Typhoon....call sign Havoc.

Rob was shooting from behind the Grassy Knoll...
The pomposity is strong in this one, I doubt an apology will be in the offing so move on Rob :)
all this cock about how the jet can appear to be on both sides of the road without the photographer moving significantly was addressed in the composite geejay put on page 3 - I cut and paste this below in case you didnt see it the first time

Where is Oliver Stone when you need him?
Now please stop wasting your time folks trying to get me angry, that's a total waste of time on your part. Now, I'm going to take all the time needed to put all the evidence together and you will all need to stop acting like spoiled brats who can't wait for Christmas gifts.
I think we have all covered the facts until we are blue in the face.
Its a simple 3 stage process to conclude this thread and let the OP move on -

1. Open said NEF files in a program of your choice
2. See a plane in both images and gulp
3. Realise you were wrong and apologise like a real man.

All this pony and trap about compass points, exif data, time of day etc is not needed one bit and renders a persons credibility in tatters.....thankfully not the OP's.
image.jpeg image.jpeg

Here's said road with the dropped pin adjacent to previously highlighted drain at the side of the road which is clearly seen in both images!
Please give me the answers I asked for, since from your photos there is no North indication, I require the northing. I require the time of day the burst was taken. which side of the road you were shooting from. If your photos do not appear on your flicker site (specifically 14 & 15) if not would you please provide the EXIF of both frames?
i`ve sent RAW files....the exif data is in there.see the map above for the location.
i was wearing a northface jacket in black,Lowa mountain boots in brown.no hat as it was sunny,shades were a cheap pair i bought from Ibiza as i keep losing/breaking expensive ones.i dress to the right and like long walks on a sunday,the smell of new babies and beans on toast with cheese on top for tea.
Now please stop wasting your time folks trying to get me angry, that's a total waste of time on your part. Now, I'm going to take all the time needed to put all the evidence together and you will all need to stop acting like spoiled brats who can't wait for Christmas gifts.
All the evidence of what Richard? You're wasting your time, the shots are just two frames from a sequence. Your are wrong and frankly deluded to assert otherwise.
Me and my Brother keep promising ourselves a trip to the loop but have never got round to it. Maybe we should revive our trip plans.
We had a great time at RIAT last year and don't mind a yomp. I would have thought there would be online resources that could advise you of potential air traffic in the area, then obviously weather is a gamble, especially in the Welsh mountains.
We might want to hire some lenses though as we only go to 300mm, I think my brother has converters.
To climb Cad East is about 400ft and looks like a stiffer hike than across the road at Cad West which is where I've been before. If you get there early, it is possible to park at the back of Cad East near to the top, which saves a lot of the walk. From Cad West (easier hike) you'd be looking down on the top of the aircraft, like this..

My detailed forensic analysis of this image leads me to believe that this is a ......

Hoofing pic!
I've read my missus the salient points of this whole exchange as she asked what I was chuckling at.
Her response?

Can't put it.
The naughty filter will get me.

Richard, can you say motor drive?

Try it slowly. Mooottttooorrrdddrrriiivvveee.

Now google what it does.
Now please stop wasting your time folks trying to get me angry, that's a total waste of time on your part. Now, I'm going to take all the time needed to put all the evidence together and you will all need to stop acting like spoiled brats who can't wait for Christmas gifts.

The irony strong in this one is [/yoda]

You don't need to take any time to put evidence together ... you already have the compelling evidence in having received the original NEF files

The only person acting like a child here is you,- just admit you are wrong, tell rob you are sorry and move on with your life ....
Me and my Brother keep promising ourselves a trip to the loop but have never got round to it. Maybe we should revive our trip plans.
We had a great time at RIAT last year and don't mind a yomp. I would have thought there would be online resources that could advise you of potential air traffic in the area, then obviously weather is a gamble, especially in the Welsh mountains.
We might want to hire some lenses though as we only go to 300mm, I think my brother has converters.
300mm can be too much. Yes they get that close.
i`ve sent RAW files....the exif data is in there.see the map above for the location.
i was wearing a northface jacket in black,Lowa mountain boots in brown.no hat as it was sunny,shades were a cheap pair i bought from Ibiza as i keep losing/breaking expensive ones.i dress to the right and like long walks on a sunday,the smell of new babies and beans on toast with cheese on top for tea.


Class Rob!!
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I've read my missus the salient points of this whole exchange as she asked what I was chuckling at.
Her response?

Can't put it.
The naughty filter will get me.

Richard, can you say motor drive?

Try it slowly. Mooottttooorrrdddrrriiivvveee.

Now google what it does.

Nikon still use motor drives in their digital SLRs ? :D Peasants - Canon just use a burst mode these days :LOL:
The OP has still not answered my questions, could he now be afraid of what I may be able to prove?
He's old and Canadian, I'm dumbing it down for him.
Now, now Terry try and act like an adult with at least a normal IQ. If I keep entertaining the insane rhetoric from the peanut gallery, I will never get to putting the evidence together. Which do you prefer?
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The OP has still not answered my questions, could he now be afraid of what I may be able to prove?

which questions ?

You have a map showing locations
you have the Original NEF files showing the exif
Hes told you the time of the shot
and he (and many of us) have told you the two shots were taken from the same place

Neither Rob nor anyone else here is remotely afraid of what you think you can prove because you have already been proved wrong by the existence of the original raws.

You didn't have the balls to take my £20 bet last night (proceeds to charity), but i'm so confident that you are full of crap that i'll repeat it and up the stakes to a nice crisp £50 note (or Canadian equivalent) to help for heroes when I win (or any charity of your choice if you can actually prove beyond reasonable doubt that these shots have been faked )

Time to put up or shut up
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The OP has still not answered my questions, could he now be afraid of what I may be able to prove?
you`ve had the answers you require from me and from other people on here.what more do you require?
you are a complete joke,stop making a further fool of yourself and slowly back away from your top of the range PC with dodgy audio.
i really wish we could meet in person to discuss this further..
Back to the original thread. I used to fish Tal-Y-Llyn when I lived in Wales and these things used to put the fear of God up me as you couldn't hear them coming down the valley until the last minute. :eek:
Nice images well captured.
Ah, now the insults. Typical troll behaviour.
The force is weak in you old man.
Oh Terry, my boy you sound so desperate, to correct your last statement, I never claimed to be an airline pilot, I said I believe to the best of my recollection that I was retired from civil aviation, never claimed to fly for the airlines. I did fly bush planes on wheels and floats and also helicopters including the Bell jet ranger which has an Allison jet engine diving a 30:1 gear box; But enough, I really need to get on with these two NEF's.;)
so get on with them then - stop making tired excuses to delay the moment when you say " Rob, I'm sorry, I was wrong"
I said I believe to the best of my recollection that I was retired from civil aviation, never claimed to fly for the airlines

You said you were a retired commercial pilot, so you are being slightly disingenuous.

But do carry on, this is rather entertaining.
you`ve had the answers you require from me and from other people on here.what more do you require?
you are a complete joke,stop making a further fool of yourself and slowly back away from your top of the range PC with dodgy audio.
I really wish we could meet in person to discuss this further..

I require the information I asked for, anything less and or refusal to provide it only confirms my suspicions. I could go with what I have already, but I don't want to feed the peanut gallery. I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt these images are not what they are represented to be. You can prove me wrong by giving the answers I have requested and I can proceed to find the truth and prove that you are right or that I am right. One of us has to lose in this dog fight.
I require the information I asked for, anything less and or refusal to provide it only confirms my suspicions. I could go with what I have already, but I don't want to feed the peanut gallery. I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt these images are not what they are represented to be. You can prove me wrong by giving the answers I have requested and I can proceed to find the truth and prove that you are right or that I am right. One of us has to lose in this dog fight.

Richard is there or is there not a plane evident in each RAW file?
Back to the original thread. I used to fish Tal-Y-Llyn when I lived in Wales and these things used to put the fear of God up me as you couldn't hear them coming down the valley until the last minute. :eek:
Nice images well captured.

Do they stay at low level over the lake ? that could make for some epic picturage if you could also get the reflection in the water *plans trip to wales*
I require the information I asked for, anything less and or refusal to provide it only confirms my suspicions. I could go with what I have already, but I don't want to feed the peanut gallery. I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt these images are not what they are represented to be. You can prove me wrong by giving the answers I have requested and I can proceed to find the truth and prove that you are right or that I am right. One of us has to lose in this dog fight.

How many more times do you have to be told that you've already got the info you asked for - the exif surprisingly is embedded in the pictures

Also Rob has already proved that he is right by providing the original raw files (its like playing chess with a pigeon) , which part of the concept of "original raw file" are you having trouble with ?
Do they stay at low level over the lake ? that could make for some epic picturage if you could also get the reflection in the water *plans trip to wales*
From what I recall they didn't drop that low over the water. We were out in rowing boats so had a great view though.
dog fight???.if only...

i`m going to draw a line under this pathetic charade from a third rate troll.you have made yourself a complete fool.in 7 pages of this thread you`ve blossomed from an idiot into an imbecile.
i`m not going to answer anymore questions from you,send you any more "lost emails" or justify myself.work with what youve got or use it as an excuse to get out of the hole you have dug.
i suspect it`ll be the latter...
I require the information I asked for, anything less and or refusal to provide it only confirms my suspicions. I could go with what I have already, but I don't want to feed the peanut gallery. I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt these images are not what they are represented to be. You can prove me wrong by giving the answers I have requested and I can proceed to find the truth and prove that you are right or that I am right. One of us has to lose in this dog fight.
Given the information you have already been given, especially the details in the EXIF, please detail the information you require and I'm sure it will be provided in a timely fashion to close out this debacle.
@robmac can you please just post a bloody screen shot of the NEF file being imported and within LR (no edits not that it matters) as you are unable to create composites in there like this.

Include the info of file name and EXIF detail may have to be 2 screen shots.

I totally believe these are real but just do this and stop replying to the "one".

This thread is amazing but totally frustrating.
i suspect it`ll be the latter...

likewise - I note he hasn't taken my bet either ... so hes absolutely sure hes right, but not confident enough to put his money where is mouth is (why am I not surprised)
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