things that you dont see anymore

Little boys shoes.. Clarks Wayfarers with the animal tracks on the sole!

Broken biscuits to buy by the lb. (we buy them in packs now and they arent supposed to be broken!!)

OMG, I had a pair of clarks wayfarers with a compass in the heel and broken bisciuts were all bar sixers:love: I loved em.
Davenports home-delivered beer.

Zoom ice-lollies.

Flying Saucers (the sherbet ones)

Zoom lollies - try iceland :D

Flying saucers... tescos had them in huge boxes at christmas and I am [not too] ashamed to say I pigged the lot, keeping them hidden in the bedroom and away from kids :nuts:
I used to love wham bars........

did a quick search for retro sweets and these guys have most of the stuff mentioned

dib dab, sherbert dips, black jacks etc...
Wham bars.

I managed to acquire some of these from the Spar on campus a few years ago, much reduced in size to the original, however tasting just as good. Haven't seen them in ages though.

Spencer - The newsagent up here still sells Fruit Polo's.

Tutti Frutti's weren't really anything like Skittles. Their taste was totally different. I vaguely remember having a packet of Tutti's in the past few years but being decidedly dissapointed in their washing up liquid flavour. Not sure whether they had changed the flavours or whether my tastes had changed but they were yuk!
Television programs that when you phone in they don't steal your money.
Decent size Jubblies!!! (And thats not rude, I'm referring to the pyramidal (although 4 sides not 5) Iced Orange 'lolly')
Was that the one at the bottom of Church Street opposite the sports shop (Coutts?)? If so I remember going there from a very young age and having the best milkshakes ever! Thanks for the memory. (y)

No m8 that was stratton dairies shop, ness cafe was just down the road from the rendesvous restaurant on the riverside, opposite the castle.
Hey, I also had Clarks Wayfarers, compass in the heel an'all!
English people in Slough:LOL:
Kids playing top and whip.
Sticky lice(SP?)
And showing my age, I remember the lamp lighter coming round on his bike to light the gas street lamps.
I bought lots of 'retro' sweeties before Xmas and was very disappointed as they tasted nothing like I remembered. I think I bought:
Cherry lips - tasted like washing up liquid
Floral Gums - No taste at all
Wham Bars - Ok but shrunk in size
Refreshers (with the sherbet in the midddle) - ok
Kop Kops - not very nice.
Now Im really going to show my age here :embarrassed:
Do any of you remember the product called 'Crazy Foam' (I think)
It was sort of a bathtime treat for kids to encourage them to actually wash in the bath.

OOh reminds me, havent seen bath crystals in a while, or bath cubes.
I always used to cop for those as prezzies from granny, they never quite dissolved in the bath and always made my skin sting like hell! :LOL:
I bought lots of 'retro' sweeties before Xmas and was very disappointed as they tasted nothing like I remembered. I think I bought:
Cherry lips - tasted like washing up liquid
Floral Gums - No taste at all
Wham Bars - Ok but shrunk in size
Refreshers (with the sherbet in the midddle) - ok
Kop Kops - not very nice.

oh, you've put me off now :( Still nevermind, I'll just have to stock up on chocolate mice and pigs!! hehe

Wham Bars that were a proper size (although I'm sure it's relative to my own height now ;))
Highland Toffee Bars
White Mice
Double Dips
Black Jacks

Belinda Carlisle (oooh I had a crush on her in the 80's)
Debbie Gibson (likewise)

Rag and Bone man (One of these must have been my dad :D)

Funky Foot Icecream ( Big pink soft icecream lolly shaped like a foot ;))

My old ZX Spectrum 128k
Rubix Cube ( Not seen one of these in yonks but I guess there still about)
Pea shooters
Stink bombs
Itching powder
OOh believe me CT ... you do see itching powder!!!

Little story...

Not long after Id split with the ex and had a new boyf on the scene.
My then 13 yr old son became rather upset by him staying over at the weekend.

Boyf & I came home from a party one night, just a little the worst for wear... and got into a lovely bed of itching powder! :bat:

That kid was grounded for a month ... and I kept him away from the joke shops after that!
Only a month for doing the bed, and not the guys applecatchers instead :D
PG Tips 'cards' and albums (ships, butterflies, cars, famous people - those were the days).

I-Spy books

1-toast done in front of open coal fire, bestest toast you can have.
2-common sense.
3-kids giving up seats for adults
4-good manners.
i'll stop there before i have a victor meldrew moment.
1-toast done in front of open coal fire, bestest toast you can have.
2-common sense.
3-kids giving up seats for adults
4-good manners.
i'll stop there before i have a victor meldrew moment.

My god! My long lost twin :eek:!!! I agree with all 4!!!! (y)
How about:

Shoving football cards with a peg in the spokes of your grifter to make it sound like a motorbike....

Top Trump Cards

Proper sized Wagon Wheels.

Film SLRS (just joking)

Wind up Evil Knevil model and bike

Action Men that looked like REAL soldiers

I'm sure that I will tink of more as soon as I send....
Re white dog doo, where I was brought up the term white dog s..t was used as a put down. For example, sometime back we had a new works design engineer and boy did he think he was the dog’s b…..ks and one day whilst rectifying faults on a machine he had designed I asked him what ever happened to white dog s..t, he then proceeded to explain about diet and so on, when he had finished I hit with the put down “you know an awful lot about dog s..t and sweet FA about these machines” he has never been so smug since.
Haven't seen my feet for years - I seem to have more stomach though...

8 track players
Cars with starting handles
Baby binders
Bicycle clips
Brown paper packages tied up with string - these are a few of my favourite things.
You dont see the "fizzy" cart anymore - Like a milk cart but with pop

The Corona van!

Quatro - four fruit flavoured pop.
Club - "'If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit, join our club"

Shake 'n Vac - "and put the freshness back", people actually used to pay for a pot of dirt to tip onto the carpet before vacuuming it!

Bejam - my mam still has a Bejam freezer!
Queensway - "There's no better way than Queensway"
Texas - "The big one"
Rumbelows - "Have you rumbled it"
Lunn Poly - "Get away"

The ITV Telethon - which used to last forever.

BSB Galaxy Channel - please can someone tell me that they remember that late at night they used to show custard pies being thrown at sex dolls as bumpers around the ads during things like Doctor Who.

And the squiggle thing in the top right corner to TV programmes before the commercial breaks.
