drugs are just too pernicious, even for the strong willed... some are just filthy and not worth even thinking about. Never thought of them as an aid to creativity though. I have enough trouble shutting my imagination up as it is!

I have to say drugs hold no interest for me now and have not done any for 30 years or more. Don't even take alcohol any more neither.
I have to say drugs hold no interest for me now and have not done any for 30 years or more. Don't even take alcohol any more neither.

Me neither (drugs that is). I think we shoudl say at this juncture, that liek all teenagers and students, I experimented with drugs. Personally, these days, I prefer a nice single malt :)
now they are all getting "high" together on past memories
I have to say drugs hold no interest for me now and have not done any for 30 years or more. Don't even take alcohol any more neither.
Same here. Only been drunk or slightly high once in or twice in the
past 15 years. I have meditation these days.
Yep.. some people operate on the surface. When we have the punk festival here in Blackpool, you get all the blue rinse set moaning and stuff. Never any trouble though... not that I can recall anyway. Plenty of skins there too. I feel a great deal safer actually. The usual scallys take cover.

That'll be Rebellion you speak of. A lot of my mates go to that. I like some Oi music but it's not what the original Skinhead scene as about. I prefer Reggae, Ska etc. There's too much politics attached to Oi at times and you get the lefties into SHARP and all that pinko b****x. I've no time for that or the WP and B+G lot either.
I can't remember if I did ...

Too much skunk mate... does that to you :)

That'll be Rebellion you speak of. A lot of my mates go to that. I like some Oi music but it's not what the original Skinhead scene as about. I prefer Reggae, Ska etc. There's too much politics attached to Oi at times and you get the lefties into SHARP and all that pinko b****x. I've no time for that or the WP and B+G lot either.

Ahh.... later generations appropriating your music and attaching a new ideology to it. Don't you just hate it when that happens? :)

Never got into Ska... a colleague of mine is in a Ska band. Reggae is another matter though. Love earlier reggae.
Too much skunk mate... does that to you :)

Ahh.... later generations appropriating your music and attaching a new ideology to it. Don't you just hate it when that happens? :)

Never got into Ska... a colleague of mine is in a Ska band. Reggae is another matter though. Love earlier reggae.

Ska is an early form of Reggae. Not the Two Tone dirge that was churned out in the early 80's.
Ska is an early form of Reggae. Not the Two Tone dirge that was churned out in the early 80's.

Ah... proper Ska then... I assumed you meant the... as you put it... 80s two tone dirge. hard to think of 50s/60s Ska as Ska any more.. it's reggae to me. Never been good at putting things in boxes though.
There is a difference with me tho. When people see the boots and braces in real life the often make their mind up what I am before knowing me. It's usually pretty negative too (ie Nazi, Fascist, Racist, Homophobe etc etc). I may be some, all or none of these but you cannot tell by the way I dress but folk assume to do so.

yeah...annoying when people make assumptions about others based on the way the dress
Or triggers for mutual masturbation with other nonces desperate for approval who lack a skillset that will earn them any!
Why would a nonce want to masturbate with other nonces?
Do you know what the word means, or are just copying something you heard a grown-up say?
Why would a nonce want to masturbate with other nonces?
Do you know what the word means, or are just copying something you heard a grown-up say?

i presumed while looking at child porn masquerading as art .. though its a bit of a diversion from the topic at hand :confused:
Or triggers for mutual masturbation with other nonces desperate for approval who lack a skillset that will earn them any!

Steve, which of the people (or 'nonces' if you rather) in this thread would you identify as not having the necessary skillset to gain approval? There are some pretty skilled photographers participating the debate in this thread.

Have you thought about what you have written?
I simply hate statements about what art is all about and how it should be perceived or interpreted. I particularly dislike the way for example, Tracy Emins bed is agonised over by supposed art experts until a credible reason why it was done on purpose for a deep and meaningfull reason is blundered upon. I have never heard of Brian Eno, but those words on that poster and the look on the face, exactly demonstrate what I mean, all very trendy and full of deep a significance that lesser beings can now grapple with...

"Stop thinking about artworks as objects and start thinking of them as triggers for new experiences" Jesus what a load of Boillox, silly bugger.

I did not refer to any poster on this thread by the way, sorry if you thought so.

Sorry if I offended anyone but I feel pasionately about what art is.
