WCMUT....what cheered me up today

Wcmut also, how the breeze and sunshine helped dry the washing. First time since 17 years , I think, I've done the laundry. It like riding a bike you never forget. Nice.
Holy pooh! Even I've done laundry more often than that! Doodoo, I've washed up a few times as well.
WCMUT? Finally visiting a pub that we've been "getting around to" for many years and finding it didn't just meet expectations. Food, service, ambiance and surroundings all first class.

The fact that we took my parents there for Dad's 80th Birthday made it even more satisfying.
Jeeze you have been spoilt :p
Not really, I go out to work. And I do offer to do it :)

Holy pooh! Even I've done laundry more often than that! Doodoo, I've washed up a few times as well.

I find the washing up more of a pain, especially emptying the dishwasher. And the fact that the Pizza plates and stones can't go in there, nor the BBQ griddle and utensils. I don't know why, I've never liked washing up.
Being just the 2 of us, a dishwasher would be overkill. Besides, our kitchen's tiny so there's no space for one. I'm happy to wash up once a day but Mrs Nod doesn't let it build up to a decent amount so I allow her to do it her way! ;)
When my wife and I first got together she would wash, dry, and put back a perfectly clean glass before I could turn around from the fridge to fill it after I got it from the cupboard. I've shown her the way to relax and have a good time instead :)
Being just the 2 of us, a dishwasher would be overkill.
Even when there was 4 of us, I never saw the point of one.
By the time you have rinsed / loaded and un loaded the dishwasher
one of us could wash, the other would dry and put away, far quicker than we'd seen any of our friends do it with a dish washer !
Had great fun spending the day with my daughter Amie :)

I swear I first read her name there as Arnie.....ans I thought "will she be back?"

I know....I'm getting my coat.
Nice little hors-d'oeuvre (y)

What's the main course going to be?
That is my main course :) got to loose weight. Besides I had a Chicken Madras for lunch time :p
Took them out of the freezer and left them on the side for 30 minutes, just out of the dog's reach! ;)
Looks awesome, how did you cook the prawns?
Bit of olive oil in the wok. Three gloves of garlic crushed, some chillies chopped up. And quickly fry :)

And yes the dog was begging, but didn't get anything.

Apparently, a few mashed prawns will get a pill down a cat's throat, almost without fail. Unless it's our cat, in which case she turns into a dog and woofs the prawns and (crushed) pill back up again!
I haven't tried prawns with our Lab, but he loves Tuna.
Lovely! Haven't done that with prawns for a long time. Guess what's going on my shopping list this week. D
It is super nutritious meal and cheaper than a ready meal or takeaway, sorted in less than five minutes. Oh and get some French stick, soaking up the juices with garlic and chilli is one of the best bits :)
With a touch of ginger?

Not for me, thank you! A few chilli flakes, a clove of garlic and a dab of butter to finish it off for me. Even I can handle a little greenery on the plate. I've even been known to eat some of it!

WCMUT was a good long sleep followed by a bit of a lie in.
Olive oil?!?! In a wok?! Cripes. However it looks like it worked.
Why is that? I use it all the time. Or if I am doing Indonesian and Chinese stuff I use special wok oil by Conimex.
With a touch of ginger?
I'm not that keen on ginger, but yes love experimenting. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
You only need a little, it really enhances the flavour.
You've convinced me. I will try it out in the weekend. I'm always up for something new.
Why is that? I use it all the time. Or if I am doing Indonesian and Chinese stuff I use special wok oil by Conimex.
I always thought it was because it had a low smoking point and would burn in the wok, spoiling the taste. However a quick google :

There are three grades of olive oil: extra-virgin, virgin and olive oil (this last grade is also called pure olive oil). For stir-frying, it's best to stick with pure olive oil, and stay away from the extra-virgin and virgin grades. Standard olive oil goes through a more rigorous refining process than extra-virgin and virgin olive oils. This gives it a higher smoking point, meaning that it can take the high heat needed for stir-frying.

I've always used groundnut oil in a wok.
Olive oil?!?! In a wok?! Cripes. However it looks like it worked.
I always use Olive oil in a wok, it has a higher burn point than most other oils.

Edit, that'll teach me to read to the end before replying :D
I always thought it was because it had a low smoking point and would burn in the wok, spoiling the taste. However a quick google :

There are three grades of olive oil: extra-virgin, virgin and olive oil (this last grade is also called pure olive oil). For stir-frying, it's best to stick with pure olive oil, and stay away from the extra-virgin and virgin grades. Standard olive oil goes through a more rigorous refining process than extra-virgin and virgin olive oils. This gives it a higher smoking point, meaning that it can take the high heat needed for stir-frying.

I've always used groundnut oil in a wok.
Maybe it is different as I use a proper gas wok burner with a round bottom catering wok that has been well seasoned and I can regulate the temperature instantly. But yes I do use extra virgin olive oil. Perhaps the difference between theory and practise. However I'm always willing to try and will buy some standard olive oil to try that.
I wouldn't bother, JP. IMO the joy of olive oil is the extra virginity - the flavour of it in lower temperature cooking and even on s@!@d. By the time you've added a load of garlic, ginger etc. to a stir fry, the peppery flavour that EVOO gives is lost or at least hidden. Nothing stopping you using a drizzle of the good stuff over the almost finished dish as almost a condiment should you so wish.
Cheers, I wasn't thinking as full time replacement but more in addition to the selection of oils :)
Oh, and another thing CMUT - seeing a plane go over this morning and knowing that in 14 days, we'll be on it!
Wcmut that VW are repairing under warranty. Although I can't help but feel the dealer milking it. It is turning into five day repair with the poor engine and ecu and radar system being dismantled. I hate to think what the labour bill will be if I had to pay it. :eek:
WCMUT is a big surprise as I opted for an early upgrade to a 64gb iphone 6 plus!! Always been a big android fan and then switched to windows but always fancied a bite of the apple and have to say so far not disappointed at all! Maybe I will be in months to come but for now I am a happy bunny and love the phone so my relatively new lg g3 will be up for sale!
60!!! :rofl: