Train Fares

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Something that made me laugh out loud this morning when I heard it on the radio.

Train fares are being raised (again) to help cut overcrowding.



I thought there was a big drive to get people out of cars and into trains/buses?

They take this stance with alcohol and petrol taxes too although granted you can't quite apply the same rules to these.

If we raise the price then people will use them less. No. Thats not the way it works. People will use them just the same, they will just have less money to spend after they are done.

I'm presuming they are talking about peak/rush hour times that the trains are packed, well I'm pretty sure its a safe assumption that 99% of those people are travelling to work and that they're not doing it for the fun of it.

I don't really know what the point of this post is, its off topic though so thats why I posted it in here. I don't use the trains (well I've been on one or two since I was born but thats it).

I just don't understand what people seem to see as logic sometimes.
It would seem logical to add more carriages to avoid over-crowding ... but since when has any such industry worked on logic ... :shrug:


yup, I had the exact same thought when I read this article on the BBC news website. So they're trying to get people out of cars into public transport (trains/buses), and at the same time, they're raising prices of the train tickets to get people off trains!
If the adults stayed at home & the kids went to work there would be more room on the trains .

Or we could just breed smaller people , less resources == more enviromentaly friendly :D
Tax breaks should be given to employers to encourage different start times in major connabations thus spreading the load on the public transport system. Cost of society and all that...
£160 ?

Thats about how much it is from Skipton to London on GNER - bloody rip off!
Sometimes I have to work south of london and it is cheaper for my company to fly me than it is for me to take a train! How about that for ecologically minded.
I completely agree. If my company didnt pay, I would drive.
I don't want too, but it's a third of the price. I can't book ina dvance, I generally only know a day or so before I go.
If you have ever caught the 5.45PM train from paddington to Cardiff, you will know that you have to fight you way in for a seat.
A couple of weeks ago my £140 got me a standing positions, straddled between 2 carriages !
The other half got his monthly ticket yesterday, thinking "oh good - get it the day before the price increase and avoid the increase for a month" - he's done this before and it's been fine. Not this year though - the increase applied, even though the ticket was bought prior to the increases coming in. Apparently those buying three-monthlies had the increase applied to them, too! :thinking:
Just found out its gone upto £184 for a retrun to London from Skipton now :(

What is more stupid is that GNER have just handed back there licence for the route too as they couldnt make "enough" money to pay off the stupid price they payed for the licence!