things that you dont see anymore

You can still buy 'Club' biscuits - but they aren't as big or as chocolatey as the old ones.
Anyone who can't remember their mom's Co-op dividend number shouldn't be allowed to play in this thread. (121985)

Dried milk
The nit nurse
Gas mantles
Valves for the radio
Bottle kilns and smog (some things ARE best forgotten!
Terry nappies on washing lines
Kids asking for 'a penny for the guy, missus' from 1st October
Kids at school with their butties wrapped in Sunblest wrappers
Buses every few minutes
Sports jackets with leather elbows

Have I proved I'm the oldest by about a hundred years :crying: :shrug:
jeangenie - you, the oldest..?
Do you remember when only one house in the street had a telly, when we had no fridge, but a cold store, and the ice man came once a week to deliver a chunk of ice that kept it all cold for 2 days, when a ten-bob note was something you didn't want to break into, when a farthing was still valid, and when a 3d piece a fair bit of wedge, crossing the road to avoid the Teddy boys coming your way, putting the last of your pocket money in the library fine box as you couldn't bear to go home on a saturday morning without having spent it all, joining sunday school specially so you could go to the christmas party then being forced to go for 3 months after,Green Shield Stamps, blah, blah,blah...
I remember seeing my dad on telly (he played violin, and was on the six-five special in the early sixties) and I cried, as I could not figure out how come he was so small, was in that box with the round-ish screen, and couldn't hear me - all in front of the neighbours, who were the rich ones with the telly..
Crikey, anyone would think I was about 49 years old...
Triceratops, to name just a few.
Wooooo, i saw in a shop in Reading today, Golden Nuggets, the little cloth bag with small yellow nuggets of chewing gum.

Also how about Cabana bars, like Bounty bars but with chopped glace cherry added.
1-toast done in front of open coal fire, bestest toast you can have.
2-common sense.
3-kids giving up seats for adults
4-good manners.
i'll stop there before i have a victor meldrew moment.

Perfect 4 there mate..(y)

Dripping on toast
Six Penny lucky bags
Yorkshire Puddings how your mum used to make them:love:
minimeeze - from your avatar, you look pretty young...
jeangenie - you got me on the ration coupons - I couldn't count when they disappeared - you must be the oldest !!!

Phew - I suddenly feel really young, to quote someone who posted here just a few moments ago..
Triiiiiiiio....TRRRRIIIIIOOOO (Suzie :D) I believe they still make these but I cant find them anywhere.

Gateway (as mentioned)
Green Shield Stamps :D
Pah... do your mom's know you're out?

Saturday morning rush at the flicks -'Flash Gordon' without the 'Queen' soundtrack.
Black lead polish
Shelling peas
Holding the wool for your mom to roll
Tin baths
Ct, I hate to say this, but you're really showing you're age now! You forgot to mention air-raid shelters :LOL: :exit:
Oooh air raid shelters. They had (Still have) them behind my old primary school. They were bricked up by the time I got there, but one summer holiday, someone from the estate took a sledgehammer and got into one...I managed to crawl down halfway and it was so eerie and pitch black.

My sister got into a properly opened one not long before and it was literally as it was left before it was closed. Benches all along the sides etc.

Fascinating stuff.
Ct, I hate to say this, but you're really showing you're age now! You forgot to mention air-raid shelters :LOL: :exit:
I just missed them. Used to play in an old one though. :D
And play with the family gas masks.
Pah... do your mom's know you're out?

Saturday morning rush at the flicks -'Flash Gordon' without the 'Queen' soundtrack.
Black lead polish
Shelling peas
Holding the wool for your mom to roll
Tin baths
I actually found our old tin bath a couple of weeks ago, drilled some holes in it and planted some ferns.
I actually found our old tin bath a couple of weeks ago, drilled some holes in it and planted some ferns.



Oh, I used to love that stuff!

Good thread btw, making me feel all nostalgic :LOL:

Pacers (like opal fruits but minty..mmm)
bands playing in the park every Sunday
children playing in the park... on their own
Pound notes :D
Steam rollers (I remember them being used when the roads got re-surfaced)
The 'pit' bus taking all the miners to work
The local boatyard (it's a housing estate now)
Markets like they used to have (I know you still have them, but imo they are declining)
Children out playing in the street with skipping ropes, elastics, etc

Re red above, see ->

1976 type summers
Genesis in concert!!! (until recently)
Sticks of liquorice
Raspberry Bon-bons
Hundreds and Thousands
Chopper bikes
Bowls of disgusting 'dripping' in the larder!!
'Smash' adverts (the tin men..."and they mash them all to bits")
the Clangers
Mr Ben
LED Watches
'Parkies' in the parks
Patch Pocket trousers

... to name but a few :)
Anyone who can't remember their mom's Co-op dividend number shouldn't be allowed to play in this thread. (121985)


Can I play now?
Snow at Christmas

I once ate a 1/4lb of cherry lips in an afternoon. Wee was red for 2 days.:D
I used to love them, they're now called Skittles as I discovered a few months back when one of my kids had some.

What else...

Thruppenny bits
Half a crown (reminds me of my Grandfather)
Cross ply tyres
Returning the empty lemonade bottles to the shop to get the deposit back, usually 1d

You can still buy tutti frutti
GOOD kid's Tv:

Chorlton and the wheelies
Banana Splits
Picturebox (we used to watch that at school)
and other stuff I can't remember!
Whatever it was that gave them that ether-y taste was taken out many years ago and they've not been the same since.

Park-ray type solid fuel fires with the vertical glass slats in front.

Space-hoppers (or are they making a retro come-back?)

Punks that actually look edgy and slightly psychotic rather than like civil servants in waiting.
Original Soda Syphens
Corona Lorries once a week
Silver Fish
Bar of special soap kept on a saucer on pantry floor for washing nits out of your hair.
Our Soup - Mum used to sprinkle an Oxo cube in a basin and pour over boiling water, add a knob of butter and tear a slice of bread in pieces and add. Waalaa - soup!
Fried Bacon and mash potatoes with the Bacon fat poured all over the mash like gravy.
TV - Tales from the Riverbank, Rag,Tag & Bobtail, Torchy.
Bunty magazine, Harold Hare magazine.
Fruit Salad chews - 4 for a penny, Penny Arrows (Pink or Banana (Brown & Yellow).
Rainbow things - pastel coloured ricicles
Rainbow Drops
Cough Candy
Lucky Bags
Smiths crisps that came in boxes like Kellogs cornflakes - they had little Blue bags of salt that you twist the top to open.
....and the list goes on.....
There are more familiar things on here than I would like to admit...:D

Tin bath must be the Fav, CT(y)

That and paraffin lanterns:clap:
That and paraffin lanterns:clap:

Oooh - that takes me back! My gran used to have a paraffin stove in the house. I can smell it now lol.

Also just remembered candlewick bedspreads :LOL:
Outside toilets (no, I'm not that old but my gran had one until about 1985)
Good old fashioned coal fires (and toast made over the fire..mmmm)
Tripe (used to be my grandad's fave :puke: )
Mornings when you woke up and had ice on the inside of the window
Oooh - that takes me back! My gran used to have a paraffin stove in the house. I can smell it now lol.

Also just remembered candlewick bedspreads :LOL:
Outside toilets (no, I'm not that old but my gran had one until about 1985)
Good old fashioned coal fires (and toast made over the fire..mmmm)
Tripe (used to be my grandad's fave :puke: )
Mornings when you woke up and had ice on the inside of the window

I remember we had paraffin heaters at home - no central heating in those days and yes we use to have ice on the inside as well. My Dad made a frame up and stretched plastic sheets across them, fixed them to the windows and VOILA .... double glazing :LOL::LOL:
My gran still has an outside loo. Well, sort of...It's a little room in the coal room of her house, which is like an extension from the backdoor.
Bloomin cold.

I remember my dads house was being renovated once by the council, so they had to move him around the corner into another for about 6 months, and I went to stay with him over the holidays. They had an outside loo there. Aaah the memories.
My gran still has an outside loo. Well, sort of...It's a little room in the coal room of her house, which is like an extension from the backdoor.
Bloomin cold.

I remember my dads house was being renovated once by the council, so they had to move him around the corner into another for about 6 months, and I went to stay with him over the holidays. They had an outside loo there. Aaah the memories.

:LOL::LOL: The seat was always so bloomin' cold, and I always had to check under it for big spiders first! My gran's loo was right down the garden, about 100m from the house which was great fun when it was cold or raining :cautious:
Loving this thread :clap::clap:

some more.

The magic round about on just before the 6 o’clock news, which I always found odd.
Full size curlywirlys and wagon wheels. …it’s been proved.
Half pint milk bottles ..No hang on, scrub that. All milk bottles with real milk in and cream on the top.
Hand signals and flip up indicators
Nationwide …do you remember that show.
Black and white TV
The green cross code man.
Fevers where you hallucinated but that was fine.
Tree houses and buckets of crab apples for ammo.
Go carts made from old prams and wooden planks.
Woollen gloves joined by string.

Stop me . :LOL:
I remember we had paraffin heaters at home - no central heating in those days and yes we use to have ice on the inside as well. My Dad made a frame up and stretched plastic sheets across them, fixed them to the windows and VOILA .... double glazing :LOL::LOL:

:D My dad still does that every winter :LOL:

...and it reminds me ...Jack frost ...I haven't seen him down here for ages.