Updating your Film Gear Thread

Matt Thomas
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Didn't see a thread about people updating the film gear they've got so I thought I'd make one :LOL:

Here is what I've add to mine


Flickr Link

£130 eBay steal!!

Feel free to add your new stuff ;)
Found my old Canon 500n in the back of the cupboard a few months back (last used in Thailand in 1998 !).

Since then added..

Canon EOS30 with battery grip

Bronica ETR-Si
Bronica 75mm lens
Bronica 150mm lens

On the look out for more Bronny stuff :(
My super cheap (read free) EOS 300 in tacky silver with a nifty fifty on the front, budget film shooting for the win.
I recently found a very good condition (like new) Olympus OM1n in a charity shop, complete with 50mm 1.8 AND manuals, which was nice.
It nearly completes my set - OM1n, OM2, OM10, OM30, OM4Ti - just a couple more to find now :D
Mamiya 645 and three lenses :)

Just bought another 10 rolls of B&W film for it and given it a rather good clean!


Took the winder off it and I would not mind getting a waist level finder too. I've got a decent light meter for the studio stuff so I can get round having a metered prism and I rather like the viewpoint the WLF gives. (Would be better on a blad but a girl can't have it all.........apparently!) :)
This EOS 3 arrived yesterday, bought off forum member Bawbee in absolute mint condition. It's a joy to use, but still getting the knack of where everything is... bit different to the 500N I've been using while trying to decide if I should get something more advanced. Loving the eye-control feature :love:

You'll love the EOS3! That was my latest purchase about 3 months ago. I also got a minty one, and for a bargain price! :woot:
This arrived in the post this morning.


Its a bit tatty in places but to be honest i was expecting that, it is from '84 5 years older than me. Got a weston master v lightmeter aswell but still trying to work out how to use it.
£350 not sure if thats a good price or not but i kinda got carried away in the last couple of mins of the auction. Hoping to get most of the money back by selling my bronica.
Thats good, I was thinking you were going to tell me i payed over the odds for it. Lets hope theres no light leaks or anything.
We have a few medium format film cameras.


And more than a few 35mm film cameras:

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm camera index.htm

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm camera index page 2.htm

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm a index page3.htm

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm a index page 4.htm

We have tested used almost all of them and we always develop the film ourselves. It is one of the aspects of the hobby we get a lot of satisfaction from. You can see the photographs taken with each model after the web page describing the camera if you click on the thumbnail.

I recently got a MINT Olympus Zuiko 35-105mm lens for £25:)D!!) from a fella I met on eBay, but he'd only to sell it me if I gave him another tenner for a broken OM40, which worked as soon as I put a battery in! Result!
So I got the lens I wanted and a spare camera body too.

I'm amassing a bit of a collection:

Zuiko lenses:
50mm (x3)
35mm-70mm zoom
35mm-105mm zoom
75mm-150mm zoom
(I'm still after the 65mm-200mm zoom from ebay to replace the 75-150, I want a bit 'more':D)

Mamiya 645 with standard 80mm and 210mm lenses
Mamiya C220.
Lets hope theres no light leaks or anything.

You should probably expect there to be some with a camera of that age, but replacing the seals is something you can easily do yourself. Sing out if you find there's a problem.
£9.99, not bad, but not as good as the 99p I paid for my polaroid back! Still, you'll still be able to use your back for many years to come.
I don't think the seller was too chuffed given the comment he left on my feedback, I detected a hint of annoyance but at least he honoured the sale. This morning I recieved a 50mm, I can't wait to get home and see how wide it is (anyone says 50mm gets a slap).

Now I need to find something to shoot!
50mm on the Bronica?? I'm not sure how wide it is but would be nice to find out

Also Kev you should have a WLF finding coming your way soon as I posted it today ;) Hopefully gets to you all okay :)
50mm will be around the equivalent of 28mm on a 35mm body.. so moderately wide.:woot:
Trouble with that is.....hardly anybody knows what 28mm looks like on a 35mm camera, all crop sensor digi dudes/dudessessssss ess

Gets even more complicated when you go square, you have to crop the 35 square or the 6x6 to oblong, start measuring diagonals....oh....gawd


I will say that 45mm on a 645 doesn't actually look as wide as 50mm on 6x6.:thinking:

I never got on with 645...
Well it's not as wide as I'd hoped but it's better than the kit lens. To be fair it was dark when I got home do the only thing I had to test it on was my mountain bike. I'll try it against a car and a motorbike at the weekend providing I get back from Denmark in time.

I was after a distorted look but perhaps square isn't the best for that effect. Or maybe I should sell my dogs and get a 40mm;)
We have a few medium format film cameras.


And more than a few 35mm film cameras:

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm camera index.htm

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm camera index page 2.htm

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm a index page3.htm

http://www.jennyandernie.co.uk/35mm a index page 4.htm

We have tested used almost all of them and we always develop the film ourselves. It is one of the aspects of the hobby we get a lot of satisfaction from. You can see the photographs taken with each model after the web page describing the camera if you click on the thumbnail.

That is an amazing collection you have there you definately have enjoyed your hobby over the years lovely to this still being used and appreciated. where on earth do you keep them all :) and who does the dusting :)

To find out how wide a lens fov will look you can try the old cardboard square trick.

Take a piece of card and cut out a square/rectangle the dimensions of the film plane i.e. 6x7cm or 6x6cm etc and hold it the same distance from your eye as the focal length of the lens, what you see is what you get (approximately) If it's too close then doble-up on all the dimensions.

This trick also works well when composing a shot, it's easier to bimble about with a piece of card rather than constantly moving the tripod & camera.

New acquisitions recently:

1 x Nikon FT2 & release cable (no battery)
1 x 50mm f/2
1 x Tamron 75-250 zoom
1 x Slide copier

For the princely sum of £0.00 :)
Just bought some BW developing stuff :)

Can't wait to start. hopefully nothing will go wrong but 120 film is a whole different ball game to 35mm thou :(

I'll have to make sure I take off all the backing paper!!
Joxby, is that a 6x6 rangefinder?

If it is, you're one lucky b*****d (y)

Most of my stuff is shot with this or the Bronica EC, both 6x6, I don't have the Bronica anymore, and I only had a 75 for the Mamiya, until recently.

Rangefinders are boodifull, rangefinder focussing is.....an acquired taste...ya can learn to love it, or give up..:LOL:
Got my Canon 8800F (bought mainly for scanning negs) up and running today. Nice bit of kit.

Ordered a dev bag today. Then I just got to get my chemicals and I'll be developing at home!
I've been doing a bit of adding to my collection lately...:D:D:D
Sorry for the phone pics - my old Fuji digital thing is knackered and my new G10 hasn't arrived from Santa yet!


Got my Canon 8800F (bought mainly for scanning negs) up and running today. Nice bit of kit.

Ordered a dev bag today. Then I just got to get my chemicals and I'll be developing at home!

Freester, have you scanned any negs with the 8800F yet? I'm still getting random problems with mine but haven't had the time to take it back to the shop for exchange...
Hi Mike,

Yes I have scanned some negs and don't think I've got any problems... Quite pleased actually. Most recent scans posted in the Show us yer film shots thread. Any lack of sharpness I believe is operator of camera rather then scanner...


Mark F
Mark, those are some good shots and the scan quality looks good. I've called Canon and may get mine repaired or replaced under warranty.

What scanning software are you using? I'm using MP Navigator that came with the scanner - seems the simplest, but it could be the cause of my scanning problems.