Todays Hover

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3428
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Deleted member 3428

Another 2 hoverfly shots and 2 crops while the sun shines briefly :LOL:
Shots taken Hand held with the 40d and Mp-e 65 + mt-24 ex macrolite. Exif data intact for shot details.



Crops for detail

Excellent - which doesn't seem praise enough. As good as it gets.
Fantastic as always Alby :) The first of the two crops is my favorite. Astonishing detail :)
Very impressive Alby. The detail is fantastic. The first crop shot showing the hover holding onto the stamen is incredible, something I've never seen before, really informative.

Stunning pics Alby as we've come to expect from you.
Well done, you must have a great deal of patience to get such shots.
Wow Alby, more excellent hover shots... Those detail crops are just amazing.
Thanks for looking folks ;)
Ruth I find them all pretty much in my small garden.
Dave I've tried that landscape thing and it's all a bit far away and distant for me :LOL:
Russell it does get better as I've seen it looking back on this site, the image quality has improved all round so the site is doing what it set out to I think and we all need to keep it moving for the better.
Andy it looks like she's licking an ice cream :LOL:
Thanks Paul, I thought I would start to put up crops to show detail as it's difficult to see it at 800px.
Very good. Top notch once again
Dave I don't crop that much to be honest but I thought it shows the detail better that the full 800px shots do, I only added the crops of the full versions for that reason.
Paul thanks and what's the chocolate pockets story all about then?
John thanks for looking ;)
Mbscad thanks for looking too ;)
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i dont comment often alby, but yet again, these are superb as per expectations from you. congratulations.
God you're good (y)
Great shots again Alby :clap: Those crops are amazing (y)(y)

PS:Whats the little fella in No:2?
Thanks for looking and comment folks, your words are very much appreciated.
Steve it's a plant bug in #2 ;)
absolutely fantastic, I have had a look on your web site, great such an inspiration to newbies!

Can you tell me in idiot terms what the difference is between a normal macro lens and the Mp-e 65,


( you are also very kind to learners too its apreciated)
Double Post opps :LOL:
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absolutely fantastic, I have had a look on your web site, great such an inspiration to newbies!

Can you tell me in idiot terms what the difference is between a normal macro lens and the Mp-e 65,


( you are also very kind to learners too its apreciated)

Thanks Cason ;) Normal macro lenses are 1:1 meaning they replicate lifesize so if you put an object say 1cm in front of the camera it will be 1cm at the sensor plane that is 1:1, the mp-e 65 goes from 1:1 to 5:1 so magnifies the same object by x5, hence the 1 cm obect appears 5cm's at the sensor plane. Hope you understand ;) It is also a macro only lens too so you can't focus beyond 10cms and you have to move the lens back or towards the object as it has no focussing ability like a normal prime lens.
Another excellent set, as expected. Great detail in them all, but crop #1 is fantastic. (y)(y)(y)
Thanks Cason ;) Normal macro lenses are 1:1 meaning they replicate lifesize so if you put an object say 1cm in front of the camera it will be 1cm at the sensor plane that is 1:1, the mp-e 65 goes from 1:1 to 5:1 so magnifies the same object by x5, hence the 1 cm obect appears 5cm's at the sensor plane. Hope you understand ;) It is also a macro only lens too so you can't focus beyond 10cms and you have to move the lens back or towards the object as it has no focussing ability like a normal prime lens.

thanks Alby, well explained. yes i understand thats one clever lens, so I will have to really like macro to buy that one! I will get the macro flash first, just deciding between the ring flash and the twin light one.
