Violet's "Word Association" 365

Martha (nickname is Violet)
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Okay, big big challenge for me, seeing as I'm just learning! Sometimes though I need a good challenge. I'm up to day 4 at the moment, I started on my birthday (2nd sept)

Not only am I going to do a photo a day, I have chosen to try do it on a theme of sorts. I am going with "Word Association". basically each day's photo has to illustate something that is associated or related to the previous day. As I started on my birthday, I went with "Cake" as my first word.


(I edited the BG, I can't see the edit on my monitor, but can on the mini laptop also in the house, don't know if the laptop is a bit funny, or if It's my monitor?)

Next I went with "Candle"

Then "Christening"

And today, "Church"...which I'm not sure on. I had originally blown the sky out, so I replaced it. Don't know if I did an awfully good job? Looks also like I may have accidentally made it HDR? (if you CAN accidentally do it that is!)

I'd love C&C as well as lots of support. As I say, I am being very ambitous at my level of photography!

thank you!

Vi x
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Hi Violet, interesting idea, a themed 365, hope that does not make it too challenging, but give it a shot :)

Some interesting shots to start with. I normally hate shots with replaced sky, but reckon you've done a pretty good job with that one. Candle is nice and simple, but could do with a touch more contrast I reckon.

Anyway good luck!!!
Thanks! :)


I wanted the bible lined up with a load of other religious type books, but we don't have any. So I went with "find the most contrasting set of books you can!". Don't know if it works though.

Vi x
Interesting idea, sort of like the 52 with the theme every week, but a lot harder!! I'll be following you, hope you can stick at it. (y)

I'm relatively new to photography as well (just over a year and 4 months with a DSLR) and only noticed the other day how much I feel I have improved through the course of my 365.

Good luck!!

Today's shot could maybe do with a greater DOF, to maybe read clearly the other books? :thinking:

EDIT: Just noticed, you live in my father's home town. :)
Interesting idea, sort of like the 52 with the theme every week, but a lot harder!! I'll be following you, hope you can stick at it.

I'm relatively new to photography as well (just over a year and 4 months with a DSLR) and only noticed the other day how much I feel I have improved through the course of my 365.

Good luck!!

Today's shot could maybe do with a greater DOF, to maybe read clearly the other books?

EDIT: Just noticed, you live in my father's home town.

Thanks JDholic... that's the plan, hoping i'll be able to come up with some good ideas through this, surprise myself, and better myself!

I went for a really shallow DOF so you almost couldn't read what the other books were, they were so random! I do have ones that had a greater DOF but it sorta made it look a little off subject?

And thanks Lisa :) just hope this lady can keep at it! :D

Vi x
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Also it's a self portrait. I'm quite the Doctor Who fan, so had to use one of the books :D Went for reading rather than for books because I couldn't think of a different way of setting up "books", as I'd used the set up I could have used for the bible pic!
Light was a bit mad outside, but I think this one turned out okay?

Vi x
thanks :D

after failing to find a decent bookbark to take a phot of, and thinking about tomorrow, couldn't think of anything to associate with bookmark even if I did find one...went with English!

Vi x
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yesterday's and today's are probably the wrong way around, but hopefully you can see where they came from!

yesterday's (which is delayed because my memory card was playing up yesterday! I got rather fustrated with it!!!)

And today's...

think something was wrong with the white balence, but every time I alter it, it makes it look worse. Dont think it helps that the only BG I had that was any good was grey.

Vi x
OOOOHHHHHH!, another 365 for me to keep up with (y)

The stand out shot so far for me is the Christening shot, and i also like the low angled SP shot (y)

The word association theme sounds like a major challenge - and i though my 'daughter' themed 365 was tough!!


Thanks's turning out to be...more because the words I chose leave so little to the imagination. Considering dropping the theme thing (not the 365) , I'm not sure, I may regret doing it if I don't carry on.

here are the last 3 days...up to date for today.




Vi x

and todays..... idea being that you love first class if your there, but hate it with envy when your not!? Is that a bit vague? hmmmm...

Vi x
Thanks Dave :)

okay, today was really difficult, came up with this just an hour ago or so. And even then it'll a little bit cheating.
the connection is that paddington bear is well known for marmalade, but he's also recently done the marmite add....and unfortunatly I don't have a paddington bear toy!


Vi x
I did have ones with them fully in, but thought the tight crop worked best on this occasion...quite like this shot, even though i hate oranges!! YUK!!


Vi x
I'm really struggling now, it's coming up with the ideas that will follow on in my theme. It'll be a miricle if I can keep going with the theme, but Miricles have been known to happen!! (now if never with any luck)

I'm starting to wander what word I am eventually going to end on....the mind boggles at how many I have left :O

anyway, after Orange I went with Blue. It is opposite orange in the colour wheel! And so is supposed to be the complimentary colour?

From Blue I went to being that there is the type of music called the blues, and theres a boy band called blue! so that was quite good that there were two links...

and today, after much thought I went with Notes. Took ages to decide because I'm trying to think in a little bit of advance so that I don't get stuck! And have decided what to do tomorrow with it, so went with it :)

Theres my updates!

Vi x
Thanks for keeping up with me guys (and girls?)!

not happy with this one.... it's boring, I couldn't come up with anything interesting.

and today's isn't too bad, bit OTT maybe.

Vi x
this is pants by everyone else's standards, but was my first go, and I don't have macro lens, which would have helped heaps i think!! Taken at ISO 400 with on board flash at 1/200th (at least I think, thats all from memory!)


was the only shot i got out of 44 that was in focus and in kinda the right position, though I'm very happy considering everything :D

Vi x
got a chance to be a little more myself today, chose to do "wet"


Socks (in pic!) didn't much like the water, and didn't give me much chance to have my hands free, and I didn't want to get the cam wet at the same time!! Lighting isn't perfect (just had a flash gun on the cam, but had the cam in portrait, so was just to one side of him), and nor is the focus, had to use Auto because I didn't have both hands free (and dry!!!), so eyes aren't in focus, but I don't think it matter in the result personally.

alltogether, quite rushed, but more my subject!!

Vi x
was really struggling with this one, not happy with what i got, this was the best pic, and i made a mess of the top of the subject, the best one didn't actually load from the cam properly, and I couldn't rescue it :(

another rushed one, just a pic of a card that i'd written this on in glue and put some glitter on.

though today's I am more happy with, came out quite sharp, although i hate that it's a really big crop of the original, which means the pic is actually relativly small in full size. But I've been wanting to fit the "selective colouring" in somewhere!

Vi x
thanks :)

My best friend in this one from yesterday.

Well, another not perfect one really, but another close me my heart. "Family".....not so obvious to most people, but they are mum and 4 daughters. Mum is in the middle (Pansy) and is my fave (of 80 I have, so she's spesh!!). All the girls were well behaved, but i'm knackered after doing it!! they're very big girls now!

I couldn't tweek the colour to the right place, they happen to be one of those colurs that's almost impossible to judge.


Vi x
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Love the last one, you have 80 of them :eek: How did you get them to stay still?

I didn't have to get them to stay still, simple as that, they're very good girls, get held a lot, my pet showing crew. I breed guinea pigs and mice so yes, i have quiiiite a few of them :)

Love your Marmite shot. Really pops!!

thanks :)

Vi x
today's is another vague one, but i suppose a family is a journey, and to make a journey sometimes you use a best go at Light Trails, and had a fantastic sky on hand, no colour editing done on this one, it really was red.


would have liked more on the red hand side, but I can't control the traffic, and I took enough shots!!

Vi x
30th post for the 30th day!!! I'm very pleased I've come this far, I invisioned stopping sooner than this hehe!!


Vi x
yesterday's for me...
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ive really enjoyed looking at this, i really hope you carry this theme on its very cool!!! it make me want to do a similar one!! :D great work, particularly love the christening and the light trails pics, keep it going, cant wait to see the future ones :D
Thanks Alladin :D


and today's

Vi x

and maybe you can see the connection? hehe

Vi x
I'm cheating really using another cake, but they're just so yummy, and who WOULDN'T eat this... oooooh <3


Vi x
probably a bit rubbish.... Mum didn't think it was very nice, was starting to go off.
