Toast toppings?

I'm suprised none of the older members havent said Toast with Dripping yet.

When i was about 5 years old I used to love sardines on toast....then I realised what I was eating. Errrrgh.

- ham and plastic cheese on toast (folded in half)
- chocolate spread
- lashings of butter

Or "Egg in the basket" mmmmm
Marmite just had some mmmm :)
I'm suprised none of the older members havent said Toast with Dripping yet.

god yeah - it's delicious with a sprinkling of salt and plenty of the brown stuff (not that brown stuff, the brown stuff at the bottom of the beef dripping)

(*sulks*......I must be an older member)
A layer of good mustard, variety to taste, a layer of thinly sliced cucumber, cover with cheese, grill to bubbling, sprinkle with pepper, consume with a real ale or a stong cup of tea, bliss!
Hmm, my perfect topping would be a tablespon (per slice) of Levi Roots Reggae Reggae sauce covered with cheese then melted under the grill until the cheese bubbles yum! :D
between the best three of:

unadulterated cheese, loads of till it starts to bubble then eaten hot (seriously hot)

scrambled egg and smoked salmon (on buttered toast)

kippers (on buttered toast)
Peanut butter and strawberry jam.

Also partial to Nutella every now and then, but it's usually flattened in like 2 days, so I don't buy it that much anymore - just too damn good.