What a ***** day

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Got home tonight to find the flat where I am staying had been burgled! Had to move to London recently due to work (redundancies) So staying with a friend. Brought my camera gear down with me as I wanted to take lots of photos, and the little *****s have stolen the lot.

To make matters worse I'm off on holiday in three weeks to Oz and I've bought two new lens ready to take with me recently!

Not going to have the cash to replace it before I go! gutted.

Morale of the story make sure your gear is insured, as mine wasn't as I hadn't arranged insurance yet due to just moving here!
that is really ***** i would be like you and really pee'd off i wouldnt know where to start, though alot of burgles happen in flats specifically suppose this is down to other people getting in by using the number code. very sorry to here it though!
thats awful :( any form of burglary is bad but potentially thousands of pounds of gear must be...yeh... :bang::bang::bang::crying::crying::crying:
When you're down, the last thing you need is a kick in the nuts.

I don't suppose you bought those new lenses with a credit card did you? If so, and if it was in the last 100 days then they're covered.

Also, would you class your stay as temporary? Have you current insurance at the previous address? If so it may be covered under a "temporary accomodation" clause.
Sorry to hear that mate, a suggestion, although it would not be great but possibly hire lenses and a body, you dont want to miss the photos...saw a couple of Peter Lik galleries and the shooting looks awesome...

Good luck

Unfortunately I bought the lens second hand, the 17-40 F4L off here, and a 70-200 F4L off ebay! Both bought with the holiday in mind! gutted. The ***** even stole my redsnapper tripod, and my camera bag! Hoping I can get something from my home insurance but doubt it! need to phone them tomorrow!

Might pick up a G9 / G10 before I go, so I can at least get a few pics. but it's not the same is it..
Oh sh** really sorry to hear I had it happen to me, although it was years ago so ive got over it now pentax K1000 SLR film, and the 400mm lens I bought days before for £600, never to be seen again, I had no insurance, :(
Def. try your home insurance, you've *all to loose! Been done myself years ago so I know how it feels :(
Hoping I can get something from my home insurance but doubt it! need to phone them tomorrow!

Before you call your insurer, check your policy book. There should be a "temporary accomodation" cover under any standard contents policy. This should cover any contents you have when staying away from home but there are restrictions, usually the items have to be stolen form a locked room to be covered. There will also be a limit to the level of cover and only your stuff will be covered.

My gut feeling is that if you have insurance at your regular home then you should be covered. Check your policy, see how it might cover you and then the onus is on the Insurer to prove otherwise. When you call, tell them that you want to claim under the "Temporary Accomodation" cover (or whatever it's called. Fingers crossed for you, and let us know how you get on. If you want any more advice, feel free to PM me, I work for both insurance companies and loss adjusters in my day.
thanks for the sympathy, girlfriend doesn't seem to understand the loss of a camera, suppose she just sees it as a object as opposed to something you have built up a relationship with! Sounds sad, but i'm sure you guys understand!
Check with your mate if the flat has content insurance, if it has, then you are covered.
thanks northernnikon, that's really kind for you to go to the effort to write all of that! I'll have a look in the morning, and give them a ring! Maybe there is a ray of light. Thanks again!
Check with your mate if the flat has content insurance, if it has, then you are covered.

Not so. The flat owner/tenant's stuff will be covered but any 'guest' more then likely won't be. Futhermore, if the OP was staying for any length of time and paying 'rent', then this may invalidate the insurance altogether. For someone to be covered under a pocily they usually have to be family or actually named on the policy.
thanks northernnikon, that's really kind for you to go to the effort to write all of that! I'll have a look in the morning, and give them a ring! Maybe there is a ray of light. Thanks again!

It's no trouble at all. I've spoken to so many people who suffered the same fate as you that I know exactly what it's like. I'm away for the weekend, but I'll have my BlackBerry with me, so if you want any help PM an email address and I can pick it up on that.

I do hope that you're covered, but if you are I doubt that you'll get a settlement before you leave for your holiday I'm afraid.
Thanks that is really kind, if I know i'm getting a payout, I can buy it all with savings now and pay it back later. Just cant justify the outlay at the moment with the economic climate and the relocation costs :(

But a sincere thanks, good to know there are decent people still out there!
Thanks that is really kind, if I know i'm getting a payout, I can buy it all with savings now and pay it back later. Just cant justify the outlay at the moment with the economic climate and the relocation costs :(

Before you start spending, be aware that your insurer will more than likely have a preferred supplier who will give them discounted rates. You could buy kit yourself and show them the reciepts, but they will only reimburse you the amount they would have to pay to buy the goods, not what you paid.

If I were you, let them supply the kit for you. Do you know anyone you could borrow a camera from? Or maybe buy one off the boards here and then post it for sale again when you get back?
good point! I wont do anything until I speak to them tomorrow, but I like the idea of buying and re-selling. May be a possibility even if i'm not covered. Canon 5d mkII seem to hold there value well :) /thanks again and I'll up date when I know something!
Not so. The flat owner/tenant's stuff will be covered but any 'guest' more then likely won't be. Futhermore, if the OP was staying for any length of time and paying 'rent', then this may invalidate the insurance altogether. For someone to be covered under a pocily they usually have to be family or actually named on the policy.

My mistake.
My house insurance covers my guests stuff though.

Had a chat with the missus (who is in charge of this house stuff) You are right, it only covers family staying for short periods of time (like Xmass and such).
I had wrongly assumed it would cover any guest... my bad