WCMUT....what cheered me up today

It made me chuckle more than cheer me up, but I guess its the same thing.

Early hours of the morning, 3 cars travelling in convey, at about the national speed limit for a single carriageway,
and keeping a respectful distance between each other.

Out of nowhere comes a Mini Cooper, blasts past the two tail enders, me and a Vauxhall,
and sits up the arse of the lead ( white) van for the next 3 miles or so.
The road then straightens out, as it approaches a 30Mph limit,
The "Cooper" blasts past the white van, into the face of, probably the only other car we'd seen for miles.

From my tail end Charlie position, even I could see the words "Police" written on the van, surely he could too,
being right up his arse and all.

He was surprised why? when the blue lights came on :D
Finding a DVD ripping programme that's simple to use and actually works! Freemake. Just make sure you go for the custom installations and deselect all the little added extras they try to burden you with...
A good pub lunch followed by spending some of the day at Rutland water watching birds bobbing up and down.
Wcmut just done a quote for a multi car insurance. Wow. Insurance both my cars, including the one that was sorn, is cheaper than the renewal of my single main car. Happy days and that is the first quote. Can I be bothered searching for more quotes or shall I have a beer and celebrate?
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Just make sure you go for the custom installations and deselect all the little added extras they try to burden you with...

Like legalities? ;)
Just discovered that! They'll never take me alive!!!
A silly little thing really, but the development engine I have been testing at work since January clocked up 2000hrs (approximate equivalent of 120,000miles) this morning, normally the engines are replaced at 1000hrs but as nothing has broke and it's been producing good data, they allowed it to keep testing. The 2000th hour should have been clocked up at around 11:30 last night when it was running unmanned, but one of the computers shut down at 11:00 last night, meaning I got to witness the 2000th hour after restarting the engine and the test.
Like I said only a silly little thing. :)
Ah man, see that is what I have against ford. They don't go fast enough. 60mph seriously? That is for old people :p
Ah man, see that is what I have against ford. They don't go fast enough. 60mph seriously? That is for old people :p
It's only an average :). Some of that running has been at 800rpm and minimal load, some of it has been at 6500rpm and full load, screaming it's nuts off with turbo and exhaust glowing bright red. Mind you I've known many old people pull away from standstill bouncing off the rev limiter, anyone would think they were piloting a plane preparing for take off. :)
Wcmut that there was nothing upstairs. Just too quiet in the house ;)
Just had a brand new combi boiler fitted but the best thing about it is the pre-heat system. Instant hot water into the washing up bowl instead of waiting five minutes for it to slowly warm up before giving up and just wash things in cold water. However, after twenty years of that, I have to remember that the water will now be scalding hot before sticking my hands straight into it without thinking.
Actually, has anyone heard from him yet today? :eek:
I've been hard at work :) Still haven't been in those two rooms but as the hound isn't barking it should be ok...
Picked my new car up today. Seems ok, will probably take me months to work out how it all works,especially the HFT phone system.
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My green garden waste bin, that went AWOL yesterday, no one saw or heard anything, so I was waiting for a ransom note to drop through the door,
when I home today it was in its usual place, and NO ransom note :)
My green garden waste bin, that went AWOL yesterday, no one saw or heard anything, so I was waiting for a ransom note to drop through the door,
when I home today it was in its usual place, and NO ransom note :)
Careful, it may have returned from a dimension of pure evil.

Or maybe that was the plot to Event Horizon.
Jeeeeez...................That is possibly one of your worst efforts Chris.
Tis OK Ade, I've not given up the day job, Wheelie I haven't :D
Honda accord, top spec exec jobby. Think I have to delete existing phones first, I hate doing stuff like this, no patience for it.
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My green garden waste bin, that went AWOL yesterday, no one saw or heard anything, so I was waiting for a ransom note to drop through the door,
when I home today it was in its usual place, and NO ransom note :)

Have you sold the movie rights yet? ;)
Honda accord, top spec exec jobby. Think I have to delete existing phones first, I hate doing stuff like this, no patience for it.

Ooo my colleage got one in May.
Very nice indeed :)
Gave the shoulders a good blast in the gym today. Then weighed myself which I hadn't done for about 3 weeks, 3 weeks ago I'd lost 1.5Kg (which I wasn't happy about) so I adjusted my workout routines and managed to go heavier on quite a few exercises, result is I'm now 2.5Kg heavier at 95.6Kg and my belt needs another hole as it is too big. Result. :)