weekly Viv1969's Try at 52....The Sequel....2016 Week 50, 51 & 52.... And finished

Super fun idea Ruth, very creative, certainly a unique choice for the theme.

++ awww that poor rabbit, he definitely looks forsaken, perfect choice in the b&w.

Aw! Poor bunny wabbit - does look Forgotten ... more so because of the b&w treatment which suits emotion.

Thanks both
All I can see since I posted the bunny is "Gawd I need to clean that skirting board". :)

Eggcellent idea for the Pair shot. :coat:

Thanks Stan.
Now, for the pun, there's the naughty step ---} ...you know what to do. :D
Hmmm re-shoot look like a sad rabbt to me, ( no eyes that is :D)
Love the 'pair' shot and the poor sad bunny certainly looks forgotten.
Hi Ruth,
Ancient - A shame it's been chopped down, but certainly on theme. As Carl says, the positioning works well.
Urban - What could be more urban than that (other than trolleys in rivers maybe).
Pair - Ah Bless, They do look egstremely happy.
Re-shoot - Makes me sad :( Lost toys = crying children.
Love the 'pair' shot and the poor sad bunny certainly looks forgotten.

Many thanks for looking.
The secretis that the bunny is anything but forgotten.

Ahh...and I always cry at a wedding - colourful, brilliantly set up and fun as all your egg shots are :)
Poor rabbit seems to have forgotten most of his facial features too...

Thanks Em.
They're off on their honeymoon now. :)
Bunny's eyes are, sadly, long gone.

Hi Ruth,
Ancient - A shame it's been chopped down, but certainly on theme. As Carl says, the positioning works well.
Urban - What could be more urban than that (other than trolleys in rivers maybe).
Pair - Ah Bless, They do look egstremely happy.
Re-shoot - Makes me sad :( Lost toys = crying children.

Thanks for the catch up Tim. Much appreciated.
Just to assure everyone that the bunny was bought for me when I was born, so we both celebrated our 47th birthday yesterday.
The bunny has a hangover because he can't see when I spike his drink! ;)
I'd prefer a black BG, but nice detail and made me smile :)


Thanks Andy.
I tried the BG black too, but they didn't want a Gothic wedding. :D
Its OK they are free, I'm giving them away just for the crack :D
Just make sure you don't poach anyone else's material! :D
Sorry Ruth not commented for a while

Black and White : I love the piano keys shot love the reflections of the light.

Ancient: Lovely details and texture works perfectly for the theme for me.

Urban: Great take on the theme I like the repeating patterns of the trolleys

Pair: Brilliant love it

Forgotten Re-shoot: Lovely mood to this
Adding images for BIG and AFTER



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Hi Ruth. What a beautiful beach - where is it? Great looking sky and the reflections of it on that water are super. A tad naughty with the dessert were we?; like the minimalistic compo and the white on white.
Carl, thank you.
It's a place called Tywin in west Wales.
Hi Ruth

Lovely image for BIG the pov really makes the sky and beech look big love the reflections in the sea.

After now thats made me want some cake! Lovely details I really like the composition
That is a very pretty big sky - love the reflections.
Nice clean image (and clean plate - must have been a good pudding!) for after, too. The image looks very slightly soft - could that be diffraction? I saw you shot it at f/22 - I'm always looking out for that in my shots, especially doing across where I shoot more at small apertures.
Hi Ruth

Lovely image for BIG the pov really makes the sky and beech look big love the reflections in the sea.

After now thats made me want some cake! Lovely details I really like the composition

Thanks Mark. :)
The desire for cake was indulged, I trust!

That is a very pretty big sky - love the reflections.
Nice clean image (and clean plate - must have been a good pudding!) for after, too. The image looks very slightly soft - could that be diffraction? I saw you shot it at f/22 - I'm always looking out for that in my shots, especially doing across where I shoot more at small apertures.

Thanks Em.
You're right...I completely fudged up the settings!
That'll teach me to check. :)
Hi Ruth,
The beach is certainly on the large side. Quite featureless so I'm glad there are some reflections of the sky to add interest.
After - Going for a high key shot? The line (edge?) behind the plate is a bit distracting. Maybe clone it out?
Hi Ruth,
The beach is certainly on the large side. Quite featureless so I'm glad there are some reflections of the sky to add interest.
After - Going for a high key shot? The line (edge?) behind the plate is a bit distracting. Maybe clone it out?

The sheer empty space of the beach is what I was going for, and without the line between the background and the bottom, the plate appears to float.
Text book high key wasn't the aim.
I love your beach picture for big. The clouds, the reflection of the cloudy sky on the water and the waves combined with the PoV works very well.

I like your photo for after too, very high key, but I agree with Emma that it looks a bit soft.
I love your beach picture for big. The clouds, the reflection of the cloudy sky on the water and the waves combined with the PoV works very well.

I like your photo for after too, very high key, but I agree with Emma that it looks a bit soft.

Thanks Bernd.
You and Em are correct about the softness of 2.

Big sky and beach, nicely done. After is a nice clean shot. Was it tasty?

Thanks for commenting, Clive.
I'd love to say the cake was to die for, but it was merely "OK". :(
Week 41 - ALIEN

Ooo I want one :)
Doesn't come much more "Alien" than that Ruth (y)
Very nicely done Ruth.

Nieley lit and great processing I don't usually go for wide boarders but on this image it works.
Oh, THE alien from the films! Nicely lit and processed, and very sharp. If I had to nit pick I'd prefer not quite such a tight crop on the bottom. But I don't have to :D
Ooo I want one :)
Doesn't come much more "Alien" than that Ruth (y)

Thanks Chris. :)
I built and painted this myself 23 years ago!
I've got a few others.

Very nicely done Ruth.

Nieley lit and great processing I don't usually go for wide boarders but on this image it works.

I don't usually post my 52's with borders, but this seemed to just work.
Thanks for commenting. :)

Oh, THE alien from the films! Nicely lit and processed, and very sharp. If I had to nit pick I'd prefer not quite such a tight crop on the bottom. But I don't have to :D

Thanks Bernd.
I'd have liked a less tight bottom edge too, but the plinth upon which the alien stands is really ugly, and my cloning skills are ropey at best :LOL:
(By the way, this particular alien is from the third movie, and is the creature born of the prisoner's dog). :)
You evidently know your Alien films Viv, I would have no idea which Alien was in which.
Good shot and spot on theme.

Thanks for your comment, Tim.
Yes, sadly I'm a bit of an anorak when it comes to the "Alien" franchise. :)