Tracer's 52 for 2010 (part 1) - Wk 26 -"Beginnings"

Some really funky looking processing on that Produce shot. Looks like a virus or something nasty.
That's so cool.

If I stare at it for long enough do I see a 3d picture of a goat or something ?

Seriously, I have no idea what it is but it's a very good picture :D
Looks like something produced in a lab more than a vegetable patch. Good strong colours. Interesting.
Glow in the dark veg... oh no :LOL:... A great take on the theme, it fits in more ways than one to. Really good details
Thank you, John
Some really funky looking processing on that Produce shot. Looks like a virus or something nasty.
Thank you, Steve - it is a bit scary like this!
That's so cool.

If I stare at it for long enough do I see a 3d picture of a goat or something ?

Seriously, I have no idea what it is but it's a very good picture :D
Thank you, Rob. I can't see the goat, though. Kale is a hardy winter green vegetable, full of vitamins and very good for you, though you mightn't guess...

Looks like something produced in a lab more than a vegetable patch. Good strong colours. Interesting.
Thank you, Paul
great produce shot.. really interesting and different take on the theme.. agree is does look like something under a microscope, the PP works very well.. like the blues
great produce shot.. really interesting and different take on the theme.. agree is does look like something under a microscope, the PP works very well.. like the blues

That’s weird, wacky and definitely not very Kale-like.
As has been said, it looks like it belongs in a Petri dish, but I love it. Really inventive PP and good colours. I could definitely see this as a desktop wallpaper too.

Thank you, Michelle and Sarah
Both of these were taken at Glasgow University - a massive building designed by George Gilbert Scott and completed in 1870. Unfortunately the original medieval buildings at the other end of the city were demolished.

Week 13 - "Quad: Looking through the cloisters to the West Quadrangle"

The wideangle lens has distorted the arches so that they look slightly surreal, but rest assured that this is solid Victorian Gothic!

"Quad: kinetic sculpture"

This 1972 sculpture is sited in the West Quad - the chapel is in the background. The square (quadrilateral) galvanised panels each slowly rotate, at different speeds. Personally I think is is quite out of tune with its surroundings but it fits the theme: quads within a quad. :LOL:
Candid: the first gets my vote, nice story there

Produce: looks like a Petri dish close up - interesting shot and PP

Quad: I prefer the first, the cloister shot - agree about the other seeming out of place
Like number 1 .. very atmospheric. Not sure about number 2 .. very odd looking scuplture in such a traditional setting.
The Cloister shot is excellent. (y) The other fits the theme, but I know what you mean about looking out of place...
do like the arches certainly draws you in, its simple but could keep you looking for ages!!
Like number 1 .. very atmospheric. Not sure about number 2 .. very odd looking scuplture in such a traditional setting.
Thank you - I'm glad you agree about no.2!

Cloisters gets my vote as well. The second shot only shows three veins so I think it is out of kilter for the theme, Also the sky is very bland.

Thank you. The panels are four-sided = quadrilateral. ;) It was snowing gently, hence the sky. I thought of adding in some clouds but decided to leave the harshness of the sky to go with the harshness of that horrible sculpture. :D
Cloisters is great, im not sure if it could do with a slight straighten or if it is the distortion effect, either way it is an interesting image that bends the perception. I love a bit of bent perception.:)

Thank you, Chris - I found using 11mm rather fun.

do like the arches certainly draws you in, its simple but could keep you looking for ages!!

Thank you, Peter - what the picture doesn't convey is the howling gale that whistles through!

The Cloister shot is excellent. (y) The other fits the theme, but I know what you mean about looking out of place...
Thank you, John - that sculpture would be fine in the right setting, but here? :wacky:
Produce - Interesting. I like the post processing and think you've come up with an original and tasty take on the produce theme...even if it does look like lichens under a microscope to me:LOL:

Quad - Another vote for the cloisters image, which I find nicely restful to look at and am happy to keep looking at. The second image definitely fits the quad theme, and I think the B&W treatment works great, giving it a nice touch of moody atmosphere.
But the sculpture is a bit jarring, isn't it.
Wow - lots of Quads here, Tracer. (y)

#1 This excellent - good composition, lighting and colours and that tug at the curiosity button that makes you want to see into the quadrangle beyond. (and I bet it's nothing like the quadrangles at school :LOL:) A really special shot for me. :clap:

#2 I'm not going to choose a favourite from these because I also like this - for quite different reasons. I like the contrasty processing and the intriguing contrast between two worlds - a (Victorian?) building and a modern artwork. Like you, I'm not sure the two sit comfortably together, but I'm sure they attract a lot of attention and comment. :)

A fantastic week. ;)

What a stunning 1st shot. Its lit perfectly and looks a stunning building to explore. I hope you have that pic as your wallpaper on your pc.
#1 for me, Ikeep counting and recounting the arches for a start :D There's so much to look at, the lighting is great and it's on theme without being obvious.
Another vote for #1 here(y)
The lighting and mood of the image are fantastic, so much detail and things to look at in the image. Well done
Produce - Interesting. I like the post processing and think you've come up with an original and tasty take on the produce theme...even if it does look like lichens under a microscope to me:LOL:

Quad - Another vote for the cloisters image, which I find nicely restful to look at and am happy to keep looking at. The second image definitely fits the quad theme, and I think the B&W treatment works great, giving it a nice touch of moody atmosphere.
But the sculpture is a bit jarring, isn't it.

Thank you, Rob - the cloister image is my favourite too, as an image to look at, but I had fun processing the other one.

What a stunning 1st shot. Its lit perfectly and looks a stunning building to explore. I hope you have that pic as your wallpaper on your pc.

Wow - lots of Quads here, Tracer. (y)

#1 This excellent - good composition, lighting and colours and that tug at the curiosity button that makes you want to see into the quadrangle beyond. (and I bet it's nothing like the quadrangles at school :LOL:) A really special shot for me. :clap:

#2 I'm not going to choose a favourite from these because I also like this - for quite different reasons. I like the contrasty processing and the intriguing contrast between two worlds - a (Victorian?) building and a modern artwork. Like you, I'm not sure the two sit comfortably together, but I'm sure they attract a lot of attention and comment. :)

A fantastic week. ;)

Thank you, Darren and Jean - the building is your typical confident, unashamed, OTT Victorian Gothic, and a lot of fun to photograph.
#1 for me, Ikeep counting and recounting the arches for a start :D There's so much to look at, the lighting is great and it's on theme without being obvious.

Another vote for #1 here(y)
The lighting and mood of the image are fantastic, so much detail and things to look at in the image. Well done

#1 for me - plenty of detail and loads to keep looking at :)

Thank you, Rob, Iain and Nick. I have been meaning to photograph these cloisters for ages, and am pleased with the way it turned out.
I have to agree with the others here.

Number one is excellent. Well lit and well composed. You have to keep looking at it.

I like the processing on the second one though. The sculpture is certainly out of place there.

Wow, cloisters all the way. What a great shot that is! (y)

A few others have mentioned it but it really keeps my interest, what's beyond the end arch, where does it all lead, the great symetry etc...

Well done...
Really like the cloister shot - I am hoping to get a wide angle lens soon and it exactly the sort of shot I am hoping to come across.
I have to agree with the others here.

Number one is excellent. Well lit and well composed. You have to keep looking at it.

I like the processing on the second one though. The sculpture is certainly out of place there.

Thank you, Andy

Wow, cloisters all the way. What a great shot that is! (y)

A few others have mentioned it but it really keeps my interest, what's beyond the end arch, where does it all lead, the great symetry etc...

Well done...

Thank you, Gary

Really like the cloister shot - I am hoping to get a wide angle lens soon and it exactly the sort of shot I am hoping to come across.

Thank you, lizbeth. I found this lens (Siggy 10-20) quite hard to use at first and am still learning to get the best out of it - at its widest the perspective is so extreme. If you get one I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Cloisters for me too.
:love: This is a simply stunning image - you've really captured the essence of the place and the arches are gorgeous. I've got a soft spot for Victorian Gothic and that's definitely hit the spot for me.
I can't stop looking at this one :clap:

The second one might be a more obvious fit for the theme, but it's not doing much for me I'm afraid.
Mainly because I feel like that sculpture's out of place in the surroundings too and I don't really like it very much. Not your fault. you didn't design it and plant it there and you've done a good job of capturing it.
The B&W works well in this though, just a shame that there wasn't more interest in the sky on the day.
Thank you, Sarah. The cloisters are my favourite too. The other one belongs to the "ain't it a shame" school and is not one I'll be putting on my wall. :D
Week 14 - "Shoot"


When you let off a party popper the streamers shoot into the air with a loud bang.

I set the flash gun to 1/64 power,as low as it will go, giving a flash duration of about 1/25,000 sec. It took several attempts to get the timing right, and I hope I haven't scared off the local wild life...

For some reason it is a bit softer here than the source file on Imageshack :shrug: .
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Wow! Great timing and a really interesting shot - the black background works really well!

I like the colours and the shape of the streamers - very impressed!

Prefer the first shot for Quad. That is rather an odd sculpture in shot two and I agree looks completely out of place.

Well done with Shoot - that couldn't have been an easy shot to get. The colours really pop. Did you use a sound trigger or just fire a burst of shots?
Wow! Great timing and a really interesting shot - the black background works really well!

I like the colours and the shape of the streamers - very impressed!


Thank you, Phil - I took it outside after dark so it wasn't too hard to get the black background!

Prefer the first shot for Quad. That is rather an odd sculpture in shot two and I agree looks completely out of place.

Well done with Shoot - that couldn't have been an easy shot to get. The colours really pop. Did you use a sound trigger or just fire a burst of shots?

Thank you, Paul. I don't have a sound trigger - I bodged a holder for the popper, then pulled the string and fired the shutter at the same time. I used a fast burst mode but in practice single shot would be just as good, as only the the first frame ever caught anything.
chracking shot for shoot! perfect timing! How do you know that 1/64th power is 1/50,000s?
This is great and as I am a lover for colours(y) fits the theme and very well taken, I wish I could do somethng like this.:shrug:
Dude, that rocks :D

As has been said already, lovely colours and the black background is spot on.
like the shot for shoot. Really good colours against the black and you caught it just at the right moment.
Excellent take and great timing too (y)