The "What is it?" thread - Part III

Isn't Canon a company that used to buy its lenses from Nikon?
Ok that looks obscure lol
I'll try with some sort of Battery ??

Nope! The right is my fingers!
And I took it on my phone I'm afraid so it's a bit noisy
Hahnel or similar generic/modular release?
Eye piece cover or magnifier, something like this?

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Hahnel or similar generic/modular release?

I'll give you that! It's the Hanhl intervalometer cordless hotshoe adaptor
Possibly a bit less easy. NOT photography related and can't even think how it could be used in any way other than a subject!
View attachment 37923
A tool that female smurfs use to check the size of male smurfs?
Oh I thought it had to be photography related!
It's a one way road sign in smurfland!
No to all. And it's not Smurfette's lady smurf parts either. Not smurf related in any way.
No. Not even a little bit snuggly. It is figure hugging if you have the right figure and size though.
Need a bit more specific than "hard plastic thingy. You wouldn't buy one of these in a bicycle shop BUT a shop that sells these might sell bicycles as well...
Don't spend too much time mentally scanning the shelves in there, Kev - you could be barking in the wrong shop genre...
Skaters helmet!
Not a helmet (not even a frustrated Dalek's helmet...)
A foot hold/rest/thingy?

Similar to this ..
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Not bicycle related other than being purchased in a shop that also sells bicycles.
Neither. Not drink related other than the fact that I sometimes have a drink when I use things that this is used on - and if you're not confuzzled by that, you should know exactly what the thing is!
No padding.
Not another lego fan :(
Is it a bit of lego ?
That's a very leading question!!! Smaller than a football but bigger than a golf ball.
Not that big, Jenny.
No but in an odd way, closest so far.