VERY rude lady

Zak Millard
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i have just been out taking pictures of the snow, i was on the corner of the street on the bit of grass that doesnt really belong to any one, i went to go and some women came out telling me im on private land and if she ever sees me again she will call the police!!!!!! i was nice to her and apolagised and said i hadnt realised but she was very rude. she didnt even live there she lived up the road and opposite. the land was literaly on the road side so i thought it was just public but i was very taken back at how rude and obnoxious she was! would the police do anything? and if so where is safe to take pictures if you cant on the road side?
I would have persuaded her to call the police to see how stupid they would make her look (if they could be bothered to turn up).

You can take pictures from the roadside. You can take pictures from any public place and that includes public footpaths over private land.

I would have taken a picture of her too!

TBH, go back and carry on.
She sounds like a very unpleasant person with an axe to grind so let her. If it is not her land then the police are not likely to even come out.
Just laugh and tell her to untie her knickers. People like this should be shot, and not with a camera.

EDIT: I also think that trespass is a civil matter and not criminal, so the police would not be in a hurry to attend.
I hate rude people
What a cheek!! There are far too many busy bodies about these days... they should get on with their own lives instead of inflicting themselves on others!
It seems to me that (reading all the negative threads about photographers) we are fast being regarded as public enemy number one. What`s wrong with people these days ? :shrug:
You never know, she might be ill (maybe the aggressive stage of altzheimers) rather than being deliberately rude?

or she could just be a miserable old woman who had nothing else going on so she thought she would have a go :D
well i had a good mind to tell her to ring the police (ironicaly a minute or two later a police car went by) but i didnt want to be rude back. i probably will go back and see what she says lol
Yes trespass is a civil matter (at the moment, soon to be changed I understand) I would have asked her to call the police or offer to call them myself for her. Wayne
i dont even think i was tresspasing because it was literaly a clump of grass next to the road, the guy had a big hedge aroung his land and i was careful not to disturb that, what makes me laugh is it wasnt even her house or her neighbers it was like over the road and down about 4-5 houses!
Treat her like everyone thinks we should treat Chavs, as they are just a bunch of rude people of a different age, and give her a slap :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
photographers bring interest life to boring walls so why wont people let us do that lol
she actualy wasnt that old or else i could have tripped her up with her walking stick, it really anoyed me and i felt like telling her where to shove it and hope she rang the police lol
The country is going mad :wacky:

No, just they usual loony's there always have been. Personally, I'd have been rude back, and told her to please herself, but that's just me. I applaud your self control. :clap:
:LOL: I think its more humerous violence then serious, most people here would tut and walk off! Haha!
oh come on no one would really hurt her ... i think. and besides i was the one being nice and appolagising she wanted me arrested!
It is scary just how much violence has been suggested here - is this really how everyone would react if they were in the same situation?

oh come on no one would really hurt her ... i think. and besides i was the one being nice and appolagising she wanted me arrested!
i dont even think i was tresspasing because it was literaly a clump of grass next to the road, the guy had a big hedge aroung his land and i was careful not to disturb that, what makes me laugh is it wasnt even her house or her neighbers it was like over the road and down about 4-5 houses!

I that case the land is more than likely owned by The Highways Agency, i think they have the first foot or two off the kerbside. So tell her to take a run and jump.
This may be a little towards the dark side so if you try it, it isn't on my recommendation but...

my dear old dad, long time gone had a nice way of dealing with jobsworths which might work here.

He'd stand politely and courteously whilst he was being assailed verbally. He'd sometimes make small nodding gestures. When the jobsworth stopped to draw breath, he'd lean forward, and in a slightly incredulous manner he'd deliver his line:

"Do you know who I am?"

Not a word of untruth or of exaggeration utterred, but it always worked.
Next time tell her you're a reporter for the Daily Mail, following up on a story about some woman that has been verbally harassing people in the area and ask her if she knows who they are :LOL:
It is scary just how much violence has been suggested here - is this really how everyone would react if they were in the same situation?

well if my hands where starting to freeze and I just wanted to get the shot and go get warm again I would sertanly tell her to STFU and take her picture and then hang about and freeze my balls off just to **** her off all the more!
Next time tell her you're a reporter for the Daily Mail, following up on a story about some woman that has been verbally harassing people in the area and ask her if she knows who they are :LOL:

thats brillaint, i almost said its ok im working for the papers but i couldnt be bothered to string together a big lie lol i want to go back with a police officer and tell her what a idiot she is that she would waste the polices time on me lol
Maybe you should offer to take her out on a date,she might be lonely.:D:LOL::):woot::wacky:
i was on the corner of the street on the bit of grass that doesnt really belong to any one,i went to go and some women came out telling me im on private land and if she ever sees me again she will call the police!!!!!!

I'd be annoyed too if you went to go for a pee on my grass.
I had a woman ask me - quite rudely - not to park somewhere once when I was picking the kids up from school just because if people saw me parking there then everyone else would. needless to say that for the next 3 years that became my preferred parking space.